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Posts posted by AccessDenied

  1. +++++++but new start s the only solution

    The solutuon is to help - support the 2 places that are alive.. Servers and Files... if i were ex. moderator in just 2 places i would reject 90% of servers and 95% of sellers. 

    In the end you would have 3 decent servers  and 1 decent project for sell.. And if you come and tell me "but access why u judge others work?" i'll tell you, 


    "i won't judge it, ill just see what they offer, check their files via teamviewer, inspect things like 5.000 online or fake e.t.c" there is difference between advertise and lying.

    Although the SINS i make that many suggest me servers like Averia ex. is the same reason. I don't judge your server, i judge your false statements, cause when you come

    and say "5000 online" and you have only 32 then is lie - false statement. If you say "flawless geodata - paid" and is just a free geodata that is not working then thats a lie. 


    I agree with maxtor for money, if i had the forum i would do the same. Unfortunately money rotate the world and u can't deny this. But at the same time create a nice enviroment and 

    if any mod want to ban me for the following i dont care but ill say.


    Right now we are full of fucking-stupid brazilians with frozen packs and russian client modding files (share).

    I got bored of seeing white background cause copypaste from google.translation... fml.


    And again if i see anyone to get +10 reputation because he shared some russian client modding from other forum i swear i'll kill elfocrash.......

  2. Epic. :)

    Thank you :3


    He's afraid to lose the current income with ads, but even servers section is going down. One of the topics from the first page was last bumped on 30 Jan 2017.

    Don't be cruel with maxtourini, the only reason i call him noob is because i suggested him to add a system that force some mod or idk to approve files and private servers

    but he didn't respond. Even the admin of l2topzone liked the idea i offered.  Other than that completely wipe its not the solution. Why someone who has 0 rep exampe and 0 posts

    to start from 1 and sell items while he has ex. 200 rep. Even tho rep are fucked up and especially with gold members who get 10 rep per post just for sharing shared russian client stuff.



    Damn that's pretty f-ing good gif. Crap file quality tho.


    Im sorry i didn't notice it, i remade it without this orange grid whatever:






    1. "Welcome to Lineage II Fortuna - Private server. Our purpose is to provide a clean and balanced server based on our gaming experience through the years. Our staff, based on experienced former players and a strongly motivated owners are here to provide the best possible game experience to players", the introduction of the server is mainstream and boring kinda like companies logo in x-men series. Just get to the features already. (+2)

    2. "Our purpose is to provide a clean and balanced server", every server ever. (+1)

    3. Also "Balanced", this is our final key. Server Ex-Machina i guess? (+1)

    4. "We are pleased", owner and every server owner is refering to the audience as if he is a big company in first plural. (+1)

    5. Low rate drops with high rate experience. Seem more legit than Trumb's hair. (+1)

    6. "Server Rates" is displayed in yellow colour but other titles in orange. I guess the server rates got a promotion or really admin didn't bother to match it. Too much work i guess? (+1)

    7. "Flawless Geodata and Geoengine", owner is addicted to Mortal Kombat. (+1)

    8. "Unique Community Board", cause just Community Board is too mainstream for 2017. (+1)

    9. Also "Unique", `cliche. (+1)

    10. Custom PvP color system, cause owner is a dick toward dogs. (+1)

    11. You really explain-describe a killing spree system in 2017? I'm pretty sure if you show an iphone to a 6 years old and try explain him what this device is, he gonna interrupt you and tell you "bitch, did you knew that iphone has anodised aluminium back while galaxy metal alloy?". Same thing happen with us. (+1)

    12.  Shift-Click system to view drops. Every feature ever. (+1)

    13. Achievement engine. (+1)

    14. .whoami voice command. More like you leeched Jackie Chan's movie title, Who Am I (+1)

    15. Server's website is more joomla than joomla itself. (+1)

    16. When you donate make sure the private message you send to Alkon to be like: "Use as Message Title "Donate", cause is known that my staff read pms only when donate is displayed among the title's words. (+1)

    17. Server's website is missing keys, cause why not? (+1)



    SENTENCE: Never trust an atom. They make up everything.





    1. "Private" server? What is this a new must protocol that all follow? Can you imagine this in fast foods? Private Creperi..Other than that, nowadays Lineage 2 servers are as much private as Kim Kardashian boobs from leaked media on the internet. (+2)

    2. "L2Avellan Information", useless information is useless. Also thanks for inform me anyway cause i though the following text along with images was a reference to the quantum gravity theory. (+1)

    3. "Not a java server". hahaha. I can understand that an owner is proud of using "Off files", but doing a reverse advertise by making a negative sentence to show what he don't use, is incredibly selfish and weird. Also this "not".. i don't know how i should translate this after all but the first image in my head is a big white van with blurred windows and black tapes covered the holes stopped next to a park while on the sides there is a text saying "Not an ice cream". (+2)

    4. "Full Official C6 server". The moment that NCsoft is sitting in the audience, stand up, walk toward the owner, wearing handcuffs, drag him on a cliff and throw him down. That is more legit. (+1)

    5. Also Full? Why is there any chance to have half? Unnecessary word is unnecessary. (+1)

    6. "GRAND OPENING JANUARY 2017   2,500 Players expected", is displayed with more colors than Super Mario's 64 logo. (+1)

    7. Also owner is a dick to the dogs with achromatopsia with such a range of colors. (+1)

    8. 2,500 players expected? I expected a beautiful teen yesterday half-dressed like wonder woman to come in my room from the window and slap me with her whip but your dream is closer to the reality. (+1)

    9. "For more information click in our website", what is the reason of clicking on a website that has the exact same texts as the one you have above or bellow the link? Who would leave the current topic to redirect to another page just to read the same text and info? Can you imagine that all this effort someone waste for this click is translated into going into the kitchen and making a sandwitch? Have you any idea how many colories you force someone to burn? (+3)

    10. "Aion buffer in every important town", cause according to the owner, players know which towns are important. Dude... dion is important to me due to music. Do you have any buffer there? No? F*ck off then. You just ruined my childhood for calling this town un-important one. (+1)

    11. "L2 Avellan has it's own noblesse system. Once you have completed 3 rebirths you need to collect various items from the following raid bosses in order to become a Noblesse", its own noblesse system? I've seen this system more times than the servers itself. This is worst than fibonacci sequence.. I can count 2 servers and boom 3 rebirths, i can count 3 servers and boom 5 rebirths, i can count 8 servers and boom 13 rebirths. What the f*ck is going on with this rebirth system? (+2)

    12. Also rebirth system. (+1)

    13. "Boosted buffers", in other words breaking the in-game buff system for a "great" balance. (+1)

    14. Yayy more youtube video from random pvp footages and sieges that i won't check cause they are useless. Thank you owner. (+2)

    15. "Unique L2Gold Weapons", unique my ass. I can't wait for the day that aliens will invade us and read this sentence and be like "hell no" and return back to their space-ship. Basically everytime someone read this sentence, he is losing 5 billion brain cells just from their cerebral cortex. Russians might use this beware. "L2Gold weapons", boom everyone dead. (+10)

    16. Also "Unique" ` cliche. (+2)

    17. Owner says "Some youtube videos from 2013 - 2014" yet none of the links uploaded in the 2013. I don't care if you made this in 2006, if i don't see upload time you're out ! (+1)

    18. "The requested URL /https://maxcheaters.com/index.php was not", server's website has more errors than windows 98. (+5)

    19. "We are proud to announce that there will be a new l2avellan server in 2016. More than 4,000 Players Estimated or maybe More!", wow wow calm down.. Your comment on maxcheater estimated 2,500, but then on tweeter it estimated 4.000? I don't even dare to ask on facebook. Half of the entire world will be in this server. (+5)

    20. Banners on website are more misplaced than Lindsay Lohan's face. (+2)



    SENTENCE: When I think of books, I touch my shelf.


  5. Even if he is the one who shared the pack... His pack was in black market.Thumbs up for sharing it,tragic the fact that they keep using it 2K17 LUL

    black market? this sound like maxcheaters but in darker version :/ does it hurt?


    I got from him a prophet before 3 weeks.Trade was fine.Everything was ok till the moment that account got banned and GM told me that this is because another player claimed the account and i need to provide evidence that i'm original owner.after that i talked with 'anotherwats' and he told me he doesnt have infos that needed to be provided(simple infos like 1st email,city of creation and internet provider and also payment method).He was defenetily the original owner cause i saw from account activity that account never changed till the moment i bought it.the fact is that he cant either get account recalled cause if i provide to GM evidence of the transaction the account will get banned forever.

    So have in mind that this sh it will try after some period to claim to be original owner and he will get account back or banned.

    I also told him to work it out now that he recalled acount.

    1.i could change emails to him and get my money back and he will proceed with the call back and get his prophet back

    2.He could provide me the infos that are needed so i will get account unbanned and saw GM that i'm original owner

    3.if nothing of 1. or 2. i will at the end tell GM that i bought this account and provide him evidence of that, and get account banned for ever.

    He didnt agree on anyting.

    Sorry for the long talk but you have to know that if the seller is not trusted, he could get account banned with recalling like 'anotherwats' did.

    Ofcourse i have evidence from GM talk and with the seller if anyone doesnt believe me

    Go in report section, post the conversation, paypal and the gm chat and he gets banned. Here you can't really do anything. 


    Also dispute him on paypal if you can.

  7. Nikoloudos θελω τη γνωμη σου. 


    Αυτο εδω το παλικαρι  :-[  Godrics καθαριζει κρεμμυδια καθε μερα και κλαιει και θελει να μαθει πως γινεται να μην κλαιει. Εχεις καμια λυση να προτινεις?

  8. Δέχεσαι πληρωμές και σε Zimbambwe Dollars;

    Δεχομαι και το κεφαλι του dask αμα θες.


    Εστειλα 48 ευρω , αν θες τα υπολοιπα 2 στειλε μου με pm τη φωτο



    Ευχαριστω, τη φωτο δεν στην δινω ψοφα scammed bitch  :-[  :-[  :-[  :-[  :-[

  9. Κανε μου ΤΩΡΑ μια καινουργια εικονα για προφιλ, να λεει "be nice to people" και να ειναι ωραια..περιμενω

    50ευρω. Περιμενω pm

  10. Μη ρωτάς , κανε - ποσταρε - απολαυσε.

    Bring it back


    Εσυ θα φας γερο ban αλλα δεν ξερω ποτε,  :-[  :-[

    μου τι σπαει η photo profil σου  :-[  :-[

  11. OdcbuFY.png


    [GR] Μικρε θεουλη   :-[  :-[  :-[  :-[  :-[


    τρολλαρε τους ολους ρε και οποιος σε πειραξει θα τους κανω τη ζωη κολαση  [/GR]   :-[  :-[  :-[

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