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Everything posted by lordvenancio

  1. Vagrancy send me one example using my script plis ! im not good in AI ;D !
  2. i test using the parament i creat 4 line : myself::IncrementParam(talker,0,-75563791); myself::IncrementParam(talker,0,-75563791); myself::IncrementParam(talker,0,-75563791); myself::IncrementParam(talker,0,-75563791); 10/23/2013 17:07:13.441, Exp overflow user[test] [-75563791] chagned to [75504757] 10/23/2013 17:07:13.442, Exp overflow user[test] [-75563791] chagned to [75562823] 10/23/2013 17:07:13.443, Exp overflow user[test] [-75563791] chagned to [71785602] 10/23/2013 17:07:13.443, Exp overflow user[test] [-75563791] chagned to [75563790] and Fail 0.0 ! You want the event script? for u test?
  3. Xel: This joke? jjaja ! Mcbigmac : There's no way Several test way and didn't have success!
  4. im editing using nasc code ;D ! and no work increase more exp ;D ! 10/22/2013 15:07:13.442, Exp overflow user[test] [-2099325835] chagned to [75560692]
  5. or do it in steps to decrease exp enough. myself::IncrementParam(talker,0,-524831458); myself::IncrementParam(talker,0,-524831458); myself::IncrementParam(talker,0,-524831458); myself::IncrementParam(talker,0,-524831458); No work ;D no decrease 00.1 % ;D ! more suggestion?
  6. i ask vangath waiting reply ! ;D y go test your suggestion !
  7. Good morning i have one problem in Ai.obj See code in nasc: i configure for use rebirth lvl 80 but no delevel character for lvl 1 ! and send erro l2server : Exp overflow user[teste] [-2099325834] chagned to [77846526] Any idea? Vangarth iiext interlude!
  8. Vanganth: Owna ;D ! i m use and recommend ;D !
  9. Of course I will change I am already changing all the quest! Only needed to change the chance! I go test ! Thx mcbig !! Thx i set for 100% ;D ! Thx man for help ! Close Topic !
  10. I need change chance for drop quest item, "amo unt" I've changed!!
  11. create an int questKills=0; onKill() check by monster IDs questKills++; if (questKills==3) questKills=0; addItem(...) to put this in the extender or in to ai.obj?
  12. Quest: relics of the old empire I would change the chance to drop item: Broken Relic Part ! I kill 3 monsters to get 1 item! would like it to be 100%. I see ai.obj but I do not know the line! Thx for help !!
  13. use ip for config mssql u no enter in game using same computer for server and client using network external!
  14. mcbigmac omg I know remove the books more i ask if someone has have done! Sighed I do not know speak english use google translator! and sorry !! but nothing that you guys responded è what i need!
  15. Friends you guys are a retard! 1) I no want auto learn skill i want learn skills using only SP ! 2) I use //announce and //announce2 and this same! Have Limited Announce! I would not be posting without trying! Thx
  16. Problem in "//announce" If you enter a text longer than a line not leave all message! Other problem is all book not dropping of moob! I'll have to put autoskillslearn! someone has the skills to get by only sp?
  17. can you send me per mesagge? not have enough for see!
  18. I Create one item how "reagent of pouch" double click and receive items, but what do I put to come don't come !come first and second item other no ! I Create one itemdata and one skilldata: Itemdata: item_begin etcitem 9476 [box_of_lucky] item_type=etcitem slot_bit_type={none} armor_type=none etcitem_type=none recipe_id=0 blessed=0 weight=0 default_action=action_capsule consume_type=consume_type_stackable initial_count=1 maximum_count=20 soulshot_count=0 spiritshot_count=0 reduced_soulshot={} reduced_spiritshot={} reduced_mp_consume={} immediate_effect=1 price=0 default_price=0 item_skill=[s_box_of_lucky] critical_attack_skill=[none] attack_skill=[none] magic_skill=[none] item_skill_enchanted_four=[none] material_type=paper crystal_type=none crystal_count=0 is_trade=1 is_drop=1 is_destruct=1 physical_damage=0 random_damage=0 weapon_type=none can_penetrate=0 critical=0 hit_modify=0 avoid_modify=0 dual_fhit_rate=0 shield_defense=0 shield_defense_rate=0 attack_range=0 damage_range={} attack_speed=0 reuse_delay=0 mp_consume=0 magical_damage=0 durability=0 damaged=0 physical_defense=0 magical_defense=0 mp_bonus=0 category={} enchanted=0 html=[item_default.htm] equip_pet={0} magic_weapon=0 enchant_enable=0 can_equip_sex=-1 can_equip_race={} can_equip_change_class=-1 can_equip_class={} can_equip_agit=-1 can_equip_castle=-1 can_equip_castle_num={} can_equip_clan_leader=-1 can_equip_clan_level=-1 can_equip_hero=-1 can_equip_nobless=-1 can_equip_chaotic=-1 item_end Skillsdata: skill_begin skill_name=[s_box_of_lucky] /* [box of lucky] */ skill_id=10037 level=1 operate_type=A1 magic_level=1 effect={{i_restoration_random;{{{{[adena];1000000}};90.0};{{{[scroll_mage_buff_set];2}};85.0};{{{[scroll_fighter_buff_set];2}};84.0};{{{[adv_quick_step_potion];5}};75.0};{{{[adv_swift_attack_potion];5}};74.0};{{{[quick_healing_potion];10}};17.50};{{{[adv_cp_potion];10}};17.0};{{{[adena];5000000}};10.50};{{{[adena];10000000}};10.0};{{{[santa_s_hat2];1}};5.0};{{{[santas_antlers_2];1}};4.0};{{{[Pure_Gold];1}};0.5}}}} is_magic=2 mp_consume2=0 item_consume={[box_of_lucky];1} cast_range=-1 effective_range=-1 skill_hit_time=0 skill_cool_time=0 skill_hit_cancel_time=0 reuse_delay=0 attribute=attr_none effect_point=0 target_type=self affect_scope=single affect_limit={0;0} next_action=none ride_state={@ride_none;@ride_wind;@ride_star;@ride_twilight} skill_end what the problem? need some configuration? In game i summon item and open no receive all item i set 100% and no receive... Comes the first and two item! "adena" "Scroll mage" Other no come !
  19. Is Server Status? For see in web page?
  20. I have one WEB in other VPS and don't communicate for sql server in dedicated! What do I have to do? have some guides?
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