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Posts posted by DreaM

  1. My opinion:



    Kills  Color

    Lord  Gold/Black

    Champ  Gold/Black

    1500  Gold/Black

    1000  Yellow

    700  Orange

    500  Purple

    300  Blue

    100  Green

    0  White



    Kills Rank

    1500 Cadet

    2000 Lieutenant

    3000 Captain

    4000 Comander

    5000 Major

    6500 Lt. Colonel

    8000 Colonel

    10000 Brigadier

    1200 Leader

    15000 General

    20000 Marshal

    25000 Admiral


    This is just stupid. I always hated systems like that, people running with ranks and colored names - loljavaaaaz.


    Cuz you are a sucktard and you cant kill even 1 guy if its not your alt-tab char


    //joke off


    Anyway ranks give insparation for people to fight more so its ok.

  2. well i couldnt join for some reasons , i think many guys would join this but wouldn't me.


    i stoped playing on IL servers as long i was developing it saw how much hell unstable they are plus that almost no server had admins that all day long online and fix (i dont say i was one) also they are hell unbalanced except if there are at least 2 professinal lineagers staffers that can handle reporting the skills and potions , etc and 2 professional developers that can manage fixing them (we had not full them in our servers).


    i also wont play because i see a big ego-pathetic dude , pretending the smart and big guy and how old are you mate?20?22 ok i maybe 15 but you cant call me a child when actually a have a point in this conversation and i am trying and i believe i succeed talking seriusly.Intrepid is the one who teached me all i know till now , and yes if you see the things in the other way you can easily understand how it works beetween clients..There are many servers like this out there , if you make it G.Final or Epilogue you will fail because of RoyalKingdoms which (let me say the truth) will be x5 better Faction server because simple , there is a staff that chekout all the oportunities and have a damned knowledge and when i see a dude , in case you , saying that Intrepid is out of knowledge it shows that the retarded here is no intrepid but someone other



    ps: i am waiting the classical reply "gtfo kid" or w/e


    no one said you're a kid. now gtfo kid. [thats what you wanted]


    atm the only retard here is you ;)


    okay than lets base on facts:

    1.no buff limit this makes the unabalance because you can put to yourself 6-7 line buff and than every char is a 1man army so guess what only a FEW class playable but not most of them which means 6-7 class played others crap.


    2.interlude is the most crappy client ever you can say its not i dont care since non of you ONLY i repeat ONLY Lain can come up with a valid point others just "i hate kamael so i like il".


    3.we have divided players into two major armies, each fighting a never-ending battle, sieging towns to earn their right as the one true ruler of the world, you said this and you know whats this?this is a faction server concept.


    4.i dont care about who do it an l2j developer or a java programmer a wannabe or a sun programmer that doesnt really matter what matters is all the mods you listed are shared so dont tell me they make anything special while they dont!And by the way a few of the features made by me so guess what you use a guys stuff on your server who as you said have lack of knowledge :)


    Ok so let's start with the explanation thanks for opening me a chance to prove you WRONG!


    You said no buff limit makes charecters unbalanced. If it makes 1 class unbalanced it makes all classes unbalanced. => There wont be any unbalanced classes. We are not brainless creatures that do not know what will be the consequences leading from 1 thing to another we know when we do that this will happen and to prevent this we do another thing as i said server is not on so you cannot base on real arguments for class unbalancements.



    2. Interlude is the most stable chronicle if worked on with dexterity and precise. You can't accept it cuz you never tried it or if you tried it you got bored the first time you couldn't find a way to fix the "goddamn error"


    3. Yes it will be faction-like that doesn't mean players can't choose to be neutral


    4.back on arguments give me links of all shares and i'll accept the last part.


    I wont answer Revenger there's no point in asnwering Intrepid[2]


  3. after that its really funny you dekarmed xAddytzu for hes behavior so atm i could easily do the same for you too :)

    you should listen not only the ass licker opinions but the usefull ones which actually point out mistakes.


    anyway have at your way i dont have anything to do with your server and with your childish act when someone dont say what you want to hear by that you just proove that you dont want to hear any opinion only the ones which says "gl i will join for sure" :)


    Your answer wasn't an asnwer. It's not based on facts in your post there's no arguments you are in no place to say what you said with no arguments really don't make me think you're retarded <3.

  4. dream , every single application On Internet that lasts over 1 hour is for no-lifers then. GTFO!


    its just how your life goes in internet. Facebook is still for no-lifers. Its not my problem if you think that you lost your life somewhere in the internet. Making friends from internet thru a site is no-life.









    What you said is nuesense based on your lack of knowledge.

  6. So that's basically a guide in which you can find useful thingies that can help you optimize your module and your server aswell making it run faster and smoother.


        * When you aren't using a certain plug-in do not only put ; infront of its name in the plugins.ini , instead , just delete it as well as the plug-in delete its models/sounds that go with it. It's also practical to stop the modules which you don't use of the plug-in because they are wasting a lot of resources.

        * Don't implement a lot of uneeded plug-ins that will only slow down your server, don't think they make your server better no they just slow it down and it causes it to lag.

        * Do not put optimization plug-ins they usually do not work [unless they are anti-bugs] because they are bigger and they cause bigger of a loading to your server.


    For the modules


        * Do not use modules that can slow down the process of your machine if she's not a good one, for example if your Computer sucks it's obvious you should NOT host GG. Zombie, Predator games.

        * Remove the uneeded informations of the modules [see below]

        * For optimal decrease of the lag use the program called HL Server Rates. It has an online version , which is better. [send me a PM if you wat the program]

        * After you calculated the rates of your Machine and internet connection implement them in your "cstrike/server.cfg"


    Removal of uneeded information

    Okay so a lil bit of explanation. This is the whole information in .cfg and the .ini files. I'll give you an example :



    ; AMX Mod X plugins
    ; Admin Base - Always one has to be activated
    admin.amxx      ; admin base (required for any admin-related)
    ;admin_sql.amxx      ; admin base - SQL version (comment admin.amxx)
    ; Basic
    admincmd.amxx      ; basic admin console commands
    adminhelp.amxx      ; help command for admin console commands
    adminslots.amxx      ; slot reservation
    multilingual.amxx   ; Multi-Lingual management
    ; Menus
    menufront.amxx      ; front-end for admin menus
    cmdmenu.amxx      ; command menu (speech, settings)
    plmenu.amxx      ; players menu (kick, ban, client cmds.)
    ;telemenu.amxx      ; teleport menu (Fun Module required!)
    mapsmenu.amxx      ; maps menu (vote, changelevel)
    pluginmenu.amxx      ; Menus for commands/cvars organized by plugin
    ; Chat / Messages
    adminchat.amxx      ; console chat commands
    antiflood.amxx      ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
    scrollmsg.amxx      ; displays a scrolling message
    imessage.amxx      ; displays information messages
    adminvote.amxx      ; vote commands
    ; Map related
    nextmap.amxx      ; displays next map in mapcycle
    mapchooser.amxx      ; allows to vote for next map
    timeleft.amxx      ; displays time left on map
    ; Configuration
    pausecfg.amxx      ; allows to pause and unpause some plugins


        * Instead of it you can simply write the name of your plugin [ex yourpluginname.amxx] instead of loads of explanations for it. They slow down your server a lot.

        * Just let empty plugins.ini and users.ini [unless plugins and users] It's simple :].


    Hope i helped .


    Alexxs is the original maker of the guide but it was my deal for translating it . Hope it helps ya.




  7. it sounds epic :) ill join for sure :P  . the only bad is client why interlude :( . waiting for news btw


    Client doesn't really matter this is nothing like Lineage its not  a server done from developers but from programmers [way better]


    Seems cool but i love crafting which is actually disabled =D,i'l join for sure


    Instead of crafting you have so many other systems for obtaining ranks,items etc so that's really pointless to be implemented.

  8. So a friend of mine is soon opening a server and i want your opinion about it. It will be most likely Interlude here are the features leave comments.



    Server Info:

    - auto loot all non raid drops

    - no experience loss on death

    - players with karma cant be killed in safe zone

    - all world teleports are free

    - crafting disabled

    - you can have up to 5 sub-classes

    - no weight penalty

    - unlimited buff slots

    - max number of clans in an alliance is 5

    - 10 members needed to request a clan war

    - no death penalty





    Game play is based on power, player vs player combat and world domination. To ensure maximum pvp, we have divided players into two major armies, each fighting a never-ending battle, sieging towns to earn their right as the one true ruler of the world, while every individual plays their own role, enlarging their land and possessions.



    Gold - obtained on monster kill, used as global trading currency

    Euro - obtained on enemy faction member kill, used in special item trades



    Experience, which is needed for next level can ether be obtained by killing mobs(below lvl 50), or by slaying enemy army member(above lvl 50) and is calculated so you need 2 kills for level 2, 3kills for lvl 3 etc...

    Party gives 50% of the gold to all members.

    - auto skill, occupation updates

    - custom sub-class Quest(max lvl is 85 and starts with lvl 50),

    - auto noblesse at 1000 kills

    - each rank has new name color

    - weapon enchant level increases on player kill (+5 max)

    - max enchant is 25

    - shop up to s grade

    - SA equipment obtainable at special shop

    - players below lvl 50 can only kill same grade enemy faction members

    - players above lvl 50 can only kill enemy faction players above level 50



    Kills Color

    Lord Gold/Black

    Champ Gold/Black

    1500 Gold/Black

    1000 Yellow

    700 Orange

    500 Purple

    300 Blue

    100 Green

    0 White



    Kills Rank

    1500 Cadet

    2000 Lieutenant

    3000 Captain

    4000 Comander

    5000 Major

    6500 Lt. Colonel

    8000 Colonel

    10000 Brigadier

    1200 Leader

    15000 General

    20000 Marshal

    25000 Admiral



    - Newbie Hunting Grounds (below lvl 50)

    exp is divided so you need to kill same number of mobs as your level in order to reach next one (ex: 2mobs for lvl 2, 3mobs for lvl 3..)

    custom hunting areas spawned around faction bases

    faction guards all over farm areas, protect players from enemys

    mobs drop gold, armor/weapon enchant scrolls


    - Advanced Hunting Grounds (above lvl 50)

    located in Forge of Gods, can be entered by anyone, mobs drop s grade sealed weapons and special items lvl1


    - Royal Hunting Grounds (lvl 85)

    located on Primeval Island can only be entered by the current world ruler army members, mobs drop unsealed weapons and special items lvl2


    - Towns

    each town and village can be sieged

    faction owning most towns is world ruler

    town raid boss and guards protect owners

    clan halls can be bought by town owners

    guards drop S grade armor/weapon enchant scrolls and special items lvl1


    - Real-estate

    can be bought by any noblesse player

    you can inhabit any unused area (no retail spawns on world), contact a GM to inspect it

    owners must pay for their property in advance at doorman

    inside your land, you can spawn decorations (tables/rocks/trees..) and servants (buffer/gk/wh/merchant) of any race

    only owners and invited players can enter someones property

    Land Npc Guards

    Giran - trading zone

    Goddard - Good Base

    Schuttgart - Evil Base


    Aden - human

    Oren - human

    Rune - darkelven

    Heine - elven

    Dion - dwarven

    Gludin - orc

    Gludio - orc


    H. Village - human

    E. Village - elven

    DE. Village - darkelven

    O. Village - orc

    D. Village - dwarven




    - global raids (spawn every 2 hours)

    - castle sieges(retail)

    - player olympiad(retail)

    - clan olympiad

    - daily top ten arena

    - secure duels in coli player/clan(.duel/.clanduel)

    - auto events, can be started/joined by players above lvl 50

      - .tvt, Team Vs Team

      - .ctf, Capture the Flag

      - .lms, Last man Standing

      - .dm, Death Match


    :User command handler

    - .help, display help menu

    - .staff, display staff members

    - .ruler, display current ruler of the world

    - .lords, display lords

    - .champs, display champions

    - .status, display your status

    - .base, Teleport back to base

    - .bot, Start/Stop automated farming

    - .title [new], Change your title

    - .goto [name], port yourself to any player on map, excluding players in towns

    - .duel [name], Invites player into a secure duel(results announced)

    - .clanduel [clan], Invites clan into a secure duel(results announced, only leaders can invite/accept)

    - .detach, disconnect your from game, while your char is still online in a trading zone, logging private messages

    - .log, dis/enable pm logging

    - .showlog, view your logs

    - .emptylog, clean your log

    - .fly, fly any mob you have captured

    - .ride, ride any mob you have captured

    - .tvt/.ctf/.lms/.dm, start or join auto events

    Unlimited: Arrows/Bolts/SoulShots/BlessedSpiritShots - You just need to have 1 of those items!

    Trade Refusal Mode for players (.tradeoff/.tradeon)

    Hero Skills on Subclasses

    Mail System

    Quake Announce Kill System!

    Olympiad Restrict Same IP

    Effect on Spawn Protection - When you are in spawn protection (60 seconds) you have a cool effect.

  9. So i've made a collection of the most useful Map-Creating tutorials or map-creating-related tutorials.


    So this rar contains Word files which contain the guides so here's the name of the tutorials you can find in the rar :


    *Creating a creep revival system

    *Making an advanced hero selection

    *Tirggers - Countdown timer [ like the one in DotA]

    *Designing a Map

    *Bounty & Units


    Well I actully doubt they are many map creators in MxC but hopefully these guides well help atleast someone.


    Click here to Download - 4Shared link


    Hope i helped, credits included in every document.



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