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About Lavion

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  1. And yet, he is still not banned?
  2. Good day, is there a live server / test server to have a look around ?
  3. I don't think theres anything wrong if you just download clean Interlude client. But have you tried running installer as administrator? Maybe some files are corrupt. Try updating drivers just in case.
  4. Good day everyone, As a hobby, I'm trying to make a project for myself and some friends to enjoy and experience. I am not planning to sell/launch a server. If I succeed, I will share my progress and project here for free. But I have a question: which chronicle and build do you recommend to use, as I start to dive in L2j i saw L2jMobius, aCis, Lucera, etc.. I would love to hear your thoughts on which build and chronicle I should work on. I will work only on custom quests/storyline/npc dialogues/npc placement/monster placement and drops - no map/geodata changes Which build / chronicle provide most stable, less buggy client, easier filesystem. Maybe some of the provided build are online servers with live players? Will buy provided client. Thanks you!
  5. Wow, so much info to learn from, good work!
  6. Very fast and patient seller, much appreciated! Trusted and helpful 120%
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