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About am999

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  1. it shouldn't be 100% off like. but getting close to what retail is, is it possible ? some packs have really clean balance and not ooga booga debuff rates and classes dmg and so on.
  2. is it possible tho to do such thing?
  3. the point is, i want the l2off classes balance in java l2off is so limited to the point that is boring to play it in 2023.
  4. Hello everyone, I'm looking for a developer to make (damage/resists/debuffs/effects/force-skills) formula/calculations like l2OFF. As you know every files pack differ than other in balance, and not retail-like. i'm using l2jeternity. For anyone interested, Please send message here or PM me with your discord or skype.
  5. thank you. it worked
  6. yea is there a solution for this thing? like merging both icons ?
  7. I didn't understand it. this soft didn't work with me. always gave me "files are corrupted" when opening the game. maybe i did smth wrong. i even tried. open texture browser. then file > open my icon.utx > save as icon.utx. just openning the same file i use then saving it. and it gave me error. what i want is merge this two files if u can help me. 1- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FF3Tc_Qb6ZHfPwR5WFC-Yd3Aqev-Z7kh/view?usp=sharing 2- https://drive.google.com/file/d/18fvwX7yDNtPYMRTu6xo9unMy2oiM5RBk/view?usp=sharing --- adding the new icons from 2 to 1. the file number 2 from interlude i think that's why it's .u not .utx
  8. Hi, I wanted to merge 2 icon.utx from 2 different clients. so i exported both of them using umodel. then i replaced icons i wanted. the problem here i don't know how import them to icon.utx again.
  9. up up up
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