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About luisalberto

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  1. alguien tiene el serverpack gameserver para crear un servidor porfavor
  2. como descargo el serverpack c0 ? solo veo imagenes en el link
  3. so sorry for noob ask. can u say me what pack for server l2off is most recomended ? or most stable ? or a pack that you like it ? (IL) and... can i install it on win 7 ? so sorry for ask and my bad english i love u !
  4. no one for this ask please ?
  5. So sorry for it but i have big problem with my eclipse. I can´t copiled. please can someone shared last version coplited server pack ertheia ? please.
  6. nice !!! that the difference between system tauti and glory days?? sorry for my ignorance.
  7. alt+b number Is it posible? So thx for answer me all.
  8. Hi all well my ask is : someone know a scripts (false number players online) for mi server l2j god ? Thx a lot to all it is the best page maxcheaters a master.
  9. rev. 86 ? osea copilo la mobius rev_227 y seria lo mismo que la rev_86 de l2jeurope?? y una pregunta muy pero muy importante.. como activo los geodatas del server, uds dieron los archivso pero no se como se activa. si no va esta pregunta aca entonces alguien porfavor me podría redireccionar a una guía de como activarlo ? muchas gracias hermanos. y me alegra mucho que siga vivo el proyecto. suerte !!!
  10. Project is death ??? no !!!!!!! Go Go Propjecth cant death go go friends !!!!
  11. someone know how to do it ? How can i edit to get players can to do class transference without limite lvl ? sorry for the insistence. :S
  12. Hello. can someone learn me it? How can i edit to get players can to do class transference without limite lvl ? Thx a lot for help us.
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