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Everything posted by guishermo15

  1. Hi people,add these two codes, but my problem is as follows, he could fix the error of atk spd. It only appears when changing from weapon to weapon, for example the bow is equipped, they attack, and they change to a blade and the bug is executed. What I need is that when there is a weapon exchange, it has a certain hit delay.I have flood protector for movements,only this bug remains.I use jfrozen. useitem.java //Eliminando Bug Attack Speed if (item.isEquipped()) { activeChar.abortAttack(); //AGREGAR UN DELAY QUE FUNCIONE } //Eliminado Bug de Attack Speed if (activeChar.isAttackingNow()) { return; }
  2. I'm looking for this pack of weapons, it's nowhere to be found. there is book and sword tmb of the same color. Pls
  3. Very good, if this is not the right place for my question please move it! Could someone crack the neophron interface? Since it is also a wonder as an interface Regards!
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