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Everything posted by xayne

  1. what u want to say with it???
  2. I Get Error on the gameserver log when i try to talk to klein(npc for valaks quest) and click on teleport me to hall of fame: java.lang.NullPointerException at bosses.ValakasManager.isEnableEnterToLair(ValakasManager.java:464) at quests._1003_Valakas._1003_Valakas.onTalk(_1003_Valakas.java:71) at l2p.gameserver.model.quest.Quest.notifyTalk(Quest.java:649) at l2p.gameserver.model.instances.L2NpcInstance.showQuestWindow(L2NpcIns tance.java:858) at l2p.gameserver.model.instances.L2NpcInstance.onBypassFeedback(L2NpcIn stance.java:952) at l2p.gameserver.clientpackets.RequestBypassToServer.runImpl(RequestByp assToServer.java:98) at l2p.gameserver.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run(L2GameClientPacke t.java:44) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source ) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  3. I Get Error on the gameserver log when i try to talk to klein(npc for valaks quest) and click on teleport me to hall of fame: java.lang.NullPointerException at bosses.ValakasManager.isEnableEnterToLair(ValakasManager.java:464) at quests._1003_Valakas._1003_Valakas.onTalk(_1003_Valakas.java:71) at l2p.gameserver.model.quest.Quest.notifyTalk(Quest.java:649) at l2p.gameserver.model.instances.L2NpcInstance.showQuestWindow(L2NpcIns tance.java:858) at l2p.gameserver.model.instances.L2NpcInstance.onBypassFeedback(L2NpcIn stance.java:952) at l2p.gameserver.clientpackets.RequestBypassToServer.runImpl(RequestByp assToServer.java:98) at l2p.gameserver.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run(L2GameClientPacke t.java:44) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source ) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  4. i wanted to ask are the gracia final skills all work 100% or the gracia part 2 skills all work 100% ty for answer if the skills will work 100% maybe i will host a server with one of this packs
  5. would it work no L2J if i just changes the entries for l2j and not l2jfree??
  6. nice share thank you :D
  7. MY question is can i use the core from example Gracia Part 2 for Interlude server or i will get errors. Another Question Where i can get SVN for Older Version (I need interlude) I prefer L2J.
  8. did you restarted the server because what have you change should work
  9. anyone who can help me with baium
  10. i sent you a private message with info to contact me.
  11. I think just delete the info in the character table and you wiped all the accounts.for the gm create a new character and then change the access level in the character table.
  12. Valakas work perfect even after you kill him you get an animation like retail thank you very much. But Baium how to fix this idiot that dont attack.
  13. it didnt work before i even saw that on other packs it dont work and i am have the last rev because i got it from their svn.
  14. Well i have a lot of problems on L2J packet that i have no idea how to fix so i came here so someone maybe will help me. But the main problem that i have is raid bosses for example baium if i summon it,he is not attacking just stand like an idiot. Valakas if i try to hit him so it teleport me back to town. If any one know how to fix it please tell me. I am using the last gracia part 2 rev of l2j.
  15. thank you for the script very usefull.
  16. 9 views and no even one reply. i mean like the anubis weapons that have the red light glow on the sword how i can make this kind of things.
  17. Like Epic Weapon that have hero glow from +7 or other weapon like fire glow how i can make that from different + the weapon will have different glow like +7 hero than blue lighting and than fire glow? PLEASE HELP.I WISH I HAD KARMA GIVE THE ONE WHO HELP ME!!!
  18. 100 posts.Ty for sharing i like yours share Critical.
  19. Search on the pages i shared this armor it called Artheries something like this i dont remmber. And for the Share better called it a sword because it looks like a sword not dagger but nice share ty.
  20. oh cool i can think about some ideas with using this guide ty.
  21. i think every gm or admin can found it but ty for the share anyway.
  22. very nice funny share huh.
  23. ty m8 good share.
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