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  1. san server den ton gnorizw aplos rotaw an ginete nane pragmatika atoma kai an gnorizi kapios afton ton server meseon amesos meta blepw stin mnimi oti xrisimopi poli ligi pragma pou mou kinise to endiaferon + to error pou lei gia tous players gia afto lew ginete? egw max 10-13 k kozmo exw di kai afto pali exi mesa bot oxi 25k
  2. sos ginete afto edo?? link h einai fail re mages? aftos o meseon ton gnorizi kanenas? 25040 atoma online?? xoris bot?? https://ibb.co/3cVtpPF
  3. mages 8elw na balw se 1 server anti na anigi 2 box na anigi 3-4 pos gnt afto re mages? 8elw na rotisw k mipos 3eri kanenas pos na balw pvp system se hifive aposo nomizo prepi nane kapia arxia an den kn la8os
  4. file 3erw oti ine mia grami ala pia k ti na ala3w dne 3erw :/ an gnorizis k mporis pes m thx pantos
  5. re pedia 8elw se 1 hi5 na balw screen damage p.x de3ia otan skao critical na m to emfanizi p.x me kokina gramata pos ginete? kati prepi na ala3w edo mesa SystemMsg-e an mpori na help kapios
  6. Server is opening today
  7. No Is on!!! Tsek Agen!!
  8. Register is now online. You can create an account and be ready to login tomorrow at 18:00 GMT+2
  9. We have updated the server's website sooner
  10. Lineage Of Heroes - C4 (New Server) _______________________________________________________ Grand Openning 21.03.2016 At 18.00 UTC+02:00 Website will be open to public the last week before opening.(Monday 14/3/16) http://www.lineageofheroes.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LineageOfHeroes Small brief about the server: No custom weapons/armors or skills inside. 1 Custom Island (Island of souls from kamael. We didn't want to mess with the rest towns) We tried to keep it as simple as possible. x30 EXP/SP rates, x160 Adena. Many things are very close to retail. Unchanged drops/shops/skills/quests Gameplay details: __________________ Custom Areas (On the island): - New Main Town (Town Of Heroes) - Farming Zones for adena and seal stones (Solo Areas) - Cave of Heroes Raiding for S grade weapons, Enchant armor scrolls A & S grade (Solo/Party Area) Sub Class and Nobless System: - Do the quest Enchanting: - Safe +3 - Max +25 - Enchant rates are retail Server Features: - PK Guards - Global Gatekeeper (some locations are not included. Such as valakas lair/TOI8-13 etc.) - NPC Buffer (with very low level prophet buffs and few songs and dances) - NPC Buffer in all towns. - 1 Hour buffs (except some 3rd class buffs which are retail. COV/POF etc.) - Class Manager. - Mammons permanantely spawned in Town Of Heroes. - Tattoos give pdef and Cloacks give mdef (not sold in shops) Custom Shops: - Weapon Shop (till A grade with no SA) - Armor Shop (till S grade sealed) - Jewls Shop (till S grade sealed. No boss jewls) - Misc Shop (consumables, pots, ss/bss etc) Olympiad & Heroes - Olympiad is from 20:00 to 02:00 GMT+3 everyday. - olympiad period lasts 1 month. Events: - Custom TVT Event every 2 hours. *NPC will spawn in Town Of Heroes. - Coliseum Arena. Donating: - Server do have donate. The machine won't pay the bills by itself. - Donate is not obligatory - Donators won't have any priviledges over non donators. - Donation rewards are very limited to keep the game balanced and to avoid "super" players. - AIO Buffers [with specific names(e.x. AIOBUFFER_1) with no healing skills and very low stats.They are practicaly only for buffs, nothing more.Can't enter olympiad either.] GM's: - GM's are not interfering with the game in any way. - Occasionally we will give some rewards in TvT events or during holidays. - Active in forums to solve any ingame problems. - There are only two admins in our community(teka,sl1m) that won't ask anything from you.(be alarmed for account thieves) Our server runs on a Dedicated Server with: - AMD Opteron - 16GB DDR3 - 2x250GB SSD - 1Gbit/s Connection Here is a little video about the server: https://youtu.be/j8aTt2qjL1s Hope you like our server. See you in game. teka,sl1m
  11. Hello, I've intalled the kamael bundle in my C4 server but I have some issues. From client side the maps work great. I added in zones.xml Kamael Village with NPoly to make it a peaceful zone and added respawn locations just like the other villages or towns. Here are the custom lines for kamael village I added. (I also added the NPoly locations in navicat) <zone id="16191" type="Town" shape="NPoly" minZ="250" maxZ="2250"> <stat name="name" val="Kamael Village"/> <stat name="townId" val="20"/> <stat name="taxById" val="5"/> <spawn X="-115797" Y="46826" Z="501"/> <spawn X="-115497" Y="45814" Z="501"/> <spawn X="-115705" Y="45011" Z="501"/> <spawn X="-116843" Y="47174" Z="443"/> <spawn X="-117060" Y="46659" Z="367"/> <spawn X="-116750" Y="45955" Z="367"/> <spawn X="-116736" Y="45449" Z="367"/> <spawn X="-117476" Y="45233" Z="367"/> <spawn X="-118043" Y="45016" Z="366"/> <spawn X="-118675" Y="45226" Z="366"/> <spawn X="-119623" Y="44991" Z="367"/> <spawn X="-119561" Y="47419" Z="389"/> <spawn X="-119485" Y="53320" Z="-1167" isChaotic="true"/> <spawn X="17699" Y="170153" Z="-3451" isChaotic="true"/> <spawn X="-120976" Y="51959" Z="-1138" isChaotic="true"/> <spawn X="-119623" Y="55483" Z="-1546" isChaotic="true"/> <spawn X="-122266" Y="43070" Z="857" isChaotic="true"/> <spawn X="-122431" Y="43698" Z="998" isChaotic="true"/> <spawn X="-122849" Y="41810" Z="1016" isChaotic="true"/> <spawn X="-123490" Y="44004" Z="890" isChaotic="true"/> <spawn X="-110812" Y="47694" Z="-994" isChaotic="true"/> <spawn X="-109123" Y="45716" Z="-1468" isChaotic="true"/> <spawn X="-109745" Y="47407" Z="-1221" isChaotic="true"/> </zone> Peaceful zone works just fine but when I am on the Island and I use Scroll of escape etc. server does not understand the custom map and it teleports me to the nearest village which is dark elven village. Can I add it somehow in the server side as a town so that any soe,death or unstuck would teleport me back to the kamael village or is it client side edit? It would also be great if I could make the server read the Village name (in zonename.dat from client) rather than neutral waterways. ^^ I think that those two are connected but I don't know what to edit. My pack is L2JLisvus. Hope for your help. Thanks
  12. δεν είναι μέσα στους κανόνες; :-\
  13. [GR] 3eri kanenas pos mporo na ftia3w parapano skill bar?? se c4?? p.x na exi 2 h 3...... opos edo??? [EN] Could you please me know how I can add more skill bars, in C4? for example to have 2 or 3 skill bars like the image
  14. kalhspera, mhpws mporite na me boi8isete ena themataki? perasa to kamael bundle me tous xartes mesa sto c4 alla den kserw pou na rythmisw ta respawn otan pethainei kapoios h otan kanei soe. exw kanei peace zone thn polh mesa kanonika apo to zones.xml alla enw ruthmisa respawn locations me kai xwris karma auto den paizei... exw to l2jlisvus pack an paizei kapoio rolo. euxaristw ek twn protairwn.
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