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Everything posted by Pykyes

  1. I play in guerrerosdelcaos and is very nice
  2. Interlude OFF , said , no change Sub...
  3. lol thank you , i searching this script for l2net
  4. Simple , a Paladin in Party , Full buff , and Skill to the Raid boss , i testing in Interlude Server OFF , is a Faltal strike to the Raid , (dead in one skill)
  5. Yes , a answer ...I want to know what others think is a problem?
  6. Hi my question is Why play in olimpiad AM vs Gladi , AM vs Dagger? Cancel , Slow , Vortex , range 900 , Promi , promi....?
  7. Interlude NO working , i wait to Hellbound
  8. Fantastic Post , I have Antharas , Baium , Orfen and Tateossian for my ARchmage
  9. u4got 3inzell XXNoNameXX XunLee ;)
  10. in my server this is a Ban inmediatily ;)
  11. Eminen hip hop Daft Punk good House to leveling
  12. Renewal+BD (vampiric Dance)+ Cov + Bishop (Balance)+ 3 Frenzys + ArchMage with surrender Vortex , and Orc in Inferno :)
  13. Angel of Waterfall is cool , Rune , Mos is Fine , too much place favorite...
  14. Sagitarius , Drakonic and AQ , ;)
  15. Best Client IL , Best grafics Kamael , for me IL
  16. GangstaFobia ShowTime ;)
  17. come on , 4 Sorcerors skill 44, level 43 is the best , Bd a SE for Buff , but attention , SE is with silence in a few moments , and Bd in party with high level is equalite a penalty in drop . And 2 o High level for Nurses ;)
  18. a Adventurer is Big in Top Level , really
  19. Artisan/ Plains Walker , Wow really XDD
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