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Everything posted by Oti_Na_Nai

  1. Ela omws p knc la8os.Ston l2euroworld (c4) p exw scammarei atoma k atoma k afhna t items synh8ws clan wh or freight panta me evrhske.An o admin niw8ei ligo dn 3efeugeis eukola.Kanei ena grhgoro search k vouala..Osous char k na kaneis osa freight na kaneis..Mia fora eixe faei ban mia oloklhrh clan epeidh ta afhsa clan wh (o leader htan filos m giauto ta peta3a ekei).
  2. Vriskesai se la8os section koita kalhtera st L2 Developing ekei 8a se voh8hsoun ...
  3. Nice job !All the exploits in one post !I was searching codes for Hlapex 3 days!Grats !
  4. Majestic armor or Nightmare?I played in low and high rate srv and none of this armor used.Allways wear tallum plate armor or nightmare in rare situation.Also Imperial isn't used so match .
  5. Koita kosti dn 3erw tn logo p 8es na pai3eis c4 srv but dn yparxoun polloi srv me 200x+ rates enas srv p mporw na s proteinw einai o l2Gold.Exei kala rates exei kala customs k diafora einai gurw sto x30 - x50 dn mporw na s pw me akrivia.episis an 8es visit t homepage : www.l2gold.org episis mporeis na psa3eis k sto hopzone gia srv.
  6. Kamael , Hellbound and Gracia updates i think getting worst and worst , i don't like them because they are doing update all the time . Anyway only the rb and new areas are good but kamael race i think its not very well .There are many bugs on the kamael races but and other .The best Chronicle was C3 (Rise of Darkness) and C4 (Scions of Destiny).
  7. Fovero to guide k anarwtiomoun pws ginotan auto k twra katalava k auto p kanoun polloi otan se kill : death to ~> tade . Twra ktlv oti einai to %target!Gratz!
  8. Phoenix Knight . Yparxei bug stn oly opou mporeis na anoi3eis angelic icon protou arxisei to match kai ginetai pio eukolo to olo 8ema.
  9. Gj auto me to Clone Strider m xrhsimeuse k dn eixa idea oti yparxei edw!!Grats :P
  10. Gj gia to post k to share t Hpx an mporeseis na vreis kapoio Guide pws na to use elpizw na to postareis soon!!!
  11. nai file m mn anisixeis oso pio grg vrw nea 8a sas krathsw enhmerous !!To mono p euxomai einai na mn kerdisei h NcSoft k kleisoun oi private :S
  12. Sygnwmh na ta postaroume me mia kalh seira : Main class : Dominator / Spellsinger (oti 8elete) 1st Sub : Elemental Summoner (both classes) 2st sub : An eiste Dominator : SpellSinger , An eiste SpellSinger kanete WarCryer Epeita forate Blue Wolf afou exete arketo Light mastery 3st sub : Bishop 4st sub (an exei) : phoenix knight gia p.def m.def k gia diafora alla! Episis paidia dn einai bug auto einai aplos kala sub's wste na stuckaroun ta Light Mastery k me mia armor p s anevazei Light Armor Mastery stuckarei t Casting!!
  13. Yparxoun polla "tools" t L2 p mporeis na psa3eis sta forum . psa3e gia Walker gia Hpx wstoso psa3e genika stous Exploiters k 8a vreis polla .
  14. Ta xei fixarei ola o Admin nta3ei dn einai koimhsmenos 3erei ti ginetai stn srv t.Ta xei fixarei ola mexri stigmhs 8a doume an vroume kana kainourgio 8a to postaroume s00n!
  15. Gmaster file m an les twra ton Crazy se plhroforw dn einai ka8olou o palios E-G . Ton agorase enas rwssos k o monos GM ellhnas p emeine einai o Apollon.Twra oso anafora tn dikh dn 3erw ti 8a ginei otan ma8w 8a t postarw oso pio suntoma mporw.
  16. The donators are not a big problem the bigest problem is the lag...OMG i have been in srv's with crazy lag disconections all the time!!Thats the worst srv...
  17. Dn mporw na diafonisw oti o Noobwars exei kanei tn istoria t stous ellhnikous srv alla kai parae3w.Einai enas apo tous pio palious srv (mias p 3ekinise apo c1 k kratietai akoma) alla xwris donate mono k mono p akoute xwris donate katalavenete oti exei pesei poly xrhma k oti to income dn htan toso megalo oso 8a htan me donate (alla afou einai powered apo ta G-net tote katalavaineis oti dn 8a eixe toso megalo provlhma) .
  18. Sygnwmh dn t checkara an exei ginei , aplos epsa3a mexri tis 5 prwtes selides k lew as anoi3w to topic an k hmoun 70% sigouros oti 8a yphrxe :-\
  19. Gia osous anarwtiountai pws na exoun pollous srv mazi opws ginetai k sta net.Dwste prosoxh!Anti gia na exete se Installer to Lineage mporeite poly apla na t grapsete se 2DvD.Dld otan kanete install to Lineage 2 Opoiodhpote chronicle mesa exei files :System , Animations , etc ...E loipon grapste autous tous fakelous se 2 dvd giati dn xwrane oloi oi fakeloi se 1 dvd.Kai poly apla meta kante unistall to Lineage 2 k kante paste tous fakelous apo to DvD st Pc sas.Kai etsi otan 8a vazete ena patch sto system folder sas poly apla 8a ksanavazete to system apo to dvd sto pc oxi omws me to idio onoma (px.SystemUnknown , SystemCore) an twra to patch exei kai animations kai sounds poly apla 8a ta metaonomasete (px.UnknownSounds , CoreSounds , or opws alliws 8elete!!) Oso gia alla chronicle's opws an 8elete px na valete enan C4 srv me ton idio akrivws tropo ginetai.Gia oti erwthseis exete kante tis post wste na sas voh8hsw an exete kapoio prob!! :)
  20. Lypamai p 8a pw pali kt asxeto me to topic alla K4rma epeidh dn mporw na dw t profile s s steila ena e-mail p 8elw na me boh8hseis
  21. Ma egw dn s milaw gia items (kala oxi oti dn exei dwsei , vlepeis ton allon me dbf +6 k ti les?) eixe arxisei apo tn arxh na leei oti 8a valei anti-bot anti-bot k to ka8hsterise peripou 4-5 mhnes (leme ena paradeigma twra) gia na prolavoun oi alloi na kanoun ena lvl up ante k ta mats gia S grade 8a ta vroun GMouranokatevata .
  22. xixi nai exeis kanei ena mikro la8aki me tn Imperial armor p dn anevazei atk speed anti8etws (-2Dex) alla polloi to kanoun dld exeis ri3ei tosh douleia k 8a kanoume k parapona apo panw? :o
  23. Kala twra egw ti na pw gia ton Elixir . P prin apo 1 mhna dn eixe anti-bot k oloi autoi p einai hero k noblesse twra sas plhroforw bots htan . Oloi filarakia twn admin k tn GM team k etc . Me liga logia legan stn Mr.Jack : Re mn valeis akoma to anti bot perimene na vgoume hero o ka8enas na kanoume kana noblesse k tote valto . Mporei na mn exei donate alla exei poustia ....Alla kalos srv dn lew :P
  24. Einai poly aplo.Pas rune , rune teample k ekei exei 3 npc dn 8ymamai poios akrivws einai milas se enan apo tous 3 k s leei ti prepei na kaneis gia na mpeis mesa st pagan's teample . Einai poly aplo an kai prepei na eisai nomizw 75lvl k katw exw poly kairo na kanw to quest giauto dn 8ymamai.Vsk an 8es perissotero info pane google k grapse : L2Stratics . Ekei exei ola ta quest.
  25. x0aax0ax0 trelo gelio re file xa0xa0 dn to pisteuw pws thn pathsan oloi etsi!Ama to diavaza k gw 8a tn patousa se plhroforw!
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