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Everything posted by kingmert

  1. loading02-e s photoshop to allazw to kanw save as targa 32b ........meta me unreal compress dx1 dx3 dx5 akoma kai none dokimasa ta pernaw sto unreal afta p 8elw me alpha true ta kanw kai to kanw save 3ereis pou einai to la8os m ?????
  2. me eikones ola kala vgenoune kala etc pws ta 8elw alla sta frame m kanei to prob opws to eipa k sto proto m post me eikones otan pataw P sto game exw error
  3. loading02-e exw ala3ei mono
  4. geia sas paidia exw ena themataki me to l2font folder exw ala3ei merika photos sth l2font alla otan to kanw compress sto unreal me eikones ola kala alla m kanei allo problhma mesto game opws sths eikones https://postimg.org/image/82wa6jgnf/ prin patisw to P sto game gia allagei frame minimum https://postimg.org/image/lijavzp57/ meta pou pataw to P etc m fenete mporei na m help kapios pws na mazepsw sto unreal xwris fail ????
  5. The Same man Dont join the same error!
  6. Hello guys i have got this problem on my Pc i cant play L2 who can help me and what i must do?? manges exw autoto prob edw kai dn mporo na pekso L2 pios mpori na m Boithisi ligaki kai ti prepi na kano?
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