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Everything posted by Stefoulis15

  1. Since I Started With The "Epics" I Thought of Continuing With The Epic Shield. Here You Go! Screenshot! Download Link! :o 4Shared Enjoy!
  2. I Don't Have Previous Experience From Official But As Far as I Know , Death Pass is a Suitable Place For XPing At 34 Lvl. Also , Out of Cruma Tower is a Good Place Too But THe Mobs Are Lower Than Ya.. Anyway , That Was My Opinion. You Could Try If You Want. GL Anyway With Your Character!
  3. I'm 99% Sure That The Title Says It All.. But , What Is a Post Without Screenshots Huh!? Here You Go People! ScreenShots Heavy : Light : http://i33.tinypic.com/euftdf.jpg[/img] Robe : http://i37.tinypic.com/29nv4bd.jpg[/img] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light For Kamael Male! : http://i34.tinypic.com/301nfxh.jpg[/img] Light For Kamael Female! : http://i37.tinypic.com/1qmpgz.jpg[/img] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Link! :o 4Shared P.S : I Wish You Will Enjoy It , As Much as I Did. P.S 2: Read The README File Inside The .rar P.S 3: Inside The .rar Are The Systextures Of Epic For ALL Races , And Ready .dat Files For People Who Dunno How To Make Them Alone. P.S 4: Don't SPAM Or Abuse My Share. Thank You In Advance.You Are Free To Say Your Opinion POLITELY Cya People!
  4. Well , No Offense But i Dont Think That There Is a Way To Make Them Fit. I've Put The Normal Effect Codes From Normal S Grade Weapons.. Also , Tell Me For Which Weapons Are U Talkin About And I Will Fix Them
  5. Well , I Got Much Time To Share Sth. I Decided To Give An End To This :p So Here We Are.. I Will Share The Mordor Weapons For Gracia Part 2 Client! Here Ya Go! Screenshots! http://i37.tinypic.com/2d9r9z8.jpg http://i38.tinypic.com/24eq4gx.jpg http://i33.tinypic.com/2e231pu.jpg http://i35.tinypic.com/2lo6sci.jpg http://i38.tinypic.com/1z3njaf.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/ht89yu.jpg http://i37.tinypic.com/5u39co.jpg http://i35.tinypic.com/1zl9clf.jpg http://i33.tinypic.com/rmoiky.jpg http://i38.tinypic.com/r0359w.jpg Download Links! 4shared I Hope You Will Enjoy It, As Much As i Did. Thank You For Viewing My Topic, And For Downloadin' My Work. More Shares Are On Their Way! Cya!
  6. Well , I Found The Problem.. WindowsBlinds Was The Prob. Someone Lock THe Topic. Thx!
  7. gt logika 8a xeis kanei kt la8os st xml.. px borei na min exeis klisei sosta ena tag. i borei na xeis valei la8os name g ena stat.. g checkare mia to gs otan trexei mipws s dinei kapio error. an s dinei postare mia pic na doume t prob s. an oxi , stile m mesw pm t xml k ti stats 8es k 8a st stilw egw
  8. nmz kserw t pezei. Mipws Sto GameServer otan se petaei , s leei Kati Gia GameGuard? An Nai Pigene Sto Loginserver.properties k sto GameServer.properties *( borei k server.properties )* k ekei p leei # Enforce GameGuard Authorization from client # Login server will kick client if client bypassed GameGuard authentication ForceGGAuth=True Valto False k kane rr tn srvr k eisai gg
  9. What Do You Mean Working? Anyway.. Too Hard Too Search ? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27836.0 NOTE* They Are Working Perfectly.
  10. I've Downloaded It About 6-7 Times From Other "Spots" But AgaiN The Same Shit. I Closed The Antivirus But The Same Again.. Any Other Opinions? Thx Fakoyka For ur Reply
  11. lawl! arent u TheRipper? What happened.. ?
  12. Well I Downloaded L2Phx And Tried To Open It , I Have Installed Microsoft Framework.. but still the same.. Check THIS oUT.. http://i38.tinypic.com/2yyxumr.jpg plx i need hlep
  13. apo oti vlepw , to name p pas na valeis exei kena.. prospa8ise xwris kena k xwris simvola. ksereis ( *}{][-_=+/?.>'l;:") ktlp.
  14. ok. i will try something. but we have really better photoshopers than me :p
  15. what about the size and what do u want to be on the logo? :S
  16. whats ur Nick IG? BTW the srvr is good .. a lil shit with the boss things but its ok
  17. Strange. I Was Enchanting Before Some Days In Castle WAREHOUSE.. So. L2 Core Is NOT Protected. Which MEANS That In L2 Core , L2PHX IS WORKING.
  18. lawl dont double post ....... @Sp4rd4 . again ur share is awesome.. gratz from me mate ;)
  19. http://www.smffree.com/forums/devsforums/index.php/topic,29.0.html
  20. ofc i got proofs. 1st of all. check the signatures of mrstathis and LOYKOYMAKI77.. Totaly The Same huh!? Milosina With 2fast2furious the same too huh!? need more proofs?
  21. http://www.smffree.com/forums/devsforums Just SEE.. They Have Took Some Names.. I Know Who These Ppl Are.. LOYKOYMAKI77 , Commodus , Milosina And Others.. Just Do Something. P.S: I Don't Have Anything Personal With Those People But.. We Have To Do Sth..
  22. Prin Kapoia Xronia 8a s elega epic logw ton textures. Twra 8a s pw C4 Armors. Opws k na t kanoume Oi Armors p einai ftiagmenes apo tous Devs Tou Lineage Einai k I Pio Omorfes Sxetika k Episis I Pio Balanced. ( Vevaia Dn Diafwnw Oti Boreis Na Balancareis Monos Sou Ta Stats.. Alla Kaneis Dn T Katafernei.. ) IC <3
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