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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. don't double post! Old svn active... Bug Fixed
  2. Yes its true L2JArchis is BACK !!! We're Back: SVN Url: http://svn.assembla.com/svn/L2J-Archid Trac Url: http://trac.assembla.com/L2J-Archid And here to stay!
  3. didn't read what u all posted....cus its getting kinda nabish... Look i got friends that play retail.... And like Charus sayd when he left...l2j will never be like l2off everything in l2j is badly written.. and changes in l2j and retail can be seen: Bad Character movement, Stupid animations stupid skill fixes, hellbound island (on l2j its better to delete that island from ur client).. And the biggest disadvantage of l2j: THE FREAKIN PVP!! STINKS!! And i can keep going... And i actually prefer to play interlude on l2off then l2j... L2off is the real part of lineage 2, l2j = crap So that's why ppl hate gracia and like interlude...its a mentally stupid thing... They hate it cus its l2j and l2j sux bad... Anyway in my opinion gracia rox and i have a lot of respect for the guys who developed it and l2j team that's trying there best... And Intrepid is right! My opinion is to delete interlude l2j from the face of the planet...XD
  4. k, test client is on file planet but also this pack stops at command handlers... anyway as i see there's no changes to the pack (normal l2j)..only some packets hanged on somewhere XD...that can be easily done on any l2j server with info from pexplorer.. Initializing ItemsAutoDestroy. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.SevenSigns.getCurrentPeriodName(SevenSigns.java :487) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.SevenSigns.<init>(SevenSigns.java:161) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.SevenSigns.getInstance(SevenSigns.java:330) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:377) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:544) java.lang.NullPointerException at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2CoreMessage.<init>(L2CoreMessage.java:4 9) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.l2skills.L2SkillDefault.useSkill(L2Skill Default.java:35) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character.callSkill(L2Character.j ava:6419) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character.onMagicHitTimer(L2Chara cter.java:6146) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character$MagicUseTask.run(L2Char acter.java:2546) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask. access$301(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask. run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source ) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) java.lang.NullPointerException at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2CoreMessage.<init>(L2CoreMessage.java:4 9) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.skills.l2skills.L2SkillDefault.useSkill(L2Skill Default.java:35) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character.callSkill(L2Character.j ava:6419) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character.onMagicHitTimer(L2Chara cter.java:6146) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character$MagicUseTask.run(L2Char acter.java:2546) at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask. access$301(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask. run(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source ) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) nice... ps: if ur installer closes that means its not working..use l2jservers one :) (same shit) NPE'S FTW XD ;D ATTENTION: Never...and i mean never buy a l2j server form anyone like Russian team or w/e this pack name or other Brazilians like l2jnet or any other... use maxcheaters for relishes and l2jserver.com. And when gracia final will be fully relished be sure l2jserver and any other pack will sync to it ;) Locked. Peace. \m/
  5. i can block phx or l2control (that works on all versions and official too) l2devine or even hlapex... cheating is lame and has flaws too... and i see all lost the l2jarchid principal here.....I'm not building a pack that i think its more beautiful then other versions... i just want that old versions to be still active cus we started from there and we loved it...so i want to continue them... and like cobra said....a retail pack will be just perfect... Like it or not ima do that shit... @vago...i don't need to go to ct1++ cus all current servers can switch there versions... in config O.o so ill stop at interlude...i don't want them to die... and i got nothing to lose too XD
  6. gr8..and god damn will u accept me on ur msn list damn xD or take my msn id from my profile...ty
  7. Kinda miss the project.... Do u? (Say your option in this Topic) ( && Iwas.thinking("What if we start a c4 server pack and old Archid IL ?"); //O.o )
  8. check if in configs update inventory is set to true...set it to false..cus the server updates ur inv every time u use something from it and that useless..cus l2jfree and archid and others have IU packet update when the inventory is accessed...so that shit is useless if its set to true think so xD
  9. +1 but also its a wrong section XD and keep it up dude :) and please hide ur post to like 200 or 100 posts xD
  10. yeh i know i spelled stupid......... "Yo all shod be tankful i agreed to be shared" but i got a lame excuse tho.. i was eating O.o
  11. ur too nice...i like to be a jerk most of the time... anyways guys good luck....
  12. ye u all are thankful that i agreed so this post can be made... =P
  13. O.O, Simply Pro! Nice work dude, hope we see the weapons tho XD +1 love it XD
  14. edited...well i left that interlude thingy 2..maybe some one will find it useful :P
  15. u mean: activeChar.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.HACKING_TOOL)); and ofc if u have interlude..: add that shit...after the closest nr to it.. /** * ID: 769<br> * Message: A hacking tool has been discovered. Please try again after closing unnecessary programs. */ HACKING_TOOL(769), and delete that bro.. + /** + * @param hacking_tool + */ + public void sendPacket(SystemMessageId hacking_tool) + { + // TODO Auto-generated method stub + + } }
  16. agree with cobra..but id chose l2jfree...most stable interlude source...rest = 0 xD
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