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  1. I have bad news for you: bot is exe file so it can be detected. PS. Good luck in any way.
  2. There are lots non public bots. And cost for develop normal bot is much more than 500$.
  3. Thanks for pack
  4. I agree with AlmostGood - OOG has no future. Yes, its very nice to develop some software, but when your app can work in real life it's excellent.
  5. How does it help you? Simple code for simple captcha system: var html: string; p1, p2: Integer; number: string; begin html := .... if (Pos(html, 'CAPTHCA') > 0) then begin p1 := Pos(html, 'number: '); p1 := p1 + Length('number: '); p2 := Pos(html, ' ', p1); number := Copy(html, p1, p2 - p1); ByPassToServer('someact=' + number); end; end;
  6. no feet, no sweets
  7. Everything costs money.
  8. ScythBot works fine
  9. Check antivurs, move adr to short path for example c:\adr
  10. Remove file adsmon.ini or adsmon2.ini
  11. it doesn't matter, guy needs bot :)
  12. ScythBot works fine
  13. 1.0.02 is last version. There are one-two small patches but they have 1.02 version too. On web and in "Бот-> Обновления" have latest version.
  14. I think about it :) no
  15. ScythBot can be used but with some restrictions: you must control character only via bot. If you try to control char via bot then click mouse in client you will baned for some time.
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