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Everything posted by Maker

  1. Price: 35Euros why someone would pay to bou a site that he could easy make one much much much more good why ?
  2. [Hidden Content]
  3. me kalasnikof lol (oxi) sou exei tixi pote kopsimo tin wra pou eisai se kafeteria me to prosopo ?? ^_^
  4. Wrong Section To Post It Look Here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=12.0
  5. oxi (egw exw faei 3meri gia tin kopela mou giauto rotisa ;)) sou exoun skasei pote mpounia sti mouri ??
  6. i didn't catch it what excactly is your problem you can't log in with admin account or you can't create account auto ??
  7. Maker

    Letter's Game

  8. oxi exeis farei pote 3meri apoboli gia xari tis kopelas sou ??
  9. wlecome bro have a nice stay at MxC
  10. he is not stealer vent00za he is saying that he got a problem with my packet any way pk forallnoobs i dunno i first time seeing this
  11. you should get -1 you should be banned
  12. of course yesssss you are friend with linux editor you are in wow team are you the god's brother because if your are tell him to send me 2 ferrari please.
  13. 1st you are the best leecher i ever know Well Done boy you become The Best Leeching Moderator
  14. don't desserver +1 leecher noob. and you thanos123 nice searching THE FIRST LINK FROM GOOGLE!!! Look Here: http://www.freewarcraftguides.com/frost_mage_pvp.php
  15. omg c/p good job right ?? and also with no credits to CrazyOrc for his work and you STILL it without telling that this guide is him. Leecher !!!!!!! copy/paste from here http://crazyarcher.com/general-guides/class-guides-template-suggestions/warrior-guides/wow-warrior-guide-being-perfect-tank P.S you didn't got in bother to change the tittle. . .
  16. ok have a nice day you too but sorry for reporting this to mod i'm really sorry . . .
  17. Guide Pack 1------ Includes: 2 Gold Every 5 Minutes, SM.pdf 600g Easy at Level 60 rogue-druid.pdf Farm for your mount at level 38.pdf Rags To Riches.pdf Powerleveling Secrets.pdf WoW Rare Tips and Strats.pdf MUCH MORE. ----------- Download Links=== http://www.sendspace.com/file/la7gbq __________________________ Guide Pack 2------ World.Of.Warcraft.GAME.GUiDE.pdf ----------- Download Links=== http://www.sendspace.com/file/w2rn5q __________________________ Guide Pack 3------ Includes: Level 1-12 Dun Morogh 1) I started this guide with a dwarf rogue. I am trying different classes for each guide to write them from different views. My main is a rogue so I know how to play one extremely well. I find that I kick ass a lot more as a noob with a rogue than I did as a warrior when I did the human guide. 2) It took me x hours to get to 12 and not knowing the area. If you know it any I’m sure you could do better. I did do research while making this for all of you so don’t think I just picked random stuff. 3) If you purchased the Collector’s Edition Game, Right Click your Gift Voucher and start “Welcome!” 4) Right in front of where you start accept “Dwarven Outfitters” 5) Go south around 28,73 and kill wolves for the meat then go back to 29,71 and turn in “Dwarven Outfitters” then accept “Encrypted Rune” and “Coldridge Valley Mail Delivery pt.1” 6) To your left accept “A New Threat” 7) At 30,74 kill burly troggs and at 26,72 there is a camp of rockjaw troggs, kill them for “A New Threat” 8) Go back to 29,71 and turn in “A New Threat” you should be 3 now 9) Go in Anvilmar at 28,69 and turn in your classes skill npc quest which was “Encrypted Rune” for a rogue 10) Accept “A Refugee's Quandary” inside 11) DOWNLOAD TO FIND OUT. Its got a guide from leveling from 1 to 60 FAST ----------- Download Links=== http://www.sendspace.com/file/hzqfev __________________________ Guide Pack 4------ Includes: Mastering the World of Warcraft Paladin.pdf http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/8660/picture5qf7.png[/img] ----------- Download Links=== http://www.sendspace.com/file/kjha52 __________________________ Credits to MY FRIEND!!!!!! Tenche
  18. if you use the outo unstuck feture, it takes you back to you inn location, u must use this when ur herthstone is full or it wont work, its back!, also a good tip, im level 50 in outlands, (readanotherpost) and i autounstuck back heer to use the portals thanks ashley ;)
  19. GR: ekana auto to topic epeidi eida to topic tou mastropou. loipon 8a rotisw ean a3izw na ginw wow mod. prosopika lew oxi dn mou a3izei kai 8a i8ela kai alles gnomes. Kai ean pisteuete oti eimai poli neo melos kanete la8os. epidi ekana neo account me onoma maker dn simenei oti eimai neos. dn mporw na pw to onoma tou allou account. mporei ston maxtor alla oxi public. Loipon akouw gnomes EN: i made this topic because i saw MASTROPOS topic. Well i will as if i deserver to become WoW Mod. Personal i think that i don't deserver but i want and other opinions and if you think that i am new member you are wrong. Cause i made a new account with username Maker it doesn't say that i am new. i can't say my name with my old account. Maybe at Maxtor but not public. Well i am ready to hear your opinion.
  20. re file eleoC dld ean 8eleis kati kanei edit to proto sou post. kai to poll pou kolaei ?
  21. don't double post just edit your first one if anyone know will reply you.
  22. did you open start.bat ? ? ?
  23. the numbers are saying the lvl. for exapmle when you se 32 there you can lvl if you are 32
  24. simple spam: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=19380.msg128663#msg128663
  25. ok man i update my first post look it now. i gave credits to the persons who cracked the guide and also add the original url for downloading.
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