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Everything posted by Pk_Lover

  1. [Hidden post: You need you to be a human to this topic.You are a allien] [move](sorry for become a human just do a little hack ;D :o ::) :P)[/move] i spam i spam^2 (at second, sto tetragono)
  2. Pk_Lover


    ok tote na spamaro kai egw :P ~~~~Topic Sticky~~~~
  3. when it ends I will be hte best :D
  4. tha pareis fotia :P (dn ixera ti na valo)
  5. xbox 360 \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ \//\\//\\//\FTW\//\\//\\/ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
  6. xronia polla kai apo emena 8)
  7. i think that (for me at least) the UCOZ is the best for site creation faster and easiers
  8. i dont know and in czech watch it lol it sucks xD
  9. but now who is......
  10. only the best r3sp3ct :D
  11. Pk_Lover


    kapios na kanei lock to topic kai ena ban ston petry
  12. OMG LOL pethana 0a0a0xax00xax0ax0a0xa0xa0xa0xa0xa0xa0 mou aresoun oi elfades noobas einai :P socceror 4 ever!!!!!! :P 1.80 anthropos 15 xronon (me platipodia 47 noumero papoutsi pos exei megalitero??????!!!!) deathsolder noobas liwnei sto l2 exei porothei me tous elf exei vapsei ta mallia tou xantha exei kai prostetiki AYTION :P psilos xontros 0xa0xa0xa0
  13. lol if only blue ray is the problem it will have the same cost with xbox don't FORGET 8 CIRES WTF!!!!! ps3 = PC FOR NASA xbox 360 = a resonable cost good games
  14. pali dn tha sou katsei 8)
  15. rietvield DN paizei l2 (dld noobas) 18 xronon kontos 1.68 kai ligo xonroulis no hard feelings
  16. snoop dog- vregmenos skulos :P
  17. lol it can be!!!!! but for M. Atck you can where IM ST emp arcana robe and dyes for m atck (no casting but m atck)
  18. yes i hate it to much :D also and i watch the lost \\//\/\/\/\/LOST FTW\\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
  19. vent00za 16 xronon xantha malia dn xerei na peizei l2 kai liwnei sto MxC WTF??? me exeis dei pos to xes oti forao galia kai miopias 1.5 vathmo exo (to l2 ftei)
  20. fougaro-tsigaro (ok :D)
  22. i think kouasimodos is blind im the best FTW
  23. Did you forget to put something to search for? WTF?? auto mou evgale sto site tou kouasimodou kai grafo tin lexi mega alla tpt mono to post mou vgazei WTF WTF Last Edit: Today at 12:49:53 PM by kouasimodos Reply #5 on: Today at 12:50:05 PM otan egrafa tin apantisi to ekanes edit thk alla dn thelo bot kana hack paizei?
  24. i think you forget maxcheater :P
  25. exeis kamia foto gia voithia???? na min eisa 15 xronon peripou 1.68 kastana mallia kai na liwneis 25 to 24 sto pc sou se petixa??
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