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Everything posted by paidithauma

  1. Hello. I want sell my league of legends account. Here i have all details. ~More than 1000 wins in normal games. ~ALL champions. ~About 110+ skins. (some champions have 2-3 skins) ~Last season Gold V, this season promotion for GOLD (1win, 1 defeat) ~10 rune pages. ~Full rune pages for adc, ap mid, offtank jungle, ap jungle, tank, ap support, tank support, runes with full ap, with full damage, with full attack speed, with full critical dmg/chance and lot of others. ~Over 40.000 IP . I sell this account 50 euro . I accept payment only Paysafecard. . I accept trade with guy from greece/thessaloniki hand to hand. Screenshot available if you want them.
  2. i buy it 10 euro
  3. as topic says. WTB GOLD V OR SILVER 1 FOR CHEAP.
  4. poso to dineis?
  5. screenshot to insomnia, prepare ban.
  6. Addme skype moirazw_tyxes . i want it
  8. Ai ai giati kake wonderboy me scamares???????
  9. As topic says, WTB in l2gang (www.l2gang.com) epics, chars, gears etc. Paysafecard/paypal scammers gtfo.
  10. as topic says, wtb items / epics l2gang. pm.
  11. you dont know even how to pvp, gtfo from here unskiled.
  12. zerovelo hi blu. hi for shapers and vorpals sets in cerberus. thanks bro <3 BLu blu blu worst dagger europe
  13. Yo, tell me price for all these adena, make good offer to buy it all.
  14. tell me price..
  15. -1 to this clown [8/12/2012 18:34:26] Wonderboy o KallitexniS: hello [8/12/2012 18:34:35] Wonderboy o KallitexniS: kaneis trade tis pscs? [8/12/2012 18:35:01] Χρήστος Βαγενάς[inTheEnd]: Nai [8/12/2012 18:35:03] Χρήστος Βαγενάς[inTheEnd]: poso thes [8/12/2012 18:35:04] Χρήστος Βαγενάς[inTheEnd]: ? [8/12/2012 18:35:19] Wonderboy o KallitexniS: exw 25 [8/12/2012 18:35:29] Χρήστος Βαγενάς[inTheEnd]: steil mou tin paysafe [8/12/2012 18:35:31] Χρήστος Βαγενάς[inTheEnd]: kai to e-mail sou [8/12/2012 18:35:44] Wonderboy o KallitexniS: posa tha mou doseis? [8/12/2012 18:35:47] Wonderboy o KallitexniS: 22,5 [8/12/2012 18:35:47] Wonderboy o KallitexniS: ? [8/12/2012 18:35:53] Χρήστος Βαγενάς[inTheEnd]: 21-22 [8/12/2012 18:37:37] Wonderboy o KallitexniS: By Giving A 25Euro Paysafe You Receive 22,5 Euro Paypal [8/12/2012 18:39:07] Wonderboy o KallitexniS: apla alla3e to 22,5 tote [8/12/2012 18:39:12] Wonderboy o KallitexniS: afou den pairno tosa [8/12/2012 19:25:22] Wonderboy o KallitexniS: vale me block [8/12/2012 19:25:23] Wonderboy o KallitexniS: gt zoristikes [8/12/2012 19:38:43] Χρήστος Βαγενάς[inTheEnd]: zoristike [8/12/2012 19:38:44] Χρήστος Βαγενάς[inTheEnd]: i mana s "zoristike i mana s" PIO POLU POUTANAS GIOS, POULA KAMIA PAYSAFE NA ZEIS GAMO TI MANA SOU!
  16. -Buy char 80 + naked @ rpg x7 -paypal, paysafecard -char must have email -scammers gtfo
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