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Posts posted by DreaM

  1. why you think that problem is on java. Problem is on L2 itself. is old and nothing new in game play, they are just changing "dresses".


    That's right .


    no thats why you cant!those who play lolservers with customs or with high stats where you have 10K++ p.atk and such are dont knoe absolutely nothing about lineage so as it is their opinion can not be considered as a valid point against or for something...


    Well lolplayers or not, they still count for the total development of the game.

  2. We aren't getting to anywhere actually, we started discussing old things while we should be discussing the current problem. And as a main question you have will "Epilogue be of any use to population growing or will it be another addon of Lineage 2".


    I'll have to answer yes, It will be nothing special a rise in popularity will  not occur until something in the game really changes . Will L3 Save it then? Can't tell we don't even know how it will look like so we cannot really tell. But you see there's still hope i'll allow myself to quote a Bulgarian philosopher "For something new to be born something old should die." You could translate it as you'd like. It's a 50/50 option for Lineage. Either it grows after Lineage 3 either it dies.

  3. i think i dont need to say anything my opinion is well known about this...


    You should just have posted a link lol or didn't reply at all. Your post is really so off-topic <3 ;P.

    And anyway since you said "L2 Java" sucks well actaully no it does not suck the people working with it may suck but with a little more effort and knowledge you can make wonders w/ it an simple example was echoKinetics the first attempt playing a little more with java turned out to be one of the best servers ever created. So it's not about what expansion or what kind of server is it .


  4. Sometimes no, but at about 80% it's NEW that wins.


    Well, you may have a point here, but you can't deny that there are MANY Interlude Servers (about 50%, maybe more) that are full of customs.. And I don't mean Apellas..

    I mean Dynasty, Epic, Vesper, and other kinds of these armors painted to black, red, blue etc. ^^


    How did you counted the percentages lol? And people nowadays are looking for customs . If there aren't customs they don't play cuz they don't have a point in playing. Only PvP became booring and many ppl will probably agree with me. Non-Stop PvE servers are getting popular  while customless , die.


  5. No one's actually waiting epilogue, people are just reporting it few are excited about it.

    Admins can easily remove them D:

    So I suppose that it's not such a big deal for java servers, where the admins' IQs have more than 1 number.


    Come on dude!

    It's just matter of the server's gameplay..

    These can be handled even by the most wannabe jerks that don't know how to open gs consoles =/


    what do you mean ?

    Yea but not always NEW is better than old. Am i right?


    In this case yes it isn't better.

  6. It's dying for sure. Players used to play with the original L2. After kamael they are adding more features which doesnt fit to l2. They copy other games. Da end of l2 will come.


    Indeed. Koreans started adding things from Privates such as "customs" Dynasty ; ICarius ; Vesper is another dumb idea of our Korean friends. really uneeded many ppl stopped playing it because of it.

  7. because when people start to like the new clients Pouf new client on O.o and WTF we must play it :/


    No one makes you play it lol, you have an option. Thats basically why most of the people went back on C6 and didn't continued with Gracia etecera. Lineage III wont be as big as of a success as most people think it will be. It will be just like Aion. It was everywhere at start everyone was excited but in the end my theory got proven it was a real version of WoWAge and population dropped a lot after beta test.

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