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Everything posted by DreaM

  1. teh best !! operation started hacking system engaged. Teh best mode activated xD ;D
  2. hahah lol its cheap i will see if im gonna donate after G_G's post ...
  3. This guide is very helpful if you have ever wondered how people get to play World of Warcraft on a private server. Doing this will can also let you play as a GM if you know the person hosting the private server. I just found this on the internet and I have not tried it. Also, I am not responsible for the information contained in this guide and use at your own risk. With that said...here is the guide! Have you ever wondered how you could solo MC or BWL? How about have a godly character that nothing can defeat? So... Now that I've caught your attention, I will explain how to connect to one of many WoW private servers! 1. Rename your World of Warcraft folder to anything else, for example wowow, something you won't forget is your World of Warcraft folder. For Windows users you'll find the folder "World of Warcraft" in C:\Program Files. 2. Install the World of Warcraft (again). The installer will ask you where you want to place World of Warcraft. The default is installed into C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft, but instead rename it to C:\Program Files\PrivateServerWoW (or anything else). Also, don't have it send an icon to the desktop. 3. Once you've installed World of Warcraft, DO NOT connect to the server!!! If you do this, WoW will update your game version to 1.9.0, and we don't want this! Instead, download the 1.8.0 full patch. you can download it here: FileFront 4. Run the 1.8.0 installation files and have it be installed to the Wow Private Server folder. (If it doesn't let you choose where to install it, it will automatically install in your private server folder). 5. This part is semi-optional. Just depends on if you want to have the Ahn-Qiraj stuff available in the Private Server. If you want to connect to a 1.9.0 hack server, you can download the 1.9.0 EMU patch (this is NOT the same as Blizzard's and using Blizzard's 1.9.0 will result in not being able to connect to the private server.) You can download the 1.9.0 emu patch HERE. Install the patch into your Private WoW server folder. 6. If you installed the 1.9.0 emu hack, go to your WoW private server folder and then inside the folder go to DATA, then to DBFilesClient. in the DBFilesClient folder DELETE the item "Spell.dbc." If you don't delete this, WoW will NOT work. However if you didn't install the 1.9.0 emu hack, you won't have to delete anything. 7. Now on to finding a private server to connect to. I find most of my servers at http://wowstatus.net/serverlist.php but you can find them elsewhere by doing a search. There, you'll find a list of private servers. If you want to play on a server with high XP rates and gold/item rates, choose a funserver (under the XP rate column). Click on the server's name to go to the info page. You can only play on servers that have 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2, or 1.9.0 hack (which is really almost all servers). 8. To play on the server, you must make an account. Now click on the Account Signup page to register for that particular server. Most register sites will look like a login screen. Just type your desired username and password to sign up! 9. Once you're signed up for that particular server, you'll need to find the server's address. Go back to the server's info page, and you'll find the server's address In the row labeled "Server Address" (duh ). 10. Once you've found the server address, go back to your WoW Private Server Folder, and find a file called "Realmlist.wtf" It's in the regular WoW private server folder, NOT in the WTF folder. Click on the Realmlist.wtf to open it. For most, it will ask you what program you want to open it with. For window's users, choose notepad. Once opened you'll see, [ set realmlist us.logon.worldofwarcraft.com ] or [ set realmlist eu.logon.worldofwarcraft.com ] depending on which version you play. Now change the address to the private server you chose. (for example [ set realmlist xxx.xxx.xxx ]) Once you've done that, SAVE the file! 11. Now in the private server folder, click on the WoW icon (or WoW190 if you installed the 1.9.0 hack) and you're on! Login as usual! (you can play on 1.9.0 hack servers with just 1.8.0... but you wont be able to access the new stuff). Things you should know before playing... 1. You CAN'T connect to any private servers by simply just altering your usual WoW realmlist.wtf file. 2. A lot of servers will have high latency! Heck, they're just FREE servers set up by regular people. 3. When you login to the server and you get connected...or even to the select character page, and you then you automatically get disconnected...it means the SERVER IS FULL. Just keep trying to reconnect until you get through. 4. Every 10-60 min, the server will do a "World Save." When that happens, you will lag for about 10 sec. Nothing to worry about, though! Cool Stuff 1. A lot of good servers will have a level cap of 255! Yes...lvl 255! 2. Most servers have high MP and HP regen! 3. Some servers, any class/race can wield any weapon/armor! 4. If you're nice to a GM, they may transport you to the famous, GM Island . 5. Some servers have custom mounts! For example you can ride a hyppogrif, gryphon, wyvern, or even a dragon! (Normally requires being nice to GMs to get the dragon ). 6. Some servers have custom armors/weapons. On one server I play, I duel wield 2 swords that do 9,999 dps....EACH. (major MC pwnage). 7. Most servers have NPC venders for epic quality items for less than 10g each. 8. For those who aren't interested in pwning high lvl mobs that'd take an entire raid in normal WoW, try out classes you've always wanted to mess around with. On high xp servers, you can get to 60 within 30 min - an hour. 9. Most of the time, gold is plentiful! Or if gold isn't... mobs will always drop SEVERAL uncommon/common/epic depending on mob level. 10. If you notice you're not getting a TON of xp from killing mobs... do quests... some servers have uber high quest reward xp.
  4. For a warrior in the World of Warcraft, one of your most sought after skills will be as a tank with a group in an instance. There are many different dungeons and instance throughout the game, and you will constantly see people advertise for them, needing a tank, healer, and others to join them. By making yourself a good tank, you will earn yourself many group invites to instances throughout your time as a WoW warrior. This, in turn, will earn you some great friends, great loot, and good killing fun. To be a good tank, you first need to know how to handle your character in a fight. From the beginning of your toon to the end, you should know your best fighting tactics and you should be able to pick out the main mob to go for in a fight. During your training, you should be able to pick up weapons that will cause a lot of damage to a mob you are fighting and you should practice with it a lot to ensure that you know how to handle yourself when it comes to being in an instance. Gather all the training that you can, all the spells and abilities, and any enchantments or special armor that will help you during your fighting. When you are invited to be in a group, and you have the time to run the instance, you should go. It doesn't matter if you have run that particular instance before or not, the more experience that you have with any instance, the better you can do overall in the game. If you aren't familiar with that particular instance, ask your friends or guild members who have been there for any tips or advice that they can give you. You can also check with some of the World of Warcraft websites that show quest information and give advice on different areas of the game. Meet with your party and greet them all warmly, after all, they will be covering your behind while you are in the middle of the mobs. Ask politely for any buffs that will help you, or anything else that your group members can do or provide (such as potions or enchantments) that will allow you to be a better tank. Make sure that you make friends with the group healer, as they can be the difference in your run from a graveyard or a resurrection if you die. Remember that you are the rock of the group. Others in the group will include a mix of healers, warlocks, hunters, rogues, and so on, and most will be casters. Casters are usually physically weaker than warriors or hunters, and you should try your best to protect them by keeping the mobs on you, while they pick them off from a distance. Some group members, such as warlocks and hunters, will have minions or pets that will help tank. This can be great, especially if you are charging a large group of mobs and you know that you will be overwhelmed alone. Mark the targets with different symbols for each different minion or pet, so your group members will know which ones to attack. If you aren't the group leader, ask them to do it for you so all of the tanks know where to go. Once you are in the instance, you should be in the lead. If you don't know where you are going, and someone else does, let them lead, but stay right with them. When you see a mob, pause and make sure that everyone is ready, especially if it is a large group of mobs. Choose the highest level mob and mark it, as that is the one that you need to go for. Let the group know that you are ready, and then head in for your kill. Use all your skills and abilities as a tank to kill the most powerful mob there. The others in your group will start picking off the others, or helping you with the one you have chosen. Once you slay that mob, move on to any others that are left standing. Make sure that you help to slay any mobs that are left so they don't hurt your other group members too much. If an item comes up that is green, blue, or purple, and is one that you either need for a quest or that you can use or wear, it is always polite to ask if you can “need” the item instead of just doing it. More than likely, it won't be a problem, but there are always those few that will gripe about people needing. If you don't win it on a roll, it gives you the chance to go back to the instance with another group and regain the xp that you get from each instance until you gain the item you need to finish your quest. Being a good tank is more than just knowing how to handle yourself in a fight, it takes a constant sense of where you are, what your strengths are, and how you can use them to become a great tank and to ensure that your group will make it through. Keep your eye on this site as new guides are added each and every week. Be sure to bookmark this page and check out the other class specific guides to help make you a great player in this game.
  5. This WoW guide will tell you not only how to powerlevel your warlock, but will also give you talent specifications so you won't be left in the dark wondering how to powerlevel your warlock. I found this guide on the main World of Warcraft community website. It is an extremely helpful guide. Also, after you respec you can check out the other powerleveling guides and you should be able to follow them. Talents: 10-14: 5/5 Imp Corruption 15: 1/5 Demonic Embrace 16-18: 3/3 Imp Imp (For the instances you should be running right now) 19: 2/5 Demonic Embrace 20-22: Imp VW 23-25: 5/5 Demonic Embrace 26: 1/1 Fel Domination 27-29: 3/5 Fel Stamina Level 29 Spec Respec #1 (Level 30) 30: Respec to 5/5 Imp Corruption, 5/5 Imp Drain Life, 2/2 Imp Life Tap, 5/5 Fel Concentration, 2/2 Nightfall, 2/2 Grim Reach 31: 1/1 Siphon life 32-34: 3/5 Suppression 35-39: 5/5 Shadow Mastery 40: 1/1 Dark Pact 41-45: 5/5 Demonic Embrace 46-49: 4/5 Fel Intellect Level 49 Spec Respec #2 (Level 50) 50: Respec to 5/5 Imp Corruption, 2/2 Imp Lifetap, 3/5 Imp Drain Life, 5/5 Fel Concentration, 2/2 Grim Reach, 2/2 Nightfall, 1/1 Amplify Curse, 5/5 Demonic Embrace, 3/3 Imp Imp, 3/3 Imp VW, 3/3 Imp Succubus, 1/1 Fel Domination, 2/2 Master Summoner, 3/5 Unholy Power, 1/1 Demonic Sacrifice 51: 1/1 Siphon Life 52: 1/1 Curse of Exaustion 53-55: 3/4 Imp. Curse of Exaustion 56-60: 5/5 Shadow Mastery Level 60 Spec Note about Drain Tanking: Common knowledge is that Drain Tanking is the most efficient leveling spec. Few realize, however, that it is nearly useless before level 30, due to the weakness of the lower versions of the Drain Life spell. How to level: Grind and quest at the same time. Either look for multiple quests that involve killing the same mobs, or look for multiple quests in the same areas. The more quests you can get done before running back to turn in, the faster your leveling will go. Also, remember to set your hearth to new places frequently. Every time you plan to level in a new place for more than an hour, set your hearth there, as the time saved by teleporting back to the nearest down instead of running is incredible. Summary: 1-9: Do your lowbie quests. Should take 2-3 hours. 10-29: Stack all your DoTs on a mob, send in the VW, stack all your DoTs on a second mob, and then wand the second mob to death. Repeat until low health, and then bandage/Consume Shadows. Each level should take about an hour, moving towards an hour and a half as you get closer to 30. If they are taking longer, figure out what the problem is (mobs too far apart, mobs have too much life, too much downtime) and move to an area that solves it. 30-39: Drain Tank: Load the mob up on DoTs, send in the Succubus, cast Drain Life while the mob beats on you, rinse and repeat. 40-49: Drain Tank, but instead of Life Tapping, use Dark Pact. A good rule of thumb is, DP only if your pet is over 50% mana, because if they run out it will slow your fighting time down. The easiest way to do this is to turn off all autocast abilities on your Succubus, and remember to DPing during the fight (rather than after) as a good time-saver because your DoTs will help keep up the DPS. 50-59: The Drain Tanking gets even better now. By Demonic Sacrificing your pet, you are able to regen even more life per fight, keeping up with increasing monster damage, while still 'Tapping up to full mana whenever you want because of the passive regen. 60: You are now specced SM/DS, which is generally accepted to be best grinding spec. Do whatever killing you need to do, grind factions etc., and then respec to your high-level build of choice. Equipment Choice: "I found that during early levels it was best to focus on +sta, and at around 35 or so to switch to +shadow or +dmg. If you are specced into affliction and are draintanking, +dmg will be vastly superior to +sta. You kill the mobs much faster for the same mana, and heal yourself that much faster." -Clutchsama It's my personal opinion that up until about level 40 you should stack +sta and "of the Eagle" gear. At 30, start looking for Shadoweave gear, and around 40 switch into it. Full Shadoweave can be made by tailors, and will give a bonus of +114 shadow damage, along with some Int and Sta, and can be equipped at level 44. In general, while using Dark Pact I stack as much +damage gear as possible, and while using Demonic Sacrifice, I stack as much +sta gear as possible, while keeping a minimum of +100 dmg. This guide was written by Suicidal from the main World of Warcraft community site. It is listed here as it has been an extremely helpful guide. Be sure to bookmark this page and check out the other guides to make HUGE amounts of gold in this game and powerlevel to the top.
  6. Here is another guide that I have found very useful. As many of you know it is extremely difficult to find great guides on the internet and this is a great one to add to the site. Most guides you find out there are pretty good if you want to only make 20-30 gold per hour. This guide is pretty easy to do as long as you are a Level 60 Mage, and it can net you at least 60-80 gold per hour. Great guide. Check it out below! Level 60 Frost Talent Spec Mage (enchanting profession is a bonus) I have 10 Arc/ 0 Fire/ 41 Frost spec, but Ice block and Cold Snap are most important for this little run. Go to Scarlet Monastery Cathedral. Run all the way to main Boss Chamber. Will be easy to dodge aggro as you are level 60. Kill pats if you can't get around. With a little practice you can get there with only 1-2 fights tops. Once inside you need to move down right or left side and dodge pats so that you are standing close to Mograine without aggroing him. Now the fun begins. But first... Make sure you have all you spell cooldowns up so you can use everything at your disposal. Make a Mana Ruby for backup mana. You can use potions but these cost money and counter your profit. Your decision. Ok, now that you are ready you can start the fight. Put up Ice Barrier and pop Mograine with a frostbolt and he will rush you and aggro the whole cathedral to come kill you. Take hits from Mograine until your barrier is removed. You will see the other mobs rushing you from all directions. When Barrier is gone pop Ice Block. This is the focal point of this run. Ice Block gives you 10 full seconds for all the mobs to gather around you without damaging you. Now they are all nice and packed for some Area of Effect(AoE) blasting! Ok, as soon as Ice Block expires you want to pop Frost Nova and Ice Barrier again as you strafe (don't backup, slower movement speed) out of the groups melee range. Now commence to laying on the AoE damage. Remeber that Mograine can't be Frost Nova'd so that is why you put your Ice Barrier back up since he will be beating on you while you are AoE killing his minions. Once all the minions are dead, Mograine should be less than 50% so finish him off. Immediately pop Evocation to refill mana because Whitemane is on her way. As long as you didn't end up close to her spawn point when you killed Mograine (practice will show you to finish Mograine towards the middle of the chamber) then you will get off a full Evocation for plenty more mana. Now kill Whitemane and Mograine again when she resurrects him. You're done! This little run nets me 6-8g in change not to mention any vendor trash, greens, blues and cloth that drop off all the mobs you just killed. Plus if you are an enchanter you can DE the Boss blues from Scarlet Commander Mograine and HIgh Inquisitor Whitemane sell the shards in AH. This run take a whopping 10 minutes tops after you run it a few times to get patrol behaviors memorized and I average 12-16g after counting all the change, cloth, random greens and blues, plus shards. My AoE spell order tends to go like this: Frost Nova (and strafe away about 8-10 yards) Flamestrike (immediately followed by) Cone of Cold Cold Snap Frost Nova (and strafe away about 8-10 yards) Flamestrike (immediately followed by) Cone of Cold Blink (away from mobs obviously) Blizzard Arcane Explosion (repeat till all dead except Mograine) Kill Mograine and Whitemane as explained above. Most of them die in the Blizzard and Arcane Explosion gets the stragglers. And since it will take a little time to get back to the Boss Room again all your cooldowns should be up so you can start fresh! As far as gear goes, obviously the better your gear the easier this is. Mine is not that great so any 60 mage can pull this off. I have 5/8 Magister, 3/8 Sorcerer, Orb of the Darkmoon, and 2 Freezing Band. So many folks will have better. Be sure to bookmark this page and check out the other guides to make HUGE amounts of gold in this game.
  7. Did you just start a playing WoW or do you have a brand new character and want to learn how to make gold very quickly? This guide is just for you! I have found this on the internet and I feel it will help a lot of newbies to get started and even some people that just started playing on the brand new servers and wants to make gold quickly at the lower levels in the game! Start as Skinner and a Herbalist or Miner for a while to gather resources. You may have to travel to a main town to learn these skills early - but its worth doing early. Skinner as you will be killing many skinable mobs early on, and either Herbalist or Miner as the radar marker conflicts - you cant have both a Herbalist and Miner radar blip on. I have "toons" that are both Skinner, Herbalist and Skinner, Miner ... I think the coin generated is a little better as a Miner (esp as you get occ. gem drops in ore placements), but if you choose a dark-elf as a race go herbalist as the starting area has no mining resources - there may be an equivalent horde race ! Collect 6 slot bags as quickly as possible ... some will drop as loot, others can be bought from tailors ... you can do a /who and /tell and offer to buy COD (cash on delivery) via the mail system so you dont have to buy from an NPC vendor or go to an Auction House before you are ready. Have a "mule" sitting in your factions Auction House Town (eg. Ironforge for Alliance) - create a character that is closest to the Auction House Town .. best a dwarf or gnome for easy access to Ironforge - Humans need to travel via Stormwind and the Underground tram system, Dark-Elves have to travel via foot for about 20 minutes through dangerous territory to get anywhere near Ironforge for the first time ... place your character very near a mailbox that is not busy. There are two mailboxes near the Auction House in Ironforge - one is always crowded .. crowds = lag. Choose the one that is not busy for your log-in/log-out place. This mule you will post your stacks to for sale at the Auction House. Keep notes of how much a stack of resources (light leather from skinning, copper ore from mining, silverleaf and peaceblossom from herbalism) sell to an NPC vendor but dont sell to the vendor. Check the Auction House prices using the search facility and take note of the starting and buyout prices for the stacks of resources you are selling. Many items have a buy-out price upto 10-20 times the price an NPC vendor will buy from you. I personally set my prices as follows .... starting price 2x the NPC vendor buy value (around 1.5-2.5s per stack) and a buyout price 5-6 times the NPC buy value unless all the competitor sellers buyout prices are way above or below that, then I set my buyouts at just below theirs. A couple of hours work at toon level 6-8 will give you 3-4 stacks of light leather, 2-3 stacks of herbs, 1-2 stacks or metals bars (yep, smelt them for mining experience before selling them ... if you are "grey" on smelting copper (ie no mining XP form it), sell the stacks of raw ore) and if you are working in an area of humanoids 1-2 stacks of linen cloth. Dont waste your linen on bandages (FirstAid) .. at least not yet. Dont waste bag storage space on grey usable items, ruined pelts, broken teeth etc. unless you are filling up an inventory for the run home. Keep green items for Auction House sale if your toon (or an alt) doesnt need them. Always set auctions for 24 hours and put a buyout price about 4-6x the value to an NPC vendor (again check the Auction House current prices so you dont over or under value your items) ... the buyout price allows impatient bidders a way of getting their items quickly - and your money faster. Mail your major items to your mule for Auction House Placement, dump the rest of the garbage ontot he NPC vendor. Each stack will sell at Auction House for 5-10s per stack easily and up to 20s per stack if the demand is right, low level "green" items 5-10s each. My first (and still main) toon never got anywhere near this cash return so early (mage, miner engineer) ... my current level 10 gatherer is getting 1g per 2 hours of game time (mixing it up with questing and general fun) .... a concentrated effort should nett close to 1g per hour - a huge return for a low level character me thinks. Dont choose your crafting profession too early ... you can always drop one of your gathering professions for a crafting profession once your cash flow is good. Buying unneeded items early eats money. Buying unneeded skills early eats money. Enchanting eats money ! Engineering eats money ! Leatherworking, Blacksmithing and Tailoring can feed an enchanter, make reasonably good money from auctioned items later. Alchemy can be fun and provide a good range of buff and regen. potions for your own use, then sell once you get to craft the higher demand potions. Be sure to bookmark this page and check out the other guides to make HUGE amounts of gold in this game.
  8. The Darkmoon Fair is just another fun thing to do in World of Warcraft. Mostly just fun and games but is there anything profitable that can come from it? This guide covers not only what the Darkmoon Fair itself is but also some profitable items that can come in handy for you! The darkmoon fair comes to Mulgore or Elwyn forest once a month. There are no guards so it is possible to attend the other factions fair. THe muglore 1 is south west of Thunder Bluff while the Elwyn forest fair is next to Goldshire. The fair comes with many fun and exciting options. You can exchange items for tickets which you can buy thigns with. You can use a massive cannon which fires you into the air a long way. You can buy extremely potent ale very cheaply. And last but not least you can give in Decks of cards scattered across Azeroth, to combine into an epic trinket. The Epic Neck: A good gear could mean Victory or Death when you fight someone or something (PvP, PvE, Grind, Instances). For a “little” favor or whit a little work you can have an Epic Trinket! The “Male” classes could profit mostly (DD Warrior, DD Paladin, Rogues or Hunters too) from the First one: Amulet of the Darkmoon: +10 Strength +19 Agility +10 Stamina The second is Caster based (Maga, Priest, Paladins…) Orb of the Darkmoon: +11 Stamina +8 Spirit Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 22. I counted a little, and it comet out, That it can be “gathered” from 1 Gold 20 Silver – To ~190 Gold PLUS "How To" When Darkmoon Fiery event is active, you can complete Q-ts to obtain tickets. And that is what we need. The Q-ts are repeatable, and that’s our luck! The “cheapest” Q-t items what you can give down till you have the 1200 ticket is Thorium Widget! Is an Engineering “component”. 1200 tickets = Epic Neck (one from above) The Q-ts are Profession based, but this can be tricked out! You will need a “Schematic: Thorium Widget” (Limited supply: 1G 20S by Vendors, 3G-10G+ at AH) If he knows it, even better for us First: You need to find someone who has Engineering around lvl 260 (needed to create Thorium Widget-s) and tell him that you “pay” his Engineering skill to 300 if he helps you. Now the numbers and the Countings By the turn ins, you could count so: 6 Thorium Widget = 20 Darkmoon Fiery Ticket 1200 Ticket needed -> 1200:20 = 60 (turn ins total) 60*6 = 360 Thorium Widgets needed Take 3 Thorium Bars + 1 Runecloth to create a Widget So we need: 3 Thorium Bars * 360 Widgets = 1080 Thorium Bars (54 Stack) 1 Runecloth * 360 Widgets = 360 Runecloth (18 Stack) You can farm Runecloths at “Trys Hand” from humanoids, or from Stratholme, Solomance, etc. Or You can by everything from AH 1 Gold - 2 Gold / stack (at 1,5 gold -> 18stack*1,5= 27 Gold) 162 Gold +27 Gold 1,2 Gold -------- 190,2 Gold The Engineer makes the Widget (He levels up to 300 by the first 60-70), You turn in the Widgets, get the tickets and then “buy” your Neck. Everyone is Happy (I choused this one) OR The other way: You can turn in: Rugged Armor Kit 5 Rugged leather per Kit -> 8 Rugged Kit per turn in -> 40 Rugged Leather per turn in 1200 tickets - 60 turn ins => 40 * 60 = 2400 Rugged Leather needed to this. 480 Rugged Armor Kit needed in the end You can farm it in Felwood, or in Winterspring (Guides to this you will find here somewhere ) Or Buy the Rugged leather in AH 1G-3G / stack (120 stack needed=> 120G-360G AND you need someone who can make it) Or Buy the Rugged Armor Kits in AH 0,7G-2G+ (you will need 480! -> 336G-960G+ -> And when you BO all the Armor kit the price will go UP) Ok here goes the one with dense stone: SO you need 1200 tickets which = 60 x 20 hand ins AS the hand ins for Dense Stone are Grinding Stone you need 8 grinding stone for each hand in. Each Dense Grinding Stone requires 4 Dense Stone. Therefore = 4x8 for each hand in which equals 32 stone for 20 tickets So overall it equals for needed stone 60 x 32 This equals to 1920 Dense Stone On my server Dense Stone is 2g but I’m sure it was a lot less when i bought all mine around 1g to 1g 50s. But I didn’t buy from AH as that is more expensive. But I’m using AH price which is around 2g. So to find out the price you do 1920 divided by 20 then x 2 This equals to 192g. But this is AH price and I bought it from people who had a large supply and couldn’t sell them. SO try to find people who have a large amount of it as then you may get it for a cheaper price. Also try to be nice to people as that helps. Also another good way to do this is to farm thorium and mithril as these nodes drop this stone. ALso you can use the thorium for the above ones or sell it to buy more. BUt price variues on each server and i would advice trying to buy for around 1g 50s to 1g 80s. This makes the price around 175g. Notes: - The Tickets are Soulbound when you get them, so turn it in only whit your main Char. The widgets and the Armor kits are free to trade / mail. - When you turn in the tickets by every turn, you gain +100 Repu, so at the end you will gain 5400 Reputation! (Whit the Widget Turn ins, but I don’t know the Rugged armor patches Repu per turnin) - You will need a “store” character for all that stuff, if you don’t have one or to already, but his Bank must be Empty. - CT or other “Mass Mail” mods are strongly recommended, to these massive item movements. To the next part which is on the cards The Card Decks: Across the world, there are scared decks of cards. When given in these each give an epic trinket in return. THis is the stats of them: There are four sets of card decks which can be turned in for trinket rewards. To collect a set you must find all eight cards for the deck. The aces are dropped only by certain elite bosses, and the remaining cards are blue (rare) drops off of Level 45-60 Undead and Humanoid mobs. * Darkmoon Card: Heroism Equip: Sometimes heals bearer of 120 to 180 damage when attacking an enemy. o Ace of Warlords - King Gordok (Dire Maul) o 2-8 of Warlords - Lvl 45-60 Undead & Humanoids * Darkmoon Card: Maelstrom Equip: Chance to strike your melee target with lightning for 200 to 300 Nature damage. o Ace of Elementals - Hydrospawn, Lord Incendius, The Windreaver, Avalanchion (elite elementals) o 2-8 of Elementals - Lvl 45-60 Undead & Humanoids * Darkmoon Card: Twisting Nether Equip: Gives the wearer a 10% chance of being able to resurrect with 20 health and mana. o Ace of Portals - Darkmaster Gandling (Scholomance) o 2-8 of Portals - Lvl 45-60 Undead & Humanoids * Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon Equip: 2% chance on successful spellcast to allow 100% of your Mana regeneration to continue while casting for 15 sec. o Ace of Beasts - The Beast (Upper Blackrock Spire) o 2-8 of Beasts - Lvl 45-60 Undead & Humanoids As you can see these cards can drop of many different types of mobs. It is just the aces which are hard to find. How ever the ace of elementals can be farmed by any level 60, its better with 2 as you can easily avoid the mobs. I did it as hunter with druid but i didnt even use feign death once. Each of these trinekts is extremely good and i am currently trying to find the caster ones. Unluckily they are also the rarest of them all so im finding it hard. Tank Games: This is the bit i like, cos im a child inside.... Ok what it is, is a little control which youc an use which then creates a tank. In SW 4 of them can fight at once not sure in mulgore. THey can only attack each other and its very fun. They are basically little toy cars which you control. Each have a rocket and a speed boost but they also have special abilities. Some have motars and others flame throwers and shields. Overall its a very nice little feature which i rather enjoy. Make a competion with your guild who ever wins gets a few gold or something. Big Cannon THis is situated to the east in Elywn forest and im not sure in the Mulgore one. How ever what each of them is send you flying with attached wings. Each shot makes you go the same way, each one over a pool of water with a target. You are meant to get in this by getting rid of your wings. You do this by right clicking them. See its not all for the high levels. In mulgore if you do not do this you will die when you hit a tent. Not very nice, nice big repair bills for me. In elywn you manage to hit a tree if you dont take them of so no damage which is kinda wierd. Face first into a tree and no damage. hmmmm ^^ Jubling! Basically this is a fat little toad which you can require. You have to be high level to obtain it. All you do is throw 1 Dark Iron Ale mugs, another is needed for later, near Morja and her JubJub will appear. These ales come from BRD but they are tradeable to get a unique pet. They come from the bar area and it normally starts a fight if you steal them. I am not sure if youc an buy them but clear the placee then take is a better idea. How ever, in the end Morja has a question mark over her ehad and talk to her and she will ask for another. Give to to her and she givers you a jubjub egg. This takes a week to hatch and then you can a truely rare and unique pet... THE BEER!!! From the drink salesman comes a very cheap beer. I stack up on his as it is the strongest ingame and also is extremely cheap. I make trips to mulgore just to get this on my ally characters. Well worth the journey in my opinion. Be sure to bookmark this page and check out the other guides to make HUGE amounts of World of Warcraft gold in this game or powerleveling guides.
  9. Nice collection i really needed 1 of those sites :)
  10. Server Reloaded! They are restoring it atm.. be patient! it will be online in no time. this is the new site ...
  11. when i used 1.2 i dint had trojan but i dont think this ones have ...
  12. i wish i could see it ok lol 200 posts to go :S well anyway 10x for post!
  13. Im from BG im 19 years old i play L2 my fav server is lineage 2 UW My hobbys are playin l2 having fun with my GF And hang out with friends... If u wanna ask me for further info add my in your MSN DreaMyBoy88@hotmail.com cya 4 now
  14. cool server, but too many gr speakers .
  15. and please don't call me whit names . You don't even know me!
  16. it works 10x my fr got server now thanks again :)
  17. lol i hope they restored my fav server is UW Nick in game ~DreaM~ i wait you
  18. http://youtube.com/watch?v=L8Tx-brh5JE Jingle Bombs roflmao
  19. DreaM

    Jokes (EN)

    Q:What's your favorite beer? A:An open one! Q: When do you know you had too much? A:I run out
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