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Posts posted by DreaM

  1. It does need plugi-ins, it does need sounds, quake options, serverscripts, events...You can't make someone Admin without adding mani-admin-plugin on the server.And no, it's not GM but you can make someone a Team Administrator, Spectator Administrator, Full Administrator, RCON Administrator, Fun Administrator bla bla bla..


    GL Finding someone, tho it's too hard to find anyone to do this job.


    PS. Server Panel > VAC Security: ON


    Plug-ins are SO HARD TO ADD  . A server without Mani Mod aint cool unless its a private server for tournaments. And please do you seriously think you need a whole developer for that? Seriously... CS Server structure is just waay to easy and it doesn't require a pro to do it. Every child with enough knowledge of "what is that" can do the job.

  2. Anyway, locked, if you want this topic to be opened PM me.


    Locked because the whole procedure is done by PM system so no need for the topic to be opened.


    Dear Photoshop users. I am going to create a photoshop team. If you want to join you'll have to send me a PM including experience rate(rate yourself). A preview of your job and you may include a .psd file. All members will receive a PM with my msn and a member card!

    More info about the team,also suggestions about the name  you can get/give if you PM me!

  3. Okay after almost 1 hours of updating and cleaning my topic is back from the start and it's how it should be. Remembers I'm unlocking it so I can update this Dictionary you can help me if you'd like. If you do not post addons for the dictionary and your post is a spam i'll dekarma you as a first warning or ban as a second. Keep in mind this is a EN Topic so i don't want to hear ppl say "add sks is stfu in gr" its en topic so stick to it. You are in the full position to ask if you do not undesrstand something so i can explain it to you.Other posts that contain nothing related to the thread and just are like


    "Nice work man"

    "How long it took you"

    "Is c/p i know"

    "Is very helpful now i know"

    "Its for noobs but gj"


    will be deleted and the one who posted them will be ,as i said, for a first warning [dekarmed] for a second one [banned] . So forum help me update it. Just dont repost same shit look at the dictionary carefully.


  4. intrepid look..

    the wow pvp system is equal,balanced,correct. even a priest if he is experienced can kill a tank and vise versa...at l2 an archer with 1200 att power can even kill 2 players at the same time :/


    about the weapons.what do you expect with the toon graphics wow has>? realism? lol :D 8) even with toon graphics we still have better enchament outlooks :P

    about the rest i prefer not to give an answer 8) i played both games...i judge equally...ppl that dont have even tried something and give replies only by watching youtube videos are giving me the impression of ppl that haste to judge...

    Indeed, thanks for protecting WoW's pride <3 . Anyway if you put it like that NobLe i must clear something out. If you are "that" kind of player that just wants to play smth ... medieval-like ofc you'd choose L2 if you want to play a fantasy play WoW .


    Well thread #Locked. What had to be discussed was discussed. If the thread creator is not satisfied with what the forum offered so far he can pm me to unlock so the discussion to continue altho i think we're done.

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