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Everything posted by piccolo

  1. daj znac jak bedzie otwarty server ...
  2. server doesn't forum and i cant say nothing about bugs ,becouse where? GM start thinking about it,no just $$$$$
  3. ye i hate it for exampe is off now :D l2kyoko =l2sense .... 100max online good balance oly doesn't work
  4. I cant connect with server....;/
  5. 7x up :D xD come down man :D
  6. I found the best proof,so STOP talking BULLSHIT!!! DTK is just a nOOb.As I said before DTK if u try to do something do it right...
  7. on the pictures i can see something is wrong i mean when he open backpack he has 80slots for items but on pvpworld we have 128....so it is second mistake:) if you're doing something next time do it right----> "DTK"
  8. nice:) i will join to ur server:)
  9. is bad server mag is OP/sps 2k cast speed and gm said is like retail 1/10 for mag crt. just 1 GM nobody else ,i leave this serwer becouse there is max 200ppl online with dualbox//GM dont want do nothing there NOTHING!
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=169040.0 who can help me to translate it? when i download it to my pc that brute is different...
  11. That you could use 3 years ago
  12. on this server is Op mage...
  13. hehehe nice I have to just try use it :D THX
  14. it is working thx man :) and hide it :D
  15. ooo some news ,so can u now update ur website?? add this post there
  16. ej man what is wrong with ur serwer still off and stupid info The server is under maintenance. ETA 2-3 Days. what u mean? probably 2-3 weeks??
  17. yeaa but it is old program I used it for c4 client ;d
  18. serwer failed "Our server hard disk crashed so we will need to buy a new one, and remake alot of things" so when.......I w8 for it about 2 weeks....
  19. i play there,this serwer is realy good :) so dont think just enjoy :D
  20. close topic serwer is close......
  21. what is wrong with "www"
  22. is old for interlude?? i need now for hellbound anyone can upload it??
  23. Your serwer is nice but i check ur donation system ...oooo is realy bullshit.Where is balance between new players and donators?
  24. 100% l2j not off :D change ur title....
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