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Everything posted by kingmert

  1. Hello all i see this post i am search the same code can help me someone ??? the problem in post solved, but the links do not work to see the code... Thank you for your interest
  2. you solve the problem ??? i have the same error
  3. hi all i add this code on l2jfrozen its working but i need to add and Reward when the event finished if someone is easy to can help me ??? CODE https://pastebin.com/m11JCj4U
  4. Hi All i have problem with vote manager i try the vote manager from shares Reborn12 dont give m the reward ....say you din.t vote try agian later.................i want to make the vote manager Could someone help me???? L2JFROZEN revision=1073
  5. Geia s olous psaxnw boh8oia gia vote manager l2jfrozen prospa8eisa tou Reborn12 you didn.t vote leei mporei kapios na m help ?????
  6. tha to dokimasw boy kai gia Artifact ????
  7. Geia s olous L2JFrozen revision=1073 To siege 3ekinaei kanonika alla d kanoun spawn guards kai Artifact mporei na m help kapios an 3erei tpt na to fix??????
  8. euxaristo geai ti boithia tha prospathiso na to kano se periptosi an dn gini tha kano xana post
  9. To vrika einai 740 746 min max etc einai default einai opws itan dld pali exw to idio prob
  10. pou einai ekina ta configs file m den to vrisko mporis ligo na me help?
  11. Kalhspera Exw Problhma Me To Gameserver kai den kserw pws na to liso an mpori kapios na me boithisi ligaki? eikona : http://imgur.com/a/i1gqb
  12. Hello All i adapt this code adress: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/194780-monument-statuet-pvppk-24h/ and i have fail to spawn's the characters statue Could someone help me???? Gameserver with photo the fail adreess: https://postimg.org/image/c3cy0vaw7/
  13. i have got spawn error with caracters its working normaly good but only erro its spawn caraters...someone help me ???
  14. what bracketss :D where need ???
  15. i try it to *import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Character; *if (protect) ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new TeleportProtectionFinalizer(this), (Config.PLAYER_SPAWN_PROTECTION - 1) * 1000); startAbnormalEffect(L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_IMPRISIONING_2); } {{{l2jfrozen}}} the effect its started but dont stoped *if (Config.PLAYER_SPAWN_PROTECTION > 0) stopAbnormalEffect(L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_IMPRISIONING_2); setProtection(false);
  16. i'm dont need SPAWN PROTECION TIME i need to adapt effect on spawn protecion :P
  17. I'm looking for L2JFROZEN last rev ---SPAWN PROTECION EFFECT ------someone to me help?????
  18. Reborn12 eyxaristo enta3ei boy locked!!! to ekana htane <effect count="1" name="Buff" time="120" val="0"> to ekana <effect count="1" name="Buff" time="120" val="0" stackOrder="1" stackType="augment"> kai comple........
  19. afta???? Agility active <effect count="1" name="Buff" time="120" val="0"> <add order="0x40" stat="rEvas" val="#rate"/> </effect> Agility passive <skill id="3247" levels="10" name="Item Skill: Agility"> <table name="#rate">1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4</table> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/> <for> <add order="0x40" stat="rEvas" val="#rate"/> </for>
  20. nai as poume na exoune 2 DM sta bow kai na aniksi to active meta na foresi to bow me pass kai na min tou figi to active otan allazi weapon alla na min mporesi na aniksi parapano apo 1 active mono 1 active 1 passive stn idia stigmi
  21. nai as poume na exoune 2 DM sta bow kai na aniksi to active meta na foresi to bow me pass kai na min tou figi to active otan allazi weapon alla na min mporesi na aniksi parapano apo 1 active mono 1 active 1 passive stn idia stigmi
  22. Geia sas paidia ithela n rotiso mipws kseri kapios pws mporo na kano sto server ta ppls na exoun 1 active kai 1 passive kai oxi mono 1 active i passive diladi kai ta 2 mazi (frozen last rev) Hi guys i want to make on server 1 active and 1 passive how i can make it anyone got ideas because now is 1 active or 1 passive only /// but i want 1 active 1 passive together how i can make it? ?? (frozen last rev)
  23. hi all i'm need to change loading02-e icon from l2font folder i change the icon on photoshop and i save it targa 32b...after put on Unreal all icons its right but in game it make prob Minimum Frame activated and deactivated problem i have https://postimg.org/image/82wa6jgnf/ before to press P on game https://postimg.org/image/lijavzp57/ after to press P on game can help me anyone to solve this problem ????????
  24. exei simasia ??? ksereis to error mou mporeis na me help ???? sto prp ola ta vhmata m ta egrapsa
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