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Posts posted by DreaM

  1. my operation system doesnt' let me to paste the photo...


    also i found at google that it is a worm!


    every 60s - 5min i got restarted my computer!


    How many times have passed since you got this problem if more than 5 hours you will be forced to reinstall windows aka format if not i can fix this problem but it may damage windows.

  2. So forum, what's your best pickup line?


    [i took the idea of RayWilliamJohnson for the comic question of the day and i tihnk it will be nice to have it in here im sure many of you will have some brillinat [size=5pt]retarded[/size] ideas for a pickup line]

  3. why don't you buy donator member instead of VIP?


    Thanks for helping. Well if i end up not getting 65k adenas to the time this will be it. But i want to do my best to get them. So anyone, help if you can if you cannot please don't ruind my cause. I wanna give a big thanks to everyone that gave a part of them for this present to be real and not just an idea. So please if you could send me adena so we can show to the non-believers that we can be united we can do good and turn "pixels as Coyote said" into something .

  4. 0240%20-%20Dream%20Girl.png


    Okay you made me start on this. DreaMs sometimes show you what "IT" wants. Sometimes it shows what YOU want. Sometimes it shows you what you fear the most. Someone it shows you what you love the most. Basically its an encyclopedia of yourself and in the same time biography. There are no such things as nightmares cuz nightmares are still dreams , dreams in which you see what you fear the most or what you were afraid of. For example you're a kid that smokes , after some time you dream smth about smoking somewhere and you just feel like your parents know it and you're frightened and always when you wake up it's like "oh it was JUST A DREAM" . Another example is for example if someone did something really bad to you take you hostage beat you to death or smth like that its only natural that you experience the same thing again in your dream. If you want more informations about dreams you can always pm me so i can explain ! :)^

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