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Everything posted by MiraDBZ

  1. Κάτι με υπολογιστές πάντως. Έχω έναν χρόνο για να αποφασίσω.
  2. Ποιος σας κάνει ΣΕΠ να τον/την πλακώσω; :p
  3. Then our books are made in the exact opposite way. D: You know.. Greece has one of the most difficult education systems in Europe. Damn us.
  4. Ναι άλλα άμα δεν ξέρει τίποτα στη Φυσική τι θα πάει να γράψει; Και υποτίθεται ότι για να περάσει Ιατρική πρέπει να βγάλει 19000+.
  5. Φίλε δεν έχει ουσία να μείνεις φέτος για 2 λόγους : 1) Τα φετινά μαθηματικά κατεύθυνσης και η φετινή φυσική κατεύθυνσης δεν έχουν μεγάλη σχέση με τα μαθηματικά και τη φυσική κατεύθυνσης του χρόνου. Αντιθέτως η φυσική της Ά και η άλγεβρα της Ά και της 'Β είναι σημαντικά για του χρόνου. 2) Καλύτερο είναι να δώσεις 2η φορά πανελλήνιες τουλάχιστον για να έχεις μάθει κάτι την πρώτη χρονιά να πάρεις και κάποιες εμπειρίες και του παραχρόνου με διάβασμα να πας να ξαναδώσεις. Καλύτερα πιστεύω.
  6. MiraDBZ

    [Icons]For Xp

    This is the best site to search for such icons: http://www.iconfinder.com Examples: http://www.iconfinder.com/search/?q=my+computer http://www.iconfinder.com/search/?q=my+documents I find almost anything. Just search.
  7. LOL if you think that you can study alone the Maths and the Psychics we do here in Greece the final year of school then you have no clue what's going on here. Skaros it would better to reconsider what you want to become. It is impossible for you to become a doctor. You are in a very difficult situation. But first just describe us your basic knowledge. Do you know at least the basics in Physics, Maths and Chemistry? :S
  8. Oh man...... I love trollcats.
  9. I guess it's better than Banned member. ;p
  10. It would be better to rename the forum MaxBastards and make new sections. It would bring more ppl for sure.
  11. Btw you don't need to install a package for that.
  12. Admin>Boards>Add Board> and where it says Order choose the 2nd option Child of and the board you'd like it to be in.
  13. Which is the purpose of this poll? -.-'
  14. Be more specific. Which forum software are you using?
  15. Your English isn't better. -.-' And it's not hard to understand what he wants.
  16. I have seen this again. I am sure.
  17. They'll hate you? Who the -beep- cares? LOL Let them keep requesting signatures. If they are lucky, they'll get one.
  18. I just focused on it and I changed the direction.
  19. I do not like this style. It would be better if you made it more realistic.
  20. Pff nice try but it cannot surpass the BALLZ OF STEEL.
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