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Everything posted by kehops

  1. noone can answer pls ?
  2. why i have 83 and i can't see it ? it need 75 lol ps: [tu peu pa le metre a 90 stp ? :D ) [FR]
  3. Eroor got hack by msn maybe , and the scammer TAKE ALL ! :=)
  4. is it for l2walker ? cause when u run , u no need to write anything
  5. u can bot your SH for deleveling , than u will not loose ur skills and power of skills too :D ex : 68->42 hurricane same lvl
  6. and now highded to 200 T.T
  7. no still work in the server where i play and soon i will try it on dragon :d
  8. k , and where i can dowload it pls ? :/
  9. in some servers , there is a time for down server i have a exploit for enchant ur wpn :D : ex : if ur server down at 12h , i take ur wpn , at 11:59 , u enchant it , if enchant have succes , u restart , if no , u let the server down , than u will get dc , and if u relog u will find ur weapon (not crystal) :D maybe work in dn (olympiad down) i will try it
  10. X man sux , AW/SK power :D
  11. i think you are searching how to any member of your party will rez you when you die ?
  12. so i think there is no way :/
  13. how can we make that pls ? cause i don't find in pet settings or pet buffs
  14. and somone can say me HOW to double your items ?
  15. try in policy of something like that in l2walker
  16. there isn't any macro for fishing , only l2walekr scripts
  17. BEST DN : ;) 3k ppl online
  18. Eroor is a x15 player , one man get his acc+pass maybe hack in msn than he made a video when he was scamming him ^^ DB+24,baium ring ext ...
  19. more info pls what you wanna download ?
  20. u can go near sea of spore there is a lot of treasure boxs sorry for spam ^^
  21. y box are differents with chest so i think there is a option
  22. http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=KnMVMcwLRSI :> comments ^^
  23. it work always in dn ? or : it will work when server will had probleme ? (down time )
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