As the title says. I sell adena on L2 Reborn interlude x1 10€=1kk. Stock: 15kk Trusted seller and only real interested customers. I have no problem using a middle man as long as the fees are paid by the customer.
Discord: smurfsadena#9352
PM me here.
Im selling my smurf gold V with MMR gold 3 for 40€. Skype: eloboostlowprice. Paypal.
If u need more screenshots or more info just PM, post or add me skype. Totaly fair. Im selling all my lol stuff.
Ohh sry photos incoming. Btw the account its platinum 1 50lp at the moment but it will be diamond V when i found a serious customer like all my accounts. Some proofs of my other sold accounts.
Old sold accounts:
Current account to sell