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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. wtf that guy thinks his a b-loger ? who the fuck cares bout his newbness jeez and exams at this date means he didn't finished his situation in his second school semester. Witch he fail >.> meaning his a dumb ass in real life.
  2. You started it, ur like RWJ greek version when you get criticism your like bitching about it and since this is not youtube u can't disable comment. You started it all and if your so stupid to see that then maybe reconsider going to school more often. Also a Dumb ass means an "ass" person(a guy who bitches a lot about anything regarding him in a bad light, or just intends bad upon another person) and dumb actually meaning dumb, as proven that you are till now xD And for the record you soled only crap to everyone on mxc why cant i point out the bad things in your so called "sells". How bout telling us about the infrastructure of the server, apart from all the crap you just gave out in your first post?
  3. no one had archid xD and the source of akin is not entirely archid, thats why it failed. (that and cus i was not announce about its launch and i couldn't prepare anything) Also la2fort uses a crappy l2jserver and ur understanding of a server is equal to shit, jeez. Both servers sharp and fort are crap and their pack is made poorly. Like i said its just an old l2j server. And don't include archid if we're not talking about it. Did anyone ask you ? ty for proving ur a dumb ass >.>
  4. Yeah or just kill ppl while inviable xD its more like a gm corruption tool >.>
  5. totally do my mom if she was hot.. since she isn't ima remain faithful to chuck'ys mom.
  6. lol do u realize wtf did u just say ? how could that be useful to ur server? explain!
  7. Yeah right rofl I dont care? Define crying. jeez >.>
  8. lol should i care? You typically ragequit like a freaking stupid kid. (Eg. Waaa waaa gm is stupid corupt monkey, i leave now server, heres mi itens waa wa *Logged out*) If you quited a server and acted like that. Then ill take in consideration that your mentality is under 16. Also we don't care what you had.. and we never asked you.. dumb..
  9. Ye if you don't understand it, it sucks but for you only. Stupid asses >.>
  10. useful for what? JESUS! 'he fucks wrong with you people!
  11. yeah so? whats so spectacular? You'll never die.. so what ? gtfo >.>
  12. i dont seem to understand irony. The whole thing is irony, ur helping stupid kids with home made servers to add crap like this and even further destroy l2 community.
  13. 6/9 = 0.666 your going to hell
  14. http://www.echokinetics.com/ guess what happened xD (Altho i can enable both clients to connect to the server xD, only that interlude client players wont see kamaels and the other way around)
  15. Me nether. Also Satan made vampire.. thank equals to ...?
  16. fuck, really 4 useless maps ? thats how l2j is thinking, thats their mentality and so thats why its eficency is total crap >.> jesus For a gve i can use only 1 map and a loop or with out the loop actually >.>. Also heros and noblesse are loaded on start in olympiad why in the name of hell u made 2 freaking maps just to return 2 integers O.o
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