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Everything posted by SiRafael

  1. LOL Because you cannot take them normally >.< And you wont.
  2. You may take it for first time or use old subclass.
  3. [Hidden Content]
  4. They are.. not. It's easy to avoid a ban. Dont bug subclasses with 77/78/79/80+ lvl because it may be suspicious, i mean peoples will be asking about char w/o 3rd class quest ;)
  5. If you dont believie me, you've got a lot of time, 2.5H till olympiad ends.. whats more, you can log on Frienz forums, choose few topics and read about this and many other bugs ;) Items dupe bug, crystalization bug, characters with multiskills etc etc
  6. Moderator will decide about limit. Actually, it musnt be shown to everyone.
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwljAfoQ0VQ&rel=1 Sad but true. PS. You ears will bleed after this ;)
  9. Of course I'm prU^
  10. If I had to choose between server where the rates are 10000x and server, where subclasses are stucked - i choose 10000x rate server. Why? Because a lot if things that makes game unbalanced. If you want to keep your server alive, in first month i suggest you to make only C,B,A,S grade thing donatable.. then when you'll get more players on the server, you can add enchanted weapons donatable.. PS. Find good GMs, that now how to do ther job. Cause on Dragon Network server they aint good in what they do..
  11. Also you can get Magic Staff with Bless The Body SA, so while buffing yourself you can get Bless the body buff..
  12. You can make a macro, that you announace in party, clan or ally chat, that there's something interesting on the target. It can be done like that #ASSIST --> %target <-- This one is used by me on siege, clan wars etc
  13. Nice, thanks! Badly, that on server I'm playing atm, CRP are raised, so now it's needed 5000 CRP to buy skill, insted of 500..
  14. Just wanted say hello to all forum members, newbies and pro's :) What I noticed, I'm another people from Poland. Sonn we gonna take control over this forum :)
  15. It's very good, the way it looks is really nice. But one thing that should be considered is to add more game categories.
  16. I felt no diffrence on C2D 3.0...
  17. Firsto of all Lineage 2 ;) Then Call of Duty 4, Unreal Torurnament ]I[, Lock On: Modern Air Combat (I just love to fly over coutries and chase other planes.. <3)
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