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Posts posted by AccessDenied

  1. http://prntscr.com/dxbe8v Εγω παντως στο PC μου βλεπω να εχω μονο το java 8 και να μην υπαρχει αλλη τωρα εσυ αν βλεπεις το πς μου καλυτερα απο μενα οκ..

    Καταρχην γιατι εχεις μονο jdk τι στο δια*λο εχεις κανει εγκατασταση? απο 4shared ? Σβησε οτι java εχεις κ κατεβασε απο την oracle την java jdk kit 8 (χ64 η χ32 αναλογος το pc σου)


    Καλησπερα σε ολους. 

    Θελω καποιος αν μπορει να με βοιθησει σε ενα θεμα που εχω λοιπον μεσο Eclipse κατεβασα το l2jAcis Pack μπηκα να κανω 

    And Build datapack ενταξει χωρις error στο gameserver ομως εχω θεμα μου βγαζει


     [javac] Compiling 1728 source files to C:\Users\Zampion\Downloads\Eclipse\aCis_gameserver\build\classes
        [javac] javac: invalid target release: 1.8
        [javac] Usage: javac <options> <source files>
        [javac] use -help for a list of possible options
    C:\Users\Zampion\Downloads\Eclipse\aCis_gameserver\build.xml:109: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
    Total time: 5 seconds
    Δωκιμασα ενα pack Frozen εκει δουλευει κανονικα. οποτε σκεφτηκα να δωκιμασω αλλο Acis και στα αλλα ειναι το ιδιο Error αν καποιος μπορει να βοηθησει και μπορει να αφιερωσει λιγο χρονο ας μου στειλει καποιο λινκ που μπορω να δω η με TV 
    Ευχαριστω για τον χρονο σας



    Frozen -> Java 7

    aCis -> Java 8 


    Μην το κουραζουμε πολυ στο λεει κ ολας.. target -> java jdk kit 8 

  3. In order to make a cool html template I have to make an NPC first..That means that there are limits , and I dont want to put limits to the bg..

    Sharing only the bg utx file means that anyone can work on it and make something that will fit his style :)

    What you just wrote bebe make no sense. You can't set limit in a background because it's a background. 

    You basically download images from google and add them in utx which is max 1 minute work and share them. 


    Don't do that is bad trust me. Learn html design in l2 and make some nice htmls and people will love them but what u do now is just spam topic no actual work. I don't want to be the bad

    but i'm objective.  :-[  kiss

  4. Shitcode as expected, that absurd loop to find the target function is crap, it should be


    final Function[] functions = Functions.values();

    if (id < functions.lenght)

    { //function is found do the stuff

      final Function function = Functions.values()[id];


    else //function not found





    I stopped there, I doubt if anything is done correctly


    I'll improve it tomorrow, consider i spended about 20-25 minute in this. 

  5. Is this code tested?

    Loading Factions from db it will load just the first result from ResultSet.


    Change if(rs.next()) to while(rs.next())


    You just proved that you skipped the 3 lines i wrote. I said the code is not tested so please write me problems e.t.c to update it..

    Also yes i saw that it load only 1 faction cause i added if instead of while. ill update it tomorrow along with reward.


    It's not just about the Java 8 I mentioned, you can improve your code in numerous ways, not only those I mentioned.




    I know i could even make it Runnable and no make new class but the lamba expression is exclusively in j8 which i dont use. Habbit

    But ill change it tomorrow along with 1-2 mistakes i did

  6. First thing I noticed, you can avoid all this:


    private static class TeleToBase implements Runnable
    L2PcInstance _player = null;
    public TeleToBase(L2PcInstance player)
    _player = player;
    public void run()
    if (_player !=null)
    _player.sendMessage("Have a nice gameplay!");

    using a lambda expression:


    ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(() -> player.teleToLocation(x, y, z), 5000);



    Since you use a singleton on Faction, you should load the factions in a constructor, that's the whole point.

    Plus, in loadFaction() method, if (result.next()) should be while (result.next()). But you should use xml for the factions' data.

    +	public void teleToBase(L2PcInstance player)
    +	{
    +		int factionId = player.getFactionId();
    +		for (FactionHolder faction : factions.values())
    +		{
    +			if (faction.getFactionId() == factionId)
    +			{
    +				Location loc = faction.getFactionLoc();
    +				player.teleToLocation(loc, 0);
    +			}
    +		}
    +	} 

    Can be done:

    +	public void teleToBase(L2PcInstance player)
    +	{
    +		if (factions.containsKey(player.getFactionId())
    +			player.teleToLocation(factions.get(player.getFactionId()).getFactionLoc(), 0);
    +	} 

    Same thing for onPlayerEnter() and getFactionLocation() (here again you can avoid 2 methods to get the faction's location by making a getFaction() method that can be used in many instances) method.



    On L2FactionInstance, after calling player.setFactionId(), you should store the player in database because in some cases (critical error, dc) the faction he chose isn't going to be saved and he will have to choose again. Use player.store().


    I know i'll change it in V3.0 but im used in Java 7 since i work as i mentionted in old freya revision since 2010


    make with config for 3.0 update :)


    Configurations such as? Cause the configs are pretty much those in navicat. Color, name, location e.t.c the only config ill add will be for reward

  7. Factions on enum.

    +   public Collection<L2PcInstance> getFactionPlayers(int id)
    +   {
    +       Map<Integer, L2PcInstance> players = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();


    How u suggest it?

  8. email:fanofmxc@gmail.com.


    Αλλιως reply εδω.


    Ψαχνω Developer να μου φτιαξει τον σερβερ ο οποιος θα πεταει και θα φερει πολυ χρημα(αποδεδειγμενο).

    Troll συνεχισε μ*λακιες και θα δεις το ban να ερχεται

  9. Well i had 30 minute free so i coded a faction for aCis, in which you can set unlimited factions no just 2.

    The code contain the Npc Instance, exceptions and stuff like that.  I will update the code more soon.. 


    Ps. i havent tested or idk if it works in some part so if you want apply the patch and write me.. 


    Code here


    Update 2.0 Code

    Update 3.0 Code (Optimized code, fixed some things, added reward with no config yet) 18/1/2016


    Sql files: 

    MySQL Data Transfer
    Source Host: localhost
    Source Database: acis
    Target Host: localhost
    Target Database: acis
    Date: 17/1/2017 6:47:13 μμ
    -- ----------------------------
    -- Table structure for faction
    -- ----------------------------
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `faction`;
    CREATE TABLE `faction` (
      `factionId` int(5) DEFAULT NULL,
      `factionName` text,
      `factionPos` text,
      `factionColor` text
    -- ----------------------------
    -- Records 
    -- ----------------------------
    INSERT INTO `faction` VALUES ('1', 'Angels', '555;555;5555', 00FF00);
    INSERT INTO `faction` VALUES ('2', 'Demons', '5125;51251;512', FF0000);
    MySQL Data Transfer
    Source Host: localhost
    Source Database: acis
    Target Host: localhost
    Target Database: acis
    Date: 17/1/2017 6:48:01 μμ
    -- ----------------------------
    -- Table structure for characters
    -- ----------------------------
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `characters`;
    CREATE TABLE `characters` (
      `account_name` varchar(45) DEFAULT NULL,
      `obj_Id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `char_name` varchar(35) NOT NULL,
      `level` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `maxHp` mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `curHp` mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `maxCp` mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `curCp` mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `maxMp` mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `curMp` mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `face` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `hairStyle` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `hairColor` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `sex` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `heading` mediumint(9) DEFAULT NULL,
      `x` mediumint(9) DEFAULT NULL,
      `y` mediumint(9) DEFAULT NULL,
      `z` mediumint(9) DEFAULT NULL,
      `exp` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `expBeforeDeath` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `sp` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `karma` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `pvpkills` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `pkkills` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `clanid` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `race` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `classid` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `base_class` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `deletetime` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
      `cancraft` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `title` varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL,
      `rec_have` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `rec_left` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `accesslevel` mediumint(9) DEFAULT '0',
      `online` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `onlinetime` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `char_slot` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `lastAccess` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `clan_privs` mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `wantspeace` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT '0',
      `isin7sdungeon` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `punish_level` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `punish_timer` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `power_grade` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
      `nobless` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `hero` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `subpledge` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `last_recom_date` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `lvl_joined_academy` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `apprentice` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `sponsor` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `varka_ketra_ally` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `clan_join_expiry_time` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `clan_create_expiry_time` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `death_penalty_level` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      `factionid` int(5) DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (`obj_Id`),
      KEY `clanid` (`clanid`)

    Npc Html (for test):

    <font color=AAAAAA>Faction Manager</font><br>
    Welcome, which path are you gonna follow?
    <button value="Angels" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_1" back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df" width=125 height=21>
    <button value="Demons" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_2" back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df" width=125 height=21>
    <font color="cc9900"><img src="L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco" width=256 height=32></font><br1>
    • Upvote 2
  10. Just to clear few things which are funny.


    First of all,i dont see the point of commenting most of those things. I mean,im kinda new on maxcheaters,is there any reward for spammers ? or maybe for people who are trying to be clever by commenting all those random things?


    Another funny fact is that you commented about the pvp music skill and its decription,wow mate,is it really neccesary the name to be same as the description or something like that ?

    Not even comment about the "downloaded" armors,send me a shared link with them,ill pay you my man.

    Custom armors are reffering to custom stats/skills,not only the external appearence.


    Something last just for the comments,how did we even "steal" the photos ? you can see the names of our staff,also you can spend 1 minute just by entering and see those players 


    Are those 2k+ people ? come on my man,waste your time commenting retarded owners,not me.

    Thank you for your attention :)


    As i mentionted before Sins is an objective commentation. Maybe the 2k Sin is invalid but really can you reject the others? The funny fact when you're new on maxcheaters and ask if there is a reward for spammers.

    Do you even know what spammer is? Did you even google the meaning of it? 


    Before you say anything and instead of reject the commentation try take advantage of it and fix. Since you read it what you did - change from the stuff i said? Your topic is still a poor thing made in 2006 with blue and red

    text. You made a server, learn to be professional and accept critism and if you think my commentation is bad imagine what happen when people will start say "shit server', something that i didn't and i won't say.


    Ps. i don't care if you're new or old in maxcheaters, you made a server, i pointed out the mistakes you did. If the fact that your website does not have a feature list but just donation and staff is not Sin or bad for you then im sorry i say this but maybe you need work and open server again in 1-2 years.

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