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Everything posted by banky

  1. for low lvls don't matter if the spot is crowded coz most of them are noobs , for higher lvls try to check your bot from time to time in case of GM whisp that's all.
  2. agree :( this topic is useless since L2Deathwhisper are MODS here :'( the point is , there some ppl boting in this server & i will find out how ;D anyway. now there is another huge problem ::) since maxcheaters is very famous i guess almost all servers admins have accounts here & they're always looking for new bugs & exploits, so in my opinion ppl are dumb sharing info here or on any known forum :-X cheat forums RIP
  3. didn't mean't to say it's L2W for sure what i'm sure of is that was a bot 100%
  4. that's realy bad news :( i've noticed that it wasn't many posts reporting expoilts & bugs on L2DW, but as i've already said i've seen some L2W bots already so ....... :D
  5. tested it in my server & the most intressting skills dont stack (like rapid shot) the other who stack like frenzy, Rage &...... are realy to short to take advantage off them so ..... thx anyway
  6. the class change method fixed on L2Deathwhisper :( haven't tried the Dinos technique ;)
  7. fixed in almost all server i'm playing in (including DN) , summon is auto accepted now can't delay it so ....
  8. lol to much work for such a small gain :P i think it's useless
  9. pff it just dont worth it first the russian language problem & now virus :( it's a shamerealy wanted to try them
  10. hi guys i wanted some help on using L2W on L2Deathwhisper, whenever in log in using L2W after 20sec my char is stucked while everybody can move around me, i've seen some bots already IG so it's possible to use L2W in this server but the question is how ??? so if pls someone have any info pls share thx in advance :)
  11. with a dual box u can go anywhere ;) for high lvl XP i suggest WOA almost nobody ever go there (except some 3rd class quest) there so u can BOT in peace & XP real Fast PS: WOA = Wall Of Argos
  12. wich version must i use for Intrlude Server pls (english)? thx in advance
  13. nice tip man :D but my PC has auto Multi-Box limiter :P craaaaapy :( +1 anyway
  14. didn't work with me :(
  15. in many servers Spawn protection is limited to some seconds now + u must have a teleport zone very close to the RB ::) it's to many conditions , i dont think it's usfull in many servers :(
  16. hi same thing happened with me in L2Deathwhisper (almost) i log in with L2W then 1 minute later i'm stucked & can't do anything while all ppl around still move & play normaly ??? any help would be welcomed thx ;D
  17. how high can u enchant a skill in general + ????
  18. Hi ppl i'm new here, i'm here coz i dont want to lose my time doing boring sh1t :P so i need some cheats to make the game funnier ;D peace out
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