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About sm4rt

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  1. waiting for more opinions and suggestions.
  2. thanks for your answer , 3 things: 1) About andrenaline , since rate is hard (especially with normal scrolls , think that propably one scroll would need 10-15 minutes of farming or maybe more) isn't non-sense? Also farming zones would propably be PVP-PK (for blessed scrolls mainly this) 2) IF augment skills would be added in donate shop , their prize wouldn't be more than 5 euros (but remember their low stats ). Also TOP rate 5-7%? It would be sure more than 10. The only donation actually would be propably this with the augments and premium status ( +% drop , access to some premium buffs that save time like hot spring or seraphims,etc). No max enchanted equipments ( maybe +6 for example , but better not equipment donations at all , I find it stupid) 3)What's your suggestion about boss jewels?
  3. You can make your suggestion on that , what would you like? Augments skill's stats would be low enough to keep the balance. But except that how do you find the idea of this enchant system as a player?
  4. Would you play an Interlude server with these features as the main enchant system? Talking for easy leveling up server, propably 300x. -Safe 3 -Max 8 Normal scroll 20% (On fail , item is crystalized) Blessed scroll 40% ( On fail , item's enchant is setted to 0) Crystal scroll 50%(On fail , enchant stays the same) Normal scrolls->farmable (easy to medium) Blessed scrolls->farmable(medium to hard) Crystal scrolls-> taken from vote(to help grow) or rb or olympiad(change the official multisell from blessed to crystal) S grade items propably will be easy to medium farmable (maybe 100kk if a mob drops 1kk adenas for example) Boss jewels farmable or only Rb?(you can vote ) I think that a server with this enchant system except that could last long enough , would be way more balanced on PvP , all players would have a chance . Also we would see way more classes other than mage and archers(specially if you decrease archer's critical rate and power maybe , it could be a completely non-archer server in a good way) Would you give it a chance? What do you think?
  5. What you actually prefer to play? Let's talk about an Interlude 50x server , NO-CUSTOM items (weapon ,armors or jewels). Vote in the poll please :)
  6. No need to show to anyone, already found more than 2. Who knows how many more exist , doesn't worth a sh1t
  7. Anyone knows why I get this error on GS when i click Accept in screen before gameservers are listed?(bartz,etc) and it doesn't continue to select a server http://prntscr.com/fwbdrp
  8. man it has nothing to do with movement
  9. Catch it , you think 10 is ok? Or should a i add a big number as a temporary solution? Question: this actually disconnects players , what about stucking?
  10. I will edit CLIENT_PACKET_QUEUE_MAX_UNDERFLOWS_PER_MIN this to 10 to see if it helps
  11. So what I am supposed to change/edit?
  12. # The values are shown on ms. They can be setted to 0 to be disabled. RollDiceTime = 4200 HeroVoiceTime = 10000 SubclassTime = 2000 DropItemTime = 1000 ServerBypassTime = 500 MultisellTime = 100 ManufactureTime = 300 ManorTime = 3000 SendMailTime = 10000 CharacterSelectTime = 3000 GlobalChatTime = 0 TradeChatTime = 0 SocialTime = 2000 that's the flood protectors exist.
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