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  1. package com.l2jfresh.gameserver.model.actor.instance; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import com.l2jfresh.gameserver.Announcements; import com.l2jfresh.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import com.l2jfresh.gameserver.model.actor.template.NpcTemplate; import com.l2jfresh.gameserver.network.clientpackets.Say2; import com.l2jfresh.gameserver.network.serverpackets.Dice; import com.l2jfresh.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ExShowScreenMessage; import com.l2jfresh.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import com.l2jfresh.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcSay; import com.l2jfresh.gameserver.util.Broadcast; import com.l2jfresh.util.Rnd; public class L2CasinoInstance extends L2Npc { //Item Id public static int _itemId; private String itemname= "None"; //Ammount Item public static int jackpot; public static int jackpot2; public L2CasinoInstance(int objectId, NpcTemplate template) { super(objectId, template); } @Override public boolean isAttackable() { return false; } @Override public void onBypassFeedback(L2PcInstance player, String command) { int ammount = 0; if (command.startsWith("play1")) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command); st.nextToken(); try { String type = st.nextToken(); if(type.startsWith("VoteStone")) { _itemId = 9595; } else if(type.startsWith("FarmCoin")) { _itemId = 9696; } ammount = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); } catch (NoSuchElementException nse) { } if (ammount >0) { Dice(player, this, ammount); } else return; } } @Override public void showChatWindow(L2PcInstance player) { NpcHtmlMessage msg = new NpcHtmlMessage(this.getObjectId()); msg.setHtml(casinoWindow(player)); msg.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(this.getObjectId())); player.sendPacket(msg); } private static String casinoWindow(L2PcInstance player) { StringBuilder tb = new StringBuilder(); tb.append("<html><title>L2Ultimate Casino</title><body>"); tb.append("<center><img src=\"L2Ultimate.logo\" width=\"300\" height=\"100\"/><br>"); tb.append("<font color=\"3b8d8d\">Casino Manager</font><br>"); tb.append("<img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=\"200\" height=\"1\"><br>"); tb.append("<table width=290>"); tb.append("<tr>"); tb.append("<td align=\"center\"><font color=\"FFCC33\">Hello Sir, i Am Here for Your bets.<font></td></tr>"); tb.append("<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"FFCC33\">You got need to Roll Number: 6-6 or 6-5 or 5-5 or 3-3</font></td></tr>"); tb.append("<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"LEVEL\">But if you are Lucky and you will win the Jackpot ,</font></td></tr>"); tb.append("<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"FF0000\">Jackpot of Vote Stone: "+jackpot+"</font></td></tr>"); tb.append("<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"FF0000\">Jackpot of Farm Coin: "+jackpot2+"</font></td></tr>"); tb.append("<tr></tr>"); tb.append("</table>"); tb.append("<center><img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=\"280\" height=\"1\"><br>"); tb.append("<table width=290>"); tb.append("<tr>"); tb.append("<td align=\"center\"><font color=\"0F92FF\">Select a Currency To Bet:</font></td>"); tb.append("<td><combobox width=120 height=21 var=\"cb\"list=VoteStone;FarmCoin></td>"); tb.append("</tr>"); tb.append("<tr></tr>"); tb.append("<tr></tr>"); tb.append("<tr>"); tb.append("<td align=center><font color=\"0F92FF\">Type an Amount:</font></td>"); tb.append("<td><edit var=\"qbox\" width=120 height=15></td>"); tb.append("</table><br>"); tb.append("<center><img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=\"280\" height=\"1\"></center><br><br>"); tb.append("<center><button value=\"Try Your Luck!\" action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_play1 $cb $qbox\" width=134 height=21 back=\"L2UI_ch3.BigButton3_over\" fore=\"L2UI_ch3.BigButton3\"></center>"); tb.append("</body></html>"); return tb.toString(); } public void Dice(L2PcInstance activeChar,L2Npc npc,int _ammount) { if(activeChar.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(_itemId, 0) >= _ammount) { int number = rollDice(); int number2 = rollDice2(); if(number == 6 && number2 == 6 || number == 6 && number2 == 5 || number == 5 && number2 == 5 || number == 3 && number2 == 3) { ExShowScreenMessage screen = new ExShowScreenMessage("Congratulations "+activeChar.getName()+" won You got "+number+"-"+number2+" Good!", 6000); String name = activeChar.getName(); activeChar.sendPacket(new NpcSay(npc.getObjectId(), Say2.TELL, npc.getNpcId(), "Congratulations "+name+" won You got "+number+"-"+number2+" Good!")); activeChar.sendPacket(screen); activeChar.addItem("Consume", _itemId, _ammount, activeChar,true); /*if(_itemId == 9595) { jackpot += _ammount; } else if(_itemId == 9696) { jackpot2 += _ammount; }*/ showChatWindow(activeChar); switch(_itemId) { case 9595: itemname = "Vote Stone"; break; case 9696: itemname = "Look Coin"; break; } switch(Rnd.get(1,20)) { case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: break; case 4: break; case 5: if(_itemId == 9595) { activeChar.addItem("Consume", _itemId, jackpot, activeChar,true); activeChar.broadcastUserInfo(); Announcements.gameAnnounceToAll("Congratulations "+ activeChar.getName() +" he won "+ jackpot +" Jackpot of "+ itemname +"!"); jackpot = 0; } else if(_itemId == 9696) { activeChar.addItem("Consume", _itemId, jackpot2, activeChar,true); activeChar.broadcastUserInfo(); Announcements.gameAnnounceToAll("Congratulations "+ activeChar.getName() +" he won "+ jackpot2 +" Jackpot of "+ itemname +"!"); jackpot2 = 0; } break; case 6: break; case 7: break; case 8: break; case 9: break; case 10: break; case 11: if(_itemId == 9595) { activeChar.addItem("Consume", _itemId, jackpot, activeChar,true); activeChar.broadcastUserInfo(); Announcements.gameAnnounceToAll("Congratulations "+ activeChar.getName() +" he won "+ jackpot +" Jackpot of "+ itemname +"!"); jackpot = 0; } else if(_itemId == 9696) { activeChar.addItem("Consume", _itemId, jackpot2, activeChar,true); activeChar.broadcastUserInfo(); Announcements.gameAnnounceToAll("Congratulations "+ activeChar.getName() +" he won "+ jackpot2 +" Jackpot of "+ itemname +"!"); jackpot2 = 0; } break; case 12: break; case 13: break; case 14: break; case 16: break; case 17: break; case 18: break; case 19: break; case 20: break; } activeChar.broadcastUserInfo(); } else { ExShowScreenMessage screen = new ExShowScreenMessage(""+activeChar.getName()+" Ïops lost again play can be lucky!", 6000); String name = activeChar.getName(); activeChar.sendPacket(new NpcSay(npc.getObjectId(),Say2.TELL, npc.getNpcId(), name+" Ïops lost again Play can be Lucky!")); activeChar.sendPacket(screen); activeChar.destroyItemByItemId("Consume", _itemId, _ammount, activeChar, true); if(_itemId == 9595) { jackpot += _ammount; } else if(_itemId == 9696) { jackpot2 += _ammount; } activeChar.broadcastUserInfo(); showChatWindow(activeChar); } Broadcast.toSelfAndKnownPlayers(npc, new Dice(npc.getObjectId(), 4625, number, npc.getX() - 30, npc.getY() - 30, npc.getZ())); Broadcast.toSelfAndKnownPlayers(npc, new Dice(npc.getObjectId(), 4626, number2, npc.getX() - 22, npc.getY() - 22, npc.getZ())); } else { switch(_itemId) { case 9595: itemname = "Vote Stone"; break; case 9696: itemname = "Look Coin"; break; } activeChar.sendMessage("You do not have enough "+itemname+"."); } } public static int rollDice2() { return Rnd.get(1, 7); } public static int rollDice() { return Rnd.get(1, 7); } } code by fofas :)
  2. Copy from l2jacis to l2jfrozen work 100% http://rgho.st/6cDtBxqKH Images! Index: head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/custom/Antibot.java =================================================================== --- head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/custom/Antibot.java (revision 0) +++ head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/custom/Antibot.java (revision 0) @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.custom; + +import java.io.File; + +import com.l2jfrozen.Config; +import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; +import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; +import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.PledgeCrest; +import com.l2jfrozen.util.DDSConverter; +import com.l2jfrozen.util.random.Rnd; + + +public class Antibot { + + public static void showHtmlWindow(L2PcInstance activeChar) + { + int rnd = Rnd.get(1,4); + generateLogo(activeChar, 50011); + generateLogo(activeChar, 50012); + generateLogo(activeChar, 50013); + generateLogo(activeChar, 50014); + + NpcHtmlMessage nhm = new NpcHtmlMessage(5); + StringBuilder tb = new StringBuilder(""); + + tb.append("<html><head><title>Antibot</title></head><body>"); + tb.append("<center>"); + tb.append("<table width=\"250\" cellpadding=\"5\" bgcolor=\"000000\">"); + tb.append("<tr>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"45\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><img src=\"L2ui_ch3.menubutton4\" width=\"38\" height=\"38\"></td>"); + tb.append("<td valign=\"top\"><font color=\"FF6600\">Antibot</font>"); + if(rnd == 1) + tb.append("<br1><font color=\"00FF00\">"+activeChar.getName()+"</font>, we just wanna make sure you are not a bot.<font color=\"FF0000\"> CLICK THE ELF</font><br1></td>"); + else if(rnd == 2) + tb.append("<br1><font color=\"00FF00\">"+activeChar.getName()+"</font>, we just wanna make sure you are not a bot.<font color=\"FF0000\"> CLICK THE HUMAN</font><br1></td>"); + else if(rnd == 3) + tb.append("<br1><font color=\"00FF00\">"+activeChar.getName()+"</font>, we just wanna make sure you are not a bot.<font color=\"FF0000\"> CLICK THE DARK ELF</font><br1></td>"); + else if(rnd == 4) + tb.append("<br1><font color=\"00FF00\">"+activeChar.getName()+"</font>, we just wanna make sure you are not a bot.<font color=\"FF0000\"> CLICK THE LINEAGE ][</font><br1></td>"); + + tb.append("</tr>"); + tb.append("</table>"); + tb.append("<table width=\"256\" cellpadding=\"5\" bgcolor=\"000000\">"); + switch(rnd) + { + case 1: + tb.append("<tr>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_correct\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50011 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50011 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_wrong\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50012 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50012 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("</tr>"); + tb.append("<tr>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_wrong\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50013 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50013 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_wrong\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50014 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50014 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("</tr>"); + break; + case 2: + tb.append("<tr>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_wrong\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50011 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50011 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_correct\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50012 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50012 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("</tr>"); + tb.append("<tr>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_wrong\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50013 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50013 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_wrong\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50014 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50014 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("</tr>"); + break; + case 3: + tb.append("<tr>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_wrong\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50011 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50011 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_wrong\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50012 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50012 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("</tr>"); + tb.append("<tr>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_wrong\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50013 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50013 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_correct\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50014 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50014 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("</tr>"); + break; + case 4: + tb.append("<tr>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_wrong\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50011 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50011 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_wrong\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50012 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50012 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("</tr>"); + tb.append("<tr>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_correct\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50013 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50013 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("<td width=\"128\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><button action=\"bypass -h antibot_wrong\" width=128 height=128 back=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50014 + "\" fore=\"Crest.crest_" + Config.SERVER_ID + "_" + 50014 + "\"></td>"); + tb.append("</tr>"); + break; + + } + tb.append("</table>"); + + tb.append("</center>"); + tb.append("</body></html>"); + + nhm.setHtml(tb.toString()); + activeChar.sendPacket(nhm); + } + + public static void generateLogo(L2PcInstance activeChar,int imgId) + { + try + { + if(imgId == 50011) + { + File captcha = new File("data/images/elf.png"); + PledgeCrest packet = new PledgeCrest(imgId, DDSConverter.convertToDDS(captcha).array()); + activeChar.sendPacket(packet); + } + + if(imgId == 50012) + { + File captcha = new File("data/images/Lineage2.png"); + PledgeCrest packet = new PledgeCrest(imgId, DDSConverter.convertToDDS(captcha).array()); + activeChar.sendPacket(packet); + } + + if(imgId == 50013) + { + File captcha = new File("data/images/Lineage3.png"); + PledgeCrest packet = new PledgeCrest(imgId, DDSConverter.convertToDDS(captcha).array()); + activeChar.sendPacket(packet); + } + + if(imgId == 50014) + { + File captcha = new File("data/images/Lineage4.png"); + PledgeCrest packet = new PledgeCrest(imgId, DDSConverter.convertToDDS(captcha).array()); + activeChar.sendPacket(packet); + } + + } + catch (Exception e) + {} + } + +} =========================================================================================== ### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0 #P gevorakos2015 Index: head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2NpcInstance.java =================================================================== --- head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2NpcInstance.java (revision 1117) +++ head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/model/actor/instance/L2NpcInstance.java (working copy) @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import static com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.List; import javolution.text.TextBuilder; @@ -30,6 +31,10 @@ import org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage.State; +import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.custom.Antibot; import com.l2jfrozen.Config; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.ai.CtrlIntention; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.cache.HtmCache; @@ -59,6 +64,7 @@ import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.knownlist.NpcKnownList; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.stat.NpcStat; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.status.NpcStatus; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.entity.event.CTF; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.entity.event.DM; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.entity.event.L2Event; @@ -147,6 +153,8 @@ /** The _is in town. */ private boolean _isInTown = false; + private final int[] ANTIMOBS = Config.ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT_LIST; + /** * Kill the L2NpcInstance (the corpse disappeared after 7 seconds).<BR> * <BR> @@ -3053,8 +3084,69 @@ * @return true, if successful */ @Override public boolean doDie(L2Character killer) { + //ANTIBOT - Start + if(Config.SHOW_CAPTCHA) + { + if(contains(ANTIMOBS, getNpcId()) && (killer instanceof L2PcInstance) || (killer instanceof L2PetInstance) || (killer instanceof L2SummonInstance)) + { + //+1 to mobcounter + player.setAntibotKills(player.getAntibotKills() + 1); + + + if(player.getClassId() == ClassId.dreadnought && player.getAntibotKills() == 320) + { + player._antibotCorrect = false; + player._antibotRunning = true; + Antibot.showHtmlWindow(player); + player.sendMessage("You have 10 seconds to click on the dog or you will get back in town for botting!"); + ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new Runnable() + { + @Override + public void run() + { + if(!player._antibotCorrect) + { + player.sendMessage("You failed clicking on the bog. You are a bot!"); + player.setAntibotKills(0); + player.teleToLocation(81630, 148610, -3467); + } + + player._antibotRunning = false; + } + }, 10000); + } + + //Checks the mobcounter + if(player.getAntibotKills() == Config.ALT_CAPTCHA_MOBS_KILLS) + { + player._antibotCorrect = false; + player._antibotRunning = true; + Antibot.showHtmlWindow(player); + player.sendMessage("You have 10 seconds to click on the elf or you will get back in town for botting!"); + ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new Runnable() + { + @Override + public void run() + { + if(!player._antibotCorrect) + { + player.sendMessage("You failed clicking on the bog. You are a bot!"); + player.setAntibotKills(0); + player.teleToLocation(Config.ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT_X, Config.ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT_Y, Config.ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT_Z); + } + + player._antibotRunning = false; + } + }, 10000); + } + } + } if (!super.doDie(killer)) return false; Index: head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestBypassToServer.java =================================================================== --- head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestBypassToServer.java (revision 1117) +++ head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/network/clientpackets/RequestBypassToServer.java (working copy) @@ -20,15 +20,54 @@ */ package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.clientpackets; { @@ -121,10 +165,389 @@ { comeHere(activeChar); } + else if (_command.startsWith("antibot_")) + { + if(_command.substring(8).equals("correct")) + { + activeChar._antibotCorrect = true; + activeChar.setAntibotKills(0); + activeChar.sendMessage("Thank you for your co-opperation. Have a nice farm time!"); + } + if(_command.substring(8).equals("wrong")) + { + activeChar._antibotCorrect = false; + } + } else if (_command.startsWith("welcome_")) { WelcomeHtm.ShowWelcome(activeChar, _command,null); } else if (_command.startsWith("votehopzone")) } @Override public String getType() { return "[C] 21 RequestBypassToServer"; } } //Captcha Antibot public static boolean SHOW_CAPTCHA; public static String ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT; public static int[] ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT_LIST; public static int ALT_CAPTCHA_MOBS_KILLS; public static int ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT_X; public static int ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT_Y; public static int ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT_Z; SHOW_CAPTCHA = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("CaptchaEnabled", "true")); ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT = L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("CaptchaNpcId", "2375,3500,3501"); String[] array1 = ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT.split(","); ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT_LIST = new int[array1.length]; for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT_LIST[i] = Integer.parseInt(array1[i]); ALT_CAPTCHA_MOBS_KILLS = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("CaptchaMobsKills", "1")); ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT_X = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("CaptchaSpawnX", "")); ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT_Y = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("CaptchaSpawnY", "")); ALT_CAPTCHA_ANTIBOT_Z = Integer.parseInt(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("CaptchaSpawnZ", "")); Configs #============================================================= # Captcha Antibot #============================================================= # Captcha True or False CaptchaEnabled = True # Captcha Npc Id px. 38299,38827,3827 CaptchaNpcId = 60,61,20 #Captcha Mobs Kills px. 300 CaptchaMobsKills = 200 #Captcha Teleport Bot Location Town CaptchaSpawnX = 82391 CaptchaSpawnY = 149214 CaptchaSpawnZ = -3495
  3. L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().values();
  4. dwse mou teamweiver na sto ftia3o einai apo to java sto instance ;)
  5. my pro developer :D
  6. thank you ! ;)
  7. hopzone dont work!
  8. Admin esu pou me dextikes to paid, edw pera gt diagrapsan to topic mou ? why my topic removed i paid for pin 7 days!
  9. give me your skype
  10. GRAND OPENING - 3/09/2016, 18:00 GMT +2 We are here to present you the Ultimate Private Lineage II Server. We are not “Yet another Lineage II Server”. Server Rates: RateXp = 1000.00• RateSp = 1000.00• RatePartyXp = 2.00• RatePartySp = 2.00• RateDropAdena = 1000.00• Enchant Rates: Safe Enchant = +5• Weapon Max Enchant = +21• Armor Max Enchant = +16• Jewels Max Enchant = +16• Normal Scroll Enchant Rate = 50%• Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate = 75%• Crystal Scroll Enchant Rate = 40%• Blessed Scroll Max= +19 Crystal Scroll Max= +21 Crystal Scroll Max Armor/jewels= +16 Augment Rates: Top Life Stone Rate : 20%• High Life Stone Rate : 15%• Mid Life Stone Rate : 10%• General & GamePlay: Interlude No Custom Vote System Easy Farm PvP Zone Allowed Bishop (Primeval Isle ) PvP Zone (Random 3 Zones) Start Level 80 Sub Class Level 80 Max Buff Slot 60 Buff Time 2h Fully working skills Working Clan Halls Max Subclasses 5 Max Clans on Alliance 3 Balanced Classes Auto Learn Skills Auto loot No grade penalty No death penalty. Full Working Wedding Paid Geodata + Pathnodes Apella Armors Same Stats as Retail S Upgrader NPC you can Give your +16 Draconic Armor For Apella +16 Costum Party Auto Flag Farm Zone (Strong Mobs) 2 New Hero Bosses 1st Boss 3 Hours Hero second 6 Hours Hero Augment Rate Changed you can have now 1 passive or 1 Active not Anymore 1+1 for better Balance. Olympiad & Heroes: You need 50 pvps to play olympiad matches Olympiad List updated after every match Olympiad auto skill reuse on every match Olympiad Period 1 week [ Every Sunday ] [ Starts 18:00 | Ends 00:00 ] Unique: Advanced NPC Buffer with full buffs and counting buff slots Gatekeeper Gm Shop Top Manager Castle Manager Donate Manager Casino Manager (Only With Vote Items) Npc Report Manager Npc Vote Reward Npc Skill Enchanter 100% max +14 Clan Manager [ Instantly clan lvl 8 and +2000 clan rep each time ] Advanced Server Information NPC with everything inside PvP Color System Stuckable Lifestones on Inventory Stuckable Bogs on Inventory Stuckable Scrolls on Inventory Events: Capture Flag [.ctfjoin or .ctfleave[ Special event commands] Deathmatch [.dmjoin or .dmleave [ Special event commands] Team vs team [.tvtjoin or .tvtleave[ Special event commands] .Menu [ Special Game commands] .Status [ Special Game commands] .Donate [ Special Game command Removed from the game] Dedicated Machine: Low International ping CPU : Intel Xeon E5-1620v2 RAM :32GB DDR3 2x 160GB SSD 1Gbps Connection WEBSITE FORUM; WWW.L2HOOLIGANS.COM WWW.L2HOOLIGANS.COM/forum/index.php
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