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iziadena last won the day on March 19 2017

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  1. in same days ppl-my clients botting with same program at l2era, just Ioane didnt fixed all day his pc, Yes i made mistake to dont ask him about windows version but after i told him fix your windows to 7 and you will have bot, but he lost all day to fix it and after l2era admins made fix for this version of adrenaline, i told Ioane send me my last 6eu and i will buy key+A.dll for you but he start to flame me and tell me i am scammer.... proofs how in same days other ppl botting at l2era [2.7.2017 г. 08:39:25] Mirek: hello [2.7.2017 г. 08:47:38] Mirek: tell me if u will be here [2.7.2017 г. 09:15:01] Nikita Karolek: Morning [2.7.2017 г. 09:15:08] Mirek: morning [2.7.2017 г. 09:15:15] Mirek: im ready [2.7.2017 г. 09:15:21] Nikita Karolek: I go for training [2.7.2017 г. 09:15:29] Nikita Karolek: In 1h i am at pc [2.7.2017 г. 09:15:31] Nikita Karolek: Ok? [2.7.2017 г. 09:15:35] Mirek: nooo :D [2.7.2017 г. 09:15:40] Mirek: i need to sleep after work [2.7.2017 г. 09:15:45] Mirek: but ok i will wait [2.7.2017 г. 09:16:15] Nikita Karolek: I am sorry after training i am 14h at pc [2.7.2017 г. 09:16:30] Nikita Karolek: I have to run 30min now [2.7.2017 г. 09:16:58] Mirek: i was in gym allready and wait for you :D [2.7.2017 г. 09:17:10] Mirek: pm me when u will be [2.7.2017 г. 09:17:13] Mirek: here [2.7.2017 г. 09:17:32] Nikita Karolek: Ok one more guy w8 [2.7.2017 г. 09:17:43] Nikita Karolek: You will have bot soon [2.7.2017 г. 09:17:57] Nikita Karolek: You have paypal btw? [2.7.2017 г. 09:18:56] Mirek: yes [2.7.2017 г. 09:20:10] Nikita Karolek: Ok [2.7.2017 г. 10:14:34] Nikita Karolek: I am at pc [2.7.2017 г. 10:16:04] Mirek: ok i have one more question [2.7.2017 г. 10:16:17] Mirek: they will fix it or it will be work all time? [2.7.2017 г. 10:16:54] Nikita Karolek: as i know the way to log with this adrenaline is cant fix [2.7.2017 г. 10:17:02] Nikita Karolek: coz made by good man [2.7.2017 г. 10:17:16] Nikita Karolek: this other program is ghost for admins [2.7.2017 г. 10:17:18] Mirek: ok we can make deal [2.7.2017 г. 10:17:18] Nikita Karolek: just [2.7.2017 г. 10:17:25] Nikita Karolek: what windows you use ? [2.7.2017 г. 10:17:32] Mirek: windows 7 [2.7.2017 г. 10:17:36] Nikita Karolek: great [2.7.2017 г. 10:18:02] Mirek: how we make it? [2.7.2017 г. 10:18:05] Mirek: im ready [2.7.2017 г. 10:18:29] Nikita Karolek: like on adena sell [2.7.2017 г. 10:18:40] Mirek: ok send me paypal [2.7.2017 г. 10:18:49] Nikita Karolek: you send me money i send you all needed files [2.7.2017 г. 10:18:57] Nikita Karolek: edaliev1988@abv.bg [2.7.2017 г. 10:19:13] Nikita Karolek: you need adrenaline or other program ? [2.7.2017 г. 10:19:19] Mirek: adrenaline [2.7.2017 г. 10:19:23] Nikita Karolek: ok [2.7.2017 г. 10:19:29] Nikita Karolek: i recomend it more [2.7.2017 г. 10:19:32] Mirek: friends and family? [2.7.2017 г. 10:19:35] Nikita Karolek: yy [2.7.2017 г. 10:19:40] Nikita Karolek: 30 [2.7.2017 г. 10:19:42] Nikita Karolek: as we spoke [2.7.2017 г. 10:19:46] Mirek: y [2.7.2017 г. 10:20:37] Nikita Karolek: yes all is ok [2.7.2017 г. 10:20:51] Nikita Karolek: you have used [2.7.2017 г. 10:20:57] Nikita Karolek: adrenaline cracked version ? [2.7.2017 г. 10:21:14] Mirek: no [2.7.2017 г. 10:21:22] Nikita Karolek: ok i will teach you now [2.7.2017 г. 10:21:33] Nikita Karolek: take this [2.7.2017 г. 10:21:40] Nikita Karolek: and install teamwifer [2.7.2017 г. 10:22:03] Nikita Karolek: and download this system [2.7.2017 г. 10:22:03] Nikita Karolek: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2wJ2BHLNbVxcGtvbFRKTzVYUWc/view [2.7.2017 г. 10:22:58] Nikita Karolek: when you are rdy with all tell me [2.7.2017 г. 10:24:54] Mirek: 586 884 391 [2.7.2017 г. 10:24:57] Mirek: 8769 [2.7.2017 г. 10:26:22] Mirek: you can join [2.7.2017 г. 10:27:43] Nikita Karolek: system donwloaded ? [2.7.2017 г. 10:27:52] Mirek: all ready [2.7.2017 г. 10:28:30] Nikita Karolek: new system [2.7.2017 г. 10:28:37] Mirek: you delete it [2.7.2017 г. 10:29:13] Nikita Karolek: make your antivirus offline [2.7.2017 г. 10:29:28] Nikita Karolek: ok look now [2.7.2017 г. 10:30:35] Mirek: ok [2.7.2017 г. 10:30:38] Mirek: when you see [2.7.2017 г. 10:30:39] Mirek: xxxxxxxx [2.7.2017 г. 10:30:41] Mirek: so is ok [2.7.2017 г. 10:31:22] Nikita Karolek: enjoy now [2.7.2017 г. 10:31:26] Nikita Karolek: ;) [2.7.2017 г. 10:31:29] Mirek: lol [2.7.2017 г. 10:31:31] Mirek: thanks [2.7.2017 г. 10:31:35] Nikita Karolek: its easy [2.7.2017 г. 10:31:40] Nikita Karolek: becarefull [2.7.2017 г. 10:31:43] Nikita Karolek: with who you trade it [2.7.2017 г. 10:31:50] Mirek: i dont wanna trade it [2.7.2017 г. 10:31:59] Mirek: i wanna be best :D [2.7.2017 г. 10:32:03] Nikita Karolek: ok [2.7.2017 г. 10:32:10] Nikita Karolek: the magic here is system
  2. recomended server
  4. WTS 2 FREE BOT FOR L2ERA.COM fore more question use skype: iziadena
  5. bot work 100%
  6. how he will dominate man with fake online? :D the idea was very good yes, but as i sayd b4... stalone is still amateur :)
  7. The idea was not bad, just stalone still work like amateur...
  8. mouse got kicked and tales start fail :D tales is 3x per year and 2x cartel , ruby+azure, conflict blablabla :D not only clans getting help at tales/destiny, solo ppl get free items also (like carmelo 50K DP )
  9. tell me 1reason to like l2tales... (corruption started from stalone, hidden donation strated from l2tales, every month new server again from tales, clan feed's with DP, fake online... more and more ) ps. i dont advertise l2era or any other server here just i give my comment's...
  10. this is fake, l2dragon didnt had this white dress me armor...
  11. lets see how many ppl will pay 4eu. to play best failed server for last 2years...
  12. vesper sets ? :D no point to delete them :D
  13. is easy to delete all your given/sold items if they know what to do...
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