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Posts posted by AccessDenied

  1. Well 3 guys made you a nice comment but as all forum know i'm the bad one so.. Prepare your self !

    It sucks is ugly is the worst html i ever saw in my life you literally wasted 5 seconds of my life i want them back...  :-[  

    +1 reputation  :-[

  2. Drama ? You are the drama queen of the forum what are you talking about queen ?


    Also your english are so greekish actually, "it will pass"  that expression doesn't even exist : d


    Ps: you didn't bother to read which means you will never grow up and never learn in your life. It's your choice though. Queen

    Thank you  :-[  :-[  Love you now byee!!

  3. Since Ave is useless in this forum hopefully we have the useful one in here, who's you. Hence you have to show & prove us your achievements cuz what you presented previously as photoshop work sucked into my eyes and as about coding, well if you know how to code it means nothing for me. It's good for yourself to have mastered a skill or w/e but the point is to show us your achievements by using that skill eg: opening a server and succeeding to the complete strategy rather than spending all day here criticising others and posting hate comments. Trust me posting a bad criticism for someone else doesn't make you better if you don't have arguements and define the reasons you do so plus others might like it and you are equal to every single member. You are not a kind of God over here neither you or xdem. That's why I referred to Sofoklis and as about the greek quote on a non greek section it seems that I passed my message and you know how to read greek so.. ;) you can fuck yourself or commit a suicide for not accepting something that is pretty cool. Gtfo already

    Awwww it hurts honey? Is ok it will pass  :-[


    Ps. i didn't bother read your text, i just saw is big so i guess you're on drama.

  4. @ Ave don't give a shit for the "I have bigger dick than yours" comments. It's a stunning work into my eyes : ) GG.


    Το ίδιο ισχύει και για τους δυο σας.


    Congratulations for greek in an EN section. I guess sofoklis didn't mention your stupidy





    Most retarded persons left on this forum. Waiting so this haters just get BAN'ed.

    "5 min of work", "10 min of work" - You already know its trashtalk when someone put such timings. 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, lel.

    Also, telling a person who uses downloaded 3D models of McLaren, placed a plane underneath and did a shity "animations". WoW, that was hard.

    You didn't even use a enviroment map. Light "setup" sukcs balls. What is that, vray direct light? lel. You didn't get to that part yet in Your free Youtube tutorial? :poker face: 


    GOOD JOB!  :troll: 

    My clients complains - yeah, when I get yet another +1 feedback, You keep Your mouth shut. When a retarded kiddo speak trash, You jump right away to support

    his trash talk. Speak with maxtor, please. I would love to start the conversation with him about Your attitude. Mods already know You and Your attitude, we talk

    abut You on chat, just waiting for Your final post, so You can pack Your stuff and leave this forum for good.


    Please, DO SOME MORE TRASH TALK - give us some more reasons to kick Your useless ass out of here.






    A moderator calling members retard. Good.

    You're so low quality i see why your clients flame you rofl   :-[


    PS. i forgot






    brainDenied is just funny with his desperate need to impress someone,

    also, he forgot once again to add link to author.

    You're useless in this forum, you can't design, you can't code life sucks i know. Poor kid

    Also template? When i did the timelapses video i bet u didnt watch them but since u live in island i bet ur net can't load it LEL

  5. Thank You :)

    With Your skills? At least 5 days - just to make the basic text shape. And 5 weeks to get the final result - which won't look anything close to this.





    Said a Photoshop guy to a 3D designer, then wrapped his head with a towel and jumped from the 4th floor down to a river.


    You're probably the worst, idk why they made you moderator. Imma talk with maxtor for this. You're immature and most of your clients complain. 

    Look what you will never do in your life cause you just rip and repaint from other games



  6. Why you ask others? You should come and ask me directly. I'm the one who will SIN your server in the end, no tryskell. 

    So be like "Dear Access, are those weapons fine for my server? Will you Sin me? Sincerely, moi".


    And i'll tell you if i allow you or not. Tryskell's opinion doesn't matter. The last revision he did was when Jurassic Park released.  :-[  :-[  :-[

  7. Only xdem can sell mods for L2J more than 500E.

    In any case, 500E for L2J Project only the files, it's bad choice...


    Btw buy my starting system and make it 520. Hahaha

    Kinda huge bullshit to be said. Only xdem can sell mods for L2J? You fall in trap

    We are not all kids who flame everywhere our 10 line codes for no reason. 


    You can't know the effort and the work and the years someone might spend. Also for L2J? Damn it, the worst files you can get

    is L2Off. If someone come and tell me "free L2Off files" i'll say f*ck you they are for recycle bin. Java is far better from Off if you work on it. 


    I don't refer to kids who dl packs and open servers neither for crappy wannabe devs who pm in marketplace "add me on skype".


    There are somewhere people who work since 2009 making mobs and nice beautiful systems that worth easily 300$. 


    Ps. if someone here really agree that L2Off is better than L2j then he is visual basic programmer. 2 different languages, both need work, in the 1st one devs got paid

    in the 2nd nop. 2k17 kids don't know this rofl. Even your "idol" xdem i'm sure he would agree deeply inside him that MUCH work on l2j files can rape off easily.


    Ask him why he worked on shitty first rev aCis instead of go get off files. Please..

  8. He just wants files + site 10-50 euros pretty funny

    Funny that you say cause this mean you pm'ed him to sell him files.

    Since when you know how to code?


    There isn't any L2J Project who deserve more than 10 Euro.


    Bullshit, you just got used to see stupid frozen pack. Pm me on skype if u want to show you real work on L2J files that worth more than 500. 

    Event engine with +40 events e.t.c e.t.c




    1. Owner confirm that he is refering to blind audience by adding a bigger welcome text font than Snoop's Dog effort to no smoke weed before a rap. (+1)

    2. Also, 9300x experience rate? Cause the +300 rate, makes huge difference in farm. (+1)

    3. Grand Opening date along with hour, is still hanging there even after server is finally opened. I won't call this lazy, more like the owner is blinded by his own font. (+1)

    4. "I'm here today guys to show you a hardly made server", said every owner just because his hand became sweaty for install the database on a frozen pack. On the other hand that big anticipation for a poor designed and low quality preview server confirm that the owner didn't even install the database on his own. (+2)

    5. You just said you're here to show us how a hardly server is made yet in the next sentence you please audience to read on his own. So how you're here to show us. What kind of 3D interaction is this? (+1)

    6. Promo video is irrelevant with the content of the server and generally irrelevant with the game. Also Promo stands for promotion which mean projection of the project. Yet in the server we see repeatedly the owner making a reference to his hard work. I'm starting to believe that Jurassic Park had easier time in making the Animatronix T-Rex than this admin his server. (+4)

    7. On the youtube below promo video, there are people who comment positively but the weird fact is that one of them, subscribed in 20 channels in 1 day and he has no content. Every no-double account ever. (+1)

    8. Owner obsession with red font proves that he is on period. (+1)

    9. "Lineage 2 Krobelus is a server based on pride." Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. (+100)

    10. Gracia Final, hmmm. Pride like server, hmmm, i swear i was about to say that the admin downloaded the free gracia final pride server found on community, but the sun outside no allow me to say such a bad word. (+1)

    11. "To provide the best gameplay" `cliche. (+1)

    12. "If you loved playing Pride", i also loved my ex but imagine if you stayed with your ex after she blo*wjob your friend. Same thing happen with pride, he cheat on you yet 7 years later you still play on this thing. Move on dude. (+1)

    13. I would stay in this red sentence cause it has many keys "L2Krobelus is a gracia final server, based on L2Pride. It has been reworked and updated to provide the best game play ever with continuous development. If you loved playing on L2Pride,you will love L2Krobelus even more!". We can speak for the Pride, or the reworked and updated or continuous development, but i'm sure if i start analyze this sentence, skynet will be over us by then. (+1)

    14. "The Wondrous Cubic", ahh.. f*ck my life. (+5)

    15. The moment that your eyes tremble and you mark the text with your mouse to be able to read it cause the owner is immature and j*erk enough to put the 2nd most annoying font color for a big text to read. Thank you owner, thank you Microsoft. You both earned a bigger hater. (+1)

    16. "Most famous people on the server" shown up on the community board yet we see the default bbsmanager html along with some ugly voice command. (+1)

    17. The fact that owner didn't even work on the community is more obvious than the fact that One Direction broke up just to trigger teens. (+1)

    18. Skill name is "PvP Music", yet the description of the skill has nothing to do with the skill's name. Cause accurate description is accurate. (+1)

    19. Yayy i'm cursed to re-read the pride's shared feature once again. What kind of life is this? God curse us though Pride thats obvious. (+1)

    20. Custom Armors? B*itch please those armors are seen in so many servers that we consider them NCsoft armors. Its everywhere i tell you, EVERYWHERE!(+1)

    21. Also downloaded Armors prove the hardly made server. (+2)

    22. Marvel cloaks inside Lineage 2, cause after HighFive star wars servers, made marvel also participate in. (+1)

    23. Website has this annoying pop up facebook window that once you click the X it auto-like his site. Cause f*ck you.(+1)

    24. Website annoying trance music to complete the annoying feeling i had until now. Also no way to turn this off. The owner is basically p*e on our faces. (+1)

    25. "Who we are", `cliche. (+4)

    26. "Intel Core i7-3770 8 Cores x 3.4 GHz", hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. (+1)

    27. 5 GM in staff with names such as [GM]Addicted, [GM]Nightwalker e.t.c. I wonder if they are friends who gonna play with over-enchanted chars to kill other people and make fun with gm speed. Nah.. (+1)

    28. Website show continuously a 3D model rotating that has nothing to do with Lineage 2. (+1)

    29. Website's preview photos are leeched by other server. Cause whats more conviencing image than a server that opened yesterday and show photos with 2.000 people + playing PvP.  (+1)

    30. Website is missing keys. (+1)

    31. The only "information" come up when you hit the "Info" button on the website, is the Donate, Staff and Like us on facebook. Cause when you search to read server's info all you care is about the Donation menu. (+1)


    Bonus: Sins are multiplied by 100 cause f*ck you owner you haven't work at all.


    A TOTAL OF 14,200 SINS

    PHRASE: Don't play stupid with me...I'm better at it.


  10. Sexy? what about these? http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/211746-n-p-c-s/

    I think I will find some nice npc's :)

    or maybe you want sexy girls from GTAV ? :D

    Cute little sexy npc's for Freya. I don't like how people share only for interlude. Screw interlude is a fucked up dead chronice.

    Make for Freya and High5.


    I give you +1 reputation and i wait cute sexy for freya  :-[

  11. What is your problem?

    Im a kid? Ok can fahters be a kid? MY IQ is enought trust me my friend, maybe im not the best java dev. And my english not the best but I still not understand what you want from me?

    Btw how old are you? Im 23, have a wife, kid since 2 month a job (earn about 3k euro per month) but my IQ is soo bad.


    You Big brain.

    I share here something and get only stupid commends I not know what I do to you...

    I wrote that 1 line u use is useless and u answer back "haters gonna hate". Rofl

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