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About Karasu_

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  1. Nice avatar bro ,what a coincidence. I was just watching https://kissanime.ru/Anime/Akame-ga-Kill/Episode-006?id=79265&s=default Before i even came back in MXC! So hows l2 now? still same userbase as 3 years ago? or very dead Im thinking to release my old 2014 reunion pack server :joy: I still have the files, untouched, haha.
  2. Lol L2Minister is still a thing.
  3. It's nearly 2019. I am still alive! Hello everyone!
  4. Tell me something new. I'm all ears! :happyforever:
  5. This is just axel server again. Don't worry guys Nothing new.
  6. Trusted Seller!
  7. Poor access ...
  8. What Karasu has to do with poor vorfin eh? Kids with low iq these days...
  9. Poor axel, i bet he didnt take any donations on this one bUT... Don/'t worry, be happy!
  10. Seo is not working with blackhat anymore, noone is earning much with hacks now since all 95% of websites with h@cks got penalty (u cant rank sh1t now unless you do whitehat seo) so i doubt hes earning that much with h@cks right now unless hes a fucking pro on tricking google with whitehat seo camoufagle (that means greyhat). edit: actually you're full of sh1t (that guy is not even earning 5 bucks a month, he is just your typical scammer for 5 bucks)
  11. Be like Karasu and you will never work a minute of your life :-beep- yeah:
  12. Hello axel bot account ,sup
  13. Axel ftw good server "same as before" Axel the best BEST SERVIDOR EVER! same npcs/community board/locations/pvp zone and website/forum since 2 years ago almost. Good Job Sir Admin! YOu're doing a damn well job and players enjoy it.
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