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Everything posted by Stefoulis15

  1. 14 Megabyte File For A Set of Jewels.. Hmm Downloading Right Now.. I'll Repost Comments.
  2. nab!? xD gtfo ! go lern inglis nub.! im spiking england bester and bester.! Whatever. I Stop the spam.. it's up to kenji now xD
  3. dn vazoume -1 karma g kapion p einai pswnio... pros 8eou... Twra , Topic LOCKED.
  4. Lawl! oiled! omgz0r w/e , if u like volleyball u should definitely join an academy.. u will learn lots of things.. ah , and btw if u were an MVP I Would Be Batman
  5. lawl , u might just be noobs in the team xD btw , school championship? damn , go register urself to an academy.. stop playin on school teams!
  6. 53 Btw , You Can Check It From The Html..( Html's Name , NPC's ID ) Also From The SQL's too.
  7. nmz oti iparxei idi tetoio topic st forum.... w/e P.s: pl kavliarides k oi 3 mas ^^ btw min sas parasirei to vamvaki katw deksia.. apla variomoun na kopsw tn eikona xD
  8. Prog? w/e..thank ya.. .DIFF Files ( Patch ) ADDED! GoGoGoGo..! I Wanna See Downloads xP
  9. @dennis25, LAWL! Prospa8ei na s voi8isei k t tn les kiolas! iremise ligaki.. apla diavase KALITERA Ayta p s leei dn einai tpt to diskolo Twra , g t prob s.. DN XRIAZETE Na allakseis pack. Pigene Sto LoginServer/config k vres to LoginSsrver.properties anikse to k vres ekei p leei # Enforce GG Authorization from client # Login server will kick client if client bypassed GameGuard authentication ForceGGAuth=false kanto opws t xw . k pigene meta sto Gameserver/config/ k vres to general.properties.. vres ekei p s leei : # Enforce gameguard for clients # GameGuardEnforce - enforces gameguard query on character login # GameGuardProhibitAction - don't allow player to perform trade, talk with npc # or move until gameguard reply is received. # Retail: true, true GameGuardEnforce = False GameGuardProhibitAction = False k valto opws to xw.. save , restart tn srvr k eisai ok.. P.S: Dennis25 , First warning. tn epomeni fora -1. [EDIT] Apo oti eida stn pic gt tr tn eida exeis l2emu.. pigene gameserver/config/network k anikse to security.properties vres ekei p leei # ------------------------ # Section: GG (Game Guard) # ------------------------ # Enforce gameguard for clients # GameGuardEnforce - enforces gameguard query on character login # GameGuardProhibitAction - don't allow player to perform trade, talk with npc # or move until gameguard reply is received. GameGuardEnforce = true GameGuardProhibitAction = true ta true kanta false.
  10. Well , Here's A GM Shop For Gracia Part 2 That I Created.. It Has No Bugs, You Can Test It Too... Nothing Is Missing. Here We Go.. Download Link : Gracia Part 2 GM Shop
  11. Also , I Remembered Now... This Shit Is There Cause The File i Saw Was Decompiled , With DJ Java Decompiler.. It's A Program To Decompile .jar and class files.. Ah , btw Atanas Neshkov is the creator of this program..
  12. Yes , This Is Cause I Saw That On Another Java File , And I Thought That I Got To Add It.. >.<
  13. Well ,Thanks For Your Comments People.. Also , Yes Maybe It Is a C/p Fogotendx20 for people without java knowledge.. but u can check that the people that created the hero item , wasn't working fully.. so it can't be a c/p W/e , I'll Continue Creating Things.. Don't Really Care If You Like It Or Not.
  14. Well , Since It's My Very FIRST Java Creation , I Want To Hear Your Opinions.. This Is A Custom Item , That Allows You When You Double-Click On It , To Grand You With Noblesse Status + Noblesse Skills . ( For Ever. NOT Until Restart! ) NOTE!: Tested On L2JFree And L2J And It's Working. ( The Following Guide Is For L2J ) Okay Let's Start.. First , Go To java.net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.itemhandlers And Create a New .java File Named "NobleCustomItem" ( Without The Quotes ) Second , Open It And Paste Inside It , These : // Decompiled by DJ v3.10.10.93 Copyright 2007 Atanas Neshkov Date: 5/10/2008 2:12:00 μμ // Home Page: http://members.fortunecity.com/neshkov/dj.html http://www.neshkov.com/dj.html - Check often for new version! // Decompiler options: packimports(3) // Source File Name: NobleCustomItem.java package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.itemhandlers; import net.sf.l2j.Config; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IItemHandler; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2ItemInstance; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PlayableInstance; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ActionFailed; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SocialAction; public class NobleCustomItem implements IItemHandler { public NobleCustomItem() { } public void useItem(L2PlayableInstance playable, L2ItemInstance item) { if(Config.NOBLE_CUSTOM_ITEMS) { if(!(playable instanceof L2PcInstance)) return; L2PcInstance activeChar = (L2PcInstance)playable; if(activeChar.isNoble()) { activeChar.sendMessage("You Are Already A Noblesse!."); } else { activeChar.broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(activeChar.getObjectId(), 16)); activeChar.setNoble(true); activeChar.sendMessage("You Are Now a Noble,You Are Granted With Noblesse Status , And Noblesse Skills."); activeChar.broadcastUserInfo(); playable.destroyItem("Consume", item.getObjectId(), 1, null, false); } } } public int[] getItemIds() { return ITEM_IDS; } private static final int ITEM_IDS[] = { 6673 }; } Third , Save It And Close It. Fourth , Go To java.config Find The File "Character.properties" And Open It. Go At The Bottom And Paste This : #============================================================# # Custom Noblesse Item Configuration # #============================================================# # Noble Custom Item Configuration. # Item Id = 7196. # When ActiveChar will use this item will gain Noble Status. EnableNobleCustomItem = True Save It And Close It. Fifth , Go To java.net.sf.l2j And Find The File "Config.java" Find This Line : public static int PARTY_XP_CUTOFF_LEVEL; And Paste This Right After It : public static boolean NOBLE_CUSTOM_ITEMS; Now , Find This Line : PARTY_XP_CUTOFF_LEVEL = Integer.parseInt(Character.getProperty("PartyXpCutoffLevel", "30")); And Paste This Right After It : NOBLE_CUSTOM_ITEMS = Boolean.parseBoolean(Character.getProperty("EnableNobleCustomItem", "true")); Save It , And Close It. Sixth, Go To java.net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler And Find The File "ItemHandler.java" Open It. Find This : import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.itemhandlers.*; And Paste This Right After It : import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.itemhandlers.NobleCustomItem; Then Find This : registerItemHandler(new SpiritLake()); And Paste This , Right After It : registerItemHandler(new NobleCustomItem()); Save It And Close It. Seventh, Compile Your Gs ( Via Maven , Ant Build Doesn't Really Matter..But Since I Use L2J I Did It Via Ant Build ) And You Are Okay..! Enjoy! P.S: Special Thanks To Cobra For Showing Me The First Steps Of Java... Also , I'll Post a Video Later In Order To See What This Item Does.. [EDIT] Ready Patch Files ( .diff ) http://www.4shared.com/file/87327813/a83a8f7a/NobleCustomItem.html
  15. kl nte min varas.. akou kei savra.. omg nab! k min nmzeis oti k egw akouw mono hip hop.. ante mlkaaaaa xD akouw k kapsourotragouda..alla ntax tora. proi , mesimeri , vradi , mesanixta, ksimeromata kapsoura? dn paei ligo pl? :/ a k btw , dn iparxei stn xarti i hiphop? okay.. oti peis..! dn s antilegw gt 8a pareksigi8eis k dn t 8elw xD
  16. Lawl! For a Translation + Karma? Cmon Mate... W/e. Cool Exploit I'll Try It.. And I'll Post Here.. P.S: Fixed XxRxX's Mistake. *( If I'm Wrong , A Mod Give His Karma Back.. *Im Talking About THE Mods.. NobLe , Mental , Nitrous and these..* ) [gr] Lawl! +1 Karma g Mia Metafrasi? Elate r Paidia..! Tespa , Wraio Exploit. 8a t dokimasw k 8a postarw .. P.S: "eftiaksa" to "la8os" tou XxRxX *(An eimai la8os , kapios mod na t dwsei t karma pisw.*milaw g ts MOD NobLe , Mental , Nitrous and these..* )..
  17. Oust RE! P 8a miliseis esy g hiphop k rap! ka8iki ! xD ti akiro re an8rwpe mas douleveis? prin ligo rotage pws 8a kanei cs server! eleos diavase k ligo pio prin.. ante kapsouriari xD
  18. In Conclusion File m g na ktlveis.. Ean 8es Help Me Erotika = TheMentaL , NobLe , Anni Ean 8es Kapsourotragouda Gia Na Klapseis Ton Pono s = k4rmaarr0ws Ean 8es Na Ftiakseis Diko Sou CS Server = Blane , NotABastard , hax0r g oti alles apories ,rota ts ipoloipous.. P.S: WebMonster , Oti k na les o tzitzos einai master tis kapsouras..!
  19. koita. o ka8enas exei tn tropo t.. proto apo ola k Simantikotero. na einai Face to face. oxi apo minima i apo kinito. outwsoste na deis tin ekfrasi tis k na dei k ayti tn dikia s.. Deyteron prp na eisai poli , ews aidiastika poli glykos ekeini tn stigmi p 8a ts t peis... triton , protimise na eiste oi 2 sas.. para olo to skiloloi.. ( filoi / files / gnwstoi / perastikoi ) twra , ean dn 8es na ts to peis alla na ts to dikseis.. dn kserw .. rota tn 8eio NobLe..
  20. file m egw p epeza kapote l2 osiris , katalava oti o sps ekei dn aksizei oso 8a prepe.. w/e , kalitera g mena na kaneis ena subaki Necro k na gameiS! oso g ta buff opws leei k o NioSe ...
  21. +1 me tn 8eio NobLe xD dikio exei file.. opws leei . min perimeneis apo ayti na kanei tn proti kinisi.. oi perisoteroi etsi tn patame ;S
  22. lgk , mono k mono p s rotane oi files ts pistevw einai karfwma... ofc.. tis kaliteres simvoules ts dinei o anni. kanton pm xD
  23. Do We Love K4rma? ofc we do :) <3 k4rma!
  24. Erm.. They Are Not Custom.. They Exist In Lineage 2 Gracia Part 2 Client.. Just Search 'em A Little Bit
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