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Posts posted by AccessDenied

  1. χαιρομαι τοσο πολυ που βρηκα αυτο το section, συνεχιστε να μαλωνετε παιδες!!


    Δεν βρηκες αυτο το section, αυτο το topic βρηκες  αντε μην πω στο maxtor να σ ριξει κανενα 3μηνο και ψαχνεσαι  :-[

  2. κλαιω απλα με την παρτη σας χαχαχαχαχ

    Εγω φταιω που με θελει το μισο φορουμ? Μονοι τους με σπαμμαρουν  :-[  :-[  :-[




    1. Don't miss it & give it a try, are used as a tag. (+1)

    2. Server's website link added by admin is written with .org domain which stand for non-profit organizations, yet the donation panel has higher prices than the dedicated that server is running on. (+2)

    3. "Hard Enchant rate", cause replacing the enchant rate with a subjective commentation from the owner is much better. (+1)

    4. "-The level of the buffs aren't maximize", don't tell me that this make sense, cause i'll punch you in the face if you do. (+1)

    5. "This NPC has the feature of adding Special Ability to a weapon without loosing its current enchant value", in which NPC you're referring to? There are two versions here, either admin forgot to add pictures bellow every sentence or he believes that some metaphysical energy will come and land on our forehead and give us image of that specific NPC. (+1)

    6. The only available castles are the one in Aden, Giran and Goddard. In other words owner is a dick to his own server. (+1)

    7. We're in 2017 yet C3 html buffers, are introduced in the audience. I understand that a simple and classic along with basic content buffer is a wanted to all low rate servers, but you can at least place the links in some proper position and no make it seem like some kind of abstract expressionism painting. (+1)

    8. Linda for merchant npc name? W-what? Someone is enjoying Canadian models. (+1)

    9. Also, preview the server with admin char `cliche. (+1)

    10. "Choose between our lists, only Ancient Adenas. I hope that's not too inconvenient", i found easier to hack and access FBI'S database and delete my history from the last night's browsing than understand the hidden meaning between this sentence. (+2)

    11. "2017 ES-L2 All rights reserved.", i'm pretty sure NCsoft disagree with this one. Also, all rights reserved by who? (+1)

    12. Server with orange title on NPC's, cause the admin is a dick toward dogs. (+1)

    13. Server opened already yet the Grand Opening date is hanging still there. (+1)

    14. The only button that does not redirect in the forum and at the same time does something is the "Donation" one. (+1)

    15. Website has no keywords. (+1)

    16. Also fake org link redirects to .tk domain, cause buy an actual domain is too mainstream in 2017. (+1)



    PHRASE: If someone notices you with an open zipper, answer proudly: professional habit.


    Disclaimer: Sins are no meant to create bad image for the server or the owner. 




    1. Rate's font color welcome you by making your eye's retina to suffocate and throw himself down to your throat. We are in 2017 yet bloggers and designers still use this intense & deep blue color that make your vision more blurry than the day you saw Lady Gaga's meat dress on Television. (+1)

    2. "-We are a High Five Server! (aka High Five CT2.6)", owner explain the already explained chronicle because explain. (+1)

    3. Also "We are"? What is` some futuristic quote from Total Recall? If Arnold Schwarzenegger is taking place in i'm ok with it. (+1)

    4. "Even though our server is highly modified, our server is based off L2J", self advertisement is self advertisment. Also highlight a sentence that might trigger public opinion later, is a way to make you come in an inference that the owner is highly objective and open toward the audience-players. This will prevent you from making any reference to this ever again. (+1)

    5. Yayy another image with custom armors that i'm pretty sure i can't find any difference from the one that other servers has and i don't care at all. Thanks guys! (+1)

    6. "Unique" `cliche. (+2)

    7. Owner supports that server has many things that you never seen before, yet few words later the 1st feature he mention is PvP support kill for healers in parties & custom cloaks that most server already has. The only way to make me believe about "never seen before" fact, is to force Will Smith from Men in Black to erase my memory using a neuralyzer. (+1)

    8. Yayy another image with random players playing PvP & Sieges that i don't care at all. Thanks guys! (+2)

    9. "PvP on our server is better!", yes but why? Until now i saw high image profil which is not described by the content and still you introduce me more duplicated features that you already menionted such as PvP healer assists because you run out of ideas and content. This takes longer than Taken sequels to finish. (+3)

    10. Image with admin's char literally writting Balls on his name. Basically thats admin showing rubbing his ball to your face just with a little bit more glow and depth of field. (+4)

    11. I'll give 1 sin for everytime the owner made a reference to his PvP healer assist system. (+4)

    12. Achievements engine. (+1)

    13. Owner is making a reference to comedian Charlie sheen by adding him as Achivement in case you win 15 events. (+1)

    14. Murderer achievement. Really? Why you didn't call this jack the ripper to match with the previous movie statement. (+1)

    15. "- All our events have alternating maps to vary the scenary and strategy!", admin is adding his own signature by adding a "scenary and stategy" touch at the end of the sentence. Basically nexus event engine.  (+3)

    16. "Plenty more" added in the end of the list just to make it seem bigger `cliche. (+1)

    17. Rebirth system. (+4)

    18. "we strive to make our server the best", `cliche. (+1)

    19. " - Completely Custom and unique Farmzones", cause just farmzones is too mainstream for 2017. (+1)

    20. "All our custom NPCs layouts are very organized unlike most servers!", wow, someone had bad child years. I guess you were the child that mom yelled once when you tried touch the ball while other kids provoked you catch it and throw it back. Else i can't explain this negativity and bad image to other servers in your server's advertisment. (+5)

    21. Also organized npc's? Dude, your text is literally stuck on the icon, you didn't even bother add some space. I made a better table html back in school when we did html for first time and i wasn't that optimistic. (+1)

    22. Full geodata, cause we all know that some servers has half geodata. Yesteraday i ordered a geodata. Today i received the 1/3 of it, i expect the rest in the next weekend. (+1)

    23. Server's website has "good server" & "the best" as keywords. Cause high self esteem is high self esteem. (+2)



    PHRASE: Is it good if a vacuum really sucks?


    Disclaimer: Sins are objective and no meant to hurt the server or the owner. Goodluck.

  5. if you makeup stories in your head to explain why is everyone around wrong, it might be symptoms of mental problems.

    If we add to that your constant and desperate need to seek for attention of random internet people, it start to looks like permanent trauma you try to fight.


    Did your father put his sausage in tight place making you uncomfortable?

    you know, we are anonymous, you can speak it up to feel better !


    Didn't read sorry, thanks for write 4 sentences? i didn't even count the sentences i just saw them for half a second there. 


  6. Ignore IpotoniC and SweeTs, they are both noobs & low IQ. Especially SweeTs he brush his teeth 1 time per 5 days.. so as you can see he is more evil than Jurassic World effort.

    What is the first thing we do when we code? Well many things..

    Take example tryskell, he eat cookies and drink lots of milk, he write huge texts replies and watch family comedy series, after this he code 1-2 lines and repeat.


    But i will show you the basic step if you want to code. Here's my guide:


    1. Sit down and make sure the light is not behind you or infront of you. The light must be on top and it must soft to match the enviroment.
    2. Open the computer and use a nice desktop, prefer average colors such as grey or no high contrast white to avoid your eyes get tired.
    3. Make sure a chocolate bar or a juice is next to you cause when you're thinking brain automaticaly eject toxins and glucose is required. Also stress increase and lead hunger feeling. So a snak is perfect.
    4. Make sure you have facebook (or any other shitty app that absorb your personal time and people share their useless photo from last night party while doing duckface and writting in such shitty way that takes you 10 minute to understand that what you read is no B-linear), so they can bother you with shitty chat.
    5. Make sure to have youtube on and listen to some youtuber doing stuff or a movie playing as background cause fuck silence.
    6. Think of what code you will never use but it would be cool to have.
    7. Don't bother analyze the code, just start making it, in the first time you gonna make a shitty code anyway but later you gonna fix part by part until you make it nicely. 
    8. Start checking how other codes are made and make your own with small adjustments.
    9. Ignore your mother if she yell "the food is ready", simply tell her "Bitch, AccessDenied is coming to Sin you, your life and your shitty food which contain more dead braincells than cancer itself.".
    10. Enjoy your coding !
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