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Everything posted by sobota

  1. if ure server have dusk shield, take on it. Shield give u health,focus,haste. U Dont see it at stats but if u open window poassiv skills u can see special Abilities. : ) enjoy
  2. many servers Use c6, but the best vesriosn is c3/4 I think. All blows 100% ;d
  3. WL/Destro +pole and go to CATS or Dino Island
  4. i think best is Necro, bcs i have many problems to kill him. SUmmon + Nuker :O
  5. only 1 love <3 Dragon Network
  6. I preffere Daggers bcs he have many blows, and mage don;t have chance with him.
  7. its work, to have lag run uploading any file and then try.
  8. this is working only on L2j and IL, I check it.
  9. i can`t run it. It`s work on all version l2 ?
  10. it doesn't work, fixe it. :O virus?
  11. no1 can't help me ?
  12. Hi. I have one problem with l2w on this serv l2reign.com The problem is that, when I run l2asrv next walekr IG i can move use skill and etc. but i get freez. I can move only 10-30 sek and then character stop. It's look like DC but i dont have DC , no window. Meaby server have good protection. What program I can use to remove freezes. ? if i make post in wrong place move it. be safe.
  13. i will try it, but i thing this is doesn't work
  14. why don;t work ?
  15. oh i will serch it , Ty
  16. in tray system u have icon, just click on it and Launch L2 : )
  17. yeap it's work, but dont work on all servers
  18. it's work on l2j server yeap?
  19. MJ Heavy or IC , Mj have resist for Stun so this armor is good to PvP. To PvE tallum + atak speed. It is my mind
  20. My Best server is only one , only Dragon-Network (nm)
  21. Hi Everyone , GL & HF
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