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Everything posted by luisalberto
Discussion Prelude (C0) L2Off Serverpack
luisalberto replied to Zeeyo's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2OFF]
alguien tiene el serverpack gameserver para crear un servidor porfavor -
Help Help With Setting Up Prelude L2Off Server
luisalberto replied to fizzu's question in Request Server Development Help [L2OFF]
como descargo el serverpack c0 ? solo veo imagenes en el link -
Project L2Jtw-Ertheia Pack
luisalberto replied to x-cess's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
no one for this ask please ? -
Project L2Jtw-Ertheia Pack
luisalberto replied to x-cess's topic in Server Development Discussion [L2J]
So sorry for it but i have big problem with my eclipse. I can´t copiled. please can someone shared last version coplited server pack ertheia ? please. -
script false online players
luisalberto replied to luisalberto's question in Request Server Development Help [L2J]
alt+b number Is it posible? So thx for answer me all. -
Hi all well my ask is : someone know a scripts (false number players online) for mi server l2j god ? Thx a lot to all it is the best page maxcheaters a master.
rev. 86 ? osea copilo la mobius rev_227 y seria lo mismo que la rev_86 de l2jeurope?? y una pregunta muy pero muy importante.. como activo los geodatas del server, uds dieron los archivso pero no se como se activa. si no va esta pregunta aca entonces alguien porfavor me podría redireccionar a una guía de como activarlo ? muchas gracias hermanos. y me alegra mucho que siga vivo el proyecto. suerte !!!
Hi all, well mi ask is can i edit to get players can to do class transference without limite lvl ? or can i config to NpcMaster(classTransfer) give class change without check Quest Ítem? or can you do a Custom class master to only click and get class change? Plis help me, i want all players lvl 20 to 99 can to get all class change according his race.
After I edit lvl check I reseted my server but nothing. how do i config to no to make quest for first class transfer, second class tranfers, etc I cofig it ----> \gameserver\config\altsettings """# Whether to allow the study of the transformation of skills and sub classes without completing quests. AllowLearnTransSkillsWOQuest = true"""" But hapen nothing too. :( help me please.
i edit this file : \gameserver\data\scripts\quests\_10330_ToTheYeSagiraRuins.java addTalkId(lakis); addLevelCheck(1, 99); i am not very sure but i edit it. :S then edit this file : \gameserver\data\scripts\quests\_10365_SeekerEscort.java addTalkId(sebian); addLevelCheck(1, 99); but no happen nothing , i cant continue my quest with my player lvl 30 .(sebian no let me inside) IF IT IS NOT POSIBLE then how do i config to no to make quest for first class transfer, second class tranfers, etc.. I cofig it ----> \gameserver\config\altsettings """# Whether to allow the study of the transformation of skills and sub classes without completing quests. AllowLearnTransSkillsWOQuest = true"""" But no happend anything ( I go again to Administrative Officer, my master, but he give me quest again, the say me "you already start quest" ) What i am doing bad ???
The quest is for "First Class Transfer"(lvl 20) , It start in "Administrative Office(Talking Island)", I search my master (my race) then /Quest/Start of Fate/etc. then it say me to go "Ruins of Sagira entrance" speak to Lakcis, lakcis teleport me Exploration Area 5, i have to speak with "Sebion" I Click quest/../../../I´m ready. but i get a Messenger Windows chat " your lvl very high to entrance" I created another player, i got lvl 20 , I can enter lvl 20, but with my player lvl 30 i cant enter :( I want to config to All players lvl 30 or 40 or 80 or all can to make the quest(lvl 20). "I dont want lvl limits for Quest" My english is very bad so sorry and thx a lot for help me.
ask :) no hungry please i am doing my 1 class tranfernce but i get lvl 28 and npc sebion no let me inside intro castle to see infiltrate guard , i get Messenger in Windows chat lvl is very high. How can i config it to can to make it quest with lvl 27 ? español tengo un problema: estuve haciendo mi primera clase de transferencia pero resulte con lvl 27 y cuando llegue a un npc que creo que se llama sebion, este no me dejo entrar a un castillo donde me tenia que encontrar con un guardia que tiene como titulo infiltración o algo asi, porque mi lvl era muy alto. Pregunta: Como puedo configurar esto a que estando en cualquier lvl pueda tener acceso a hacer la quest ? sin necesidad de tener que crearme otro pj o usar a mi Gmplayer a bajarle de lvl ? Porfa una ayudadita, me están ayudadndo batante, cada vez aprendo mas recurriendo a uds. pero no quiero caer molestoso, mil disculpas .
okas men thx a lot for answerd me. !! I have a problem, how do i make for créate a Gmplayer? i put in navicad character accesslvl 100 (reset server)but no hapened anything, then i put in server.propierties everybodyhaveadmin = true then i get to be "Gm" then i put again in everybodyhaveadmin=false then i dont be Gm. :( What is the way to make gm only to me ? Thx a lot.