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Everything posted by Melkorro

  1. so if u have to input user name and possible password why bother with any program?? u can make it with login screen...
  2. its hard but not imposible, depends how strong char u got
  3. thats usless tip but this is quite nice :P
  4. not working here either
  5. I dont understand what have buffs incrases dmg for undead with magic critic??
  6. its very nice share and its working perfect:)
  7. It works only on shity servers. Megadevil way is much better ;)
  8. If u got correct number of posts to read it on mind dont bother u dont need them to use www.google.com and there u easy find these files. BTW they works fine for me nice share :]
  9. I even didnt see true low rate serv with mana pots :/
  10. Ok i dont understand even a word in first post... But that is my favorit way to enchant :P well i pray alot too but thats not helping at all :PP
  11. not working with Hellbound:/
  12. Can someone upload these files again??
  13. Yeah u just have to find proper file...
  14. I never play on server where its work. Everywere that kind of buffs still effect ur char even tyrant totems stay after disarm fists :PP BTW. Tyrant rulez with bow :D
  15. It works fine on RF Online but dont know appliocation in L2
  16. Its quite old but still working :D
  17. Its first phx without virus i find... but can someone post link to english version pls ::)
  18. nice trick but why dont use buff scrolls?? U can get what u want and i think that using scroll is faster than summon squash killing it and pick up drops...
  19. I know thats not main subject of that discussion and sry for that but it seems to be a perfect place to ask some questions: Who decide when topic is "old"?? Why moderators dont lock subjects when they decide that they are "old"??
  20. lol cant read it but i can figure out whats inside by reading posts so gues it wont work at any "good" serv long time :P BTW nice share :]
  21. -works fine - but these any1 got that problem too??
  22. Why u hide something that u can find at www.google.com ?? (delete 1 folder 1 file and replace 2 files)
  23. it should be coz it didnt send any pockets to serv it just change what u see at ur screen ofc when u use any autoupdater it will restore that file
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