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Everything posted by Alex1_kgr

  1. hi! I tried to login oog on cosmos destiny but no luck :( I found protocol and port but no luck with token i think... Can someone help me? Link: http://temple-games.gr/component/option,com_wrapper/Itemid,41/
  2. noob... Euro server uses same auth server as usa... If not tell us the ip from euro auth server^^
  3. Afto doulevei otan trws ip ban Otan fas account ban QQ :P
  4. Stous server me retail arxeia nomizw pws dn ginete
  5. Den katalavainete ti leei to paidi... Client mporei na aniksei!Login dn mporei na kanei! Apla evalan sta settings allow mexri 3. Afto mono an mpeis meso proxy alla den kserw pws akrivws ginete.
  6. I think its noobish... Every one can think it
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