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About cruz80

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  1. any updated version of this UI, i like it alot
  2. Added, please accept. thanks
  3. Hello Amenadiel, since you know a lot of good guys/people, i have a question. is there a way to contact you?
  4. interested, please pm me.
  5. Hello, when i use your Interface.u and Interface.xdat file, the questionmark will show up, also the frame to pick class change. But locking the combatlog/window wont work anymore, and is not aligned when you lock. Also the Health bar top left cant be expanded anymore.
  6. Hello, how to open the club menu? sometimes i close the buffwindow at events, but cant get it back. at the standard ui there was a small yellow questionmark icon on the left side which openened the buffer in events. but with this UI there is no questionmark-icon. hope someone can help, love using this UI, its so clean and useful. thanks in advance!
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