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Everything posted by gionys

  1. omg if that works!! it would be great .. Thanks and again thanks.. i am going to test it.
  2. ah.. L2 Lithiumserver ... o palios omws.
  3. The Main Thing of this server is that DONT HAVE CUSTOMS and this server is for INTERLUDE LOVERS :D so thats why no custom . Here joins who likes the interlude.!
  4. Re file an anoiuxis navigat kai pas quest_global_data_stats an to anoixis exei mia grami poui ine gia to rr pigene stin ora kai alaxe tin nomizo ine se defterolepta!
  5. Loipon ego to ekana instal ola kala anoixa kai server alla exo ena mikro Eos megalo problima... Then douleboun merika apo ta config i ego kano kati lathos se parakalo apanta mou........ Aspoume vaso autoloot raid boses @@ Baso na min ginete na kanis bsoe flaged @@ baso na min mporis na kanis teleport flagged @@! With respect tvnisp :D
  6. blabla blu bla bla blu one more gouxou gouxou . Shut up plz and if u dont want log server just dont bb.. QQ pvp +1 pk karma naab.
  7. Grgrg everyone has to say something bad. I made wrong of posting here server.
  8. Γειά σε όλους τους φίλους. Ο L][Domination είναι έτοιμος και είναι Online οπότε μην χάνεται χρόνο παρα απ'το να κατευάσεται το Patch (system) Και να Logarete. Το Site μας είναι http://l2domination.tk Μην Ξεχνάται να κάνεται vote σε όλλα τα site επείδη έχουμε φάει και ban apo hop zone !! Μερικά χαρακτηριστηκά που ίσως σας φανούν χρήσημα στην επιλογή του Server μας. Ξεκινάς 80 LvL ( υπάρχει περιοχή με gremlin στο custom gatekeeper που πας κατευθείαν lvl 80 ) στην Giran δίπλα απο τον Class Changer. Ο Server δεν έχει ουτε custom armor ούτε custom weapon. Παρά μόνο ένα custom tattoo, custom accesorie και κάτι custom glows απο το system. xp:3000 adena:3000 sp:3000 Ο server είναι φτιαγμένος για τους φανατικούς του Interlude χωρίς τα περιτά custom που χαλάνε το ballance των class και δημιουρούν ένα άσχημο παιχνίδι με νέυρα. Το Safe είναι 7 και το Max 20 ( weap ) 25 ( armor ) Enchante Rate Normal 75 % Blessed 95 % Auto learn skills. Full Working Skills. Working Olympiad. Much Buff Slots !!! Buff Duration 3 hours! Υπάρχουν Custom Farming Zones και custom Raid Boss Drops που θα τα βρείται όλα στο Custom Gatekeeper. Τα Npc που υπάρχουν για το ποιό εύκολο παιχνίδι είναι : Buffer( κανονικός ), Buffer ( Scheme ), Gm Shop ( Full Shop με τιμές σε Adena ), Misc Shop ( Πουλάει το custom tattoo kai custom accesorie επίσης και blessed πάντα σε λόγικες τιμές, Αγωρά με Glittering Medal που τα farmaris πολύ εύκολα στα farming zone ), Custom Warehouse Keeper, Donate Info Npc ( No Donates Yet ), Server Info Npc ( Εκεί μπόρεις να δείς περισότερα σε σχέση με τον Server ), Custom Agumenter ( Lifestone μπορούμε να βρούμαι στα Farming Zones όπως επίσης το λέει και το npc ) και τέλος ενα Custom gatekeeper και ένα Global gatekkeper. Άλλα : PvP color system, Pk color system, Clan leader colored nick, .online, .away, .back, .tvtjoin, .pmoff ( για να το βγάλεις ξαναπατάς .pmoff ), .tradeoff, target name .stat, και άλλα πολλά που τώρα δεν μου έρχονται στο μοιαλό. Το Site όπως γράφω και ποιό πάνω είναι ------> http://l2domination.tk <------ και σας περιμένουμε. Σε περίπτωση που βρείται κάποιο bug pm στο forum ή κάντε pettition ingame. Και το ποιό συμαντικό online gms όλη την ώρα για την εξηπηρέτηση σας. Δεν μπορό να γράπσω άλλα επειδή δεν μου έρχονται. Αν θυμηθώ κάτι θα κάνω update το post. See you ingame. !!! Καλή Διασκέδαση. !!!
  9. Gia na rixoume mia matia
  10. Please Remove this topic Thx. I made new one !
  11. Hi i got l2hardcore server pack and i need to make tittle of clan leaders yellow How i can do that ? some help!
  12. Hi am am the admin of drugedupworld. My server is pretty good but with some bugs ofcourse like all servers. This is not what i want to say. I need some ppl so i can work with them and make server better.. I dont mean the bugs.I mean i need a better hoster for my server because i am from greece and all the time my internet connection dc:/ so i need a little help if anyone need to have server send me email here ggionys@hotmail.com
  13. Ok i Find it guys i am thank you but it dont realy delete everything :/ thats it for this who dont know -- more than ... days SET @dt = 60; DELETE FROM accounts WHERE DATEDIFF( CURRENT_DATE( ) , FROM_UNIXTIME( `lastactive` /1000 ) ) > @dt; DELETE FROM accounts WHERE login NOT IN (SELECT account_name FROM characters); DELETE FROM account_data WHERE account_name NOT IN (SELECT login FROM accounts); DELETE FROM characters WHERE account_name NOT IN (SELECT login FROM accounts); DELETE FROM clan_privs WHERE clan_id NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data); DELETE FROM clan_skills WHERE clan_id NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data); UPDATE characters SET clanid=0,title="",clan_privs=0 where clanid NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data); UPDATE clanhall SET ownerID=0,paidUntil=0 where ownerID NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data); SET @dt = 60; <-- This is how much weeks/days you want to delete inactive accounts.
  14. kai na se rotiso kati filaraki afto gia poses meres xoris na exoun xrisimopiithi ine ego thelo na to kano na einai 2mines pos ? thx anyway..File molis to kano paste :/ the mou mavrisi to Run...ti na kano plsss :P
  15. Come one nowone can help me :/
  16. 2.Ban ip-->if u are just a gm you cant ban ip because u need to have server files.There is one file C:\Server\Loginserver\config\bannedip <--- you open this and after you paste the ip tht u want ban after u close it aand ip is baned.!
  17. Gia sas re filoi exo ena server kai entaxi then ime kai o poio empiros admin. An Kapoios xeri pos mporo na kano clean ta account pou then exoun xrisimopiithi gia 3s mines kapoios na mou pi. Logika then nomiso na to kanis me to xeri :P gt ine pola tspa an kapios xeri iparxi kapoio programa ? pos akribos ginete kai an then iparxi programa pite mou xeirokinita. Exo MySQL 5.0 Server kai Navicat to poio kainourio.. Perimeno apantisi asap gt exo gemisi apo account pano apo 9.000 :/ -- more than ... days SET @dt = 60; DELETE FROM accounts WHERE DATEDIFF( CURRENT_DATE( ) , FROM_UNIXTIME( `lastactive` /1000 ) ) > @dt; DELETE FROM accounts WHERE login NOT IN (SELECT account_name FROM characters); DELETE FROM account_data WHERE account_name NOT IN (SELECT login FROM accounts); DELETE FROM characters WHERE account_name NOT IN (SELECT login FROM accounts); DELETE FROM character_friends WHERE char_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_hennas WHERE char_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_macroses WHERE char_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_quests WHERE char_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_recipebook WHERE char_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_shortcuts WHERE char_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_skills WHERE char_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM character_skills_save WHERE char_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM clan_data WHERE leader_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM clan_privs WHERE clan_id NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data); DELETE FROM clan_skills WHERE clan_id NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data); DELETE FROM pets WHERE item_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT object_id FROM items WHERE owner_id IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters)); DELETE FROM items WHERE owner_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters) AND owner_id NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data); DELETE FROM seven_signs WHERE char_obj_id NOT IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters); DELETE FROM augmentations WHERE item_id NOT IN (SELECT item_id FROM items); UPDATE characters SET clanid=0,title="",clan_privs=0 where clanid NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data); UPDATE clanhall SET ownerID=0,paidUntil=0 where ownerID NOT IN (SELECT clan_id FROM clan_data); Brika Afto alla then xero pos akribos doulebi :/
  18. eh ok i ill post again
  19. eh i got this buffer like a admin i can make buffs if i am a normal player i press to buff and nothing happening what i make false?
  20. MASTROPOS tous to eklises :P then nomiso na iparni kanena allo lol
  21. Ok All this sis very good i am thank you i compiled easy.i use eclipce faster and easier. But pls someone can say me where u fint them svn of l2 packs like this one svn://l2jfree.com/repo/l2j-free/trunk this http://svn.assembla.com/svn/l2jarchid and this http://tools.assembla.com/svn/L2Emuproject where i can find more ?
  22. Hi i want someone help me with this. I have some scripts of Online players,Server status,acc creation,hero,olympiad points, etc etc from here. [sHARE] Hero, Olympiad Points, etc Status Scripts for L2J ! and [share]PHP Status/Acc creation/Online players Scripts For your Site!!! These are some scripts that i founded searching in maxcheaters forum. But i am still searching for a guide about how i can use them,how i can connect with database and all this. i need to have compiled server? what i need if someone can help me. Or if there is any guide i am sry but i searched. i didnt find anything.i press all possible key words. Thx
  23. It work at gms and admins but it dont work for normal players it open is saws Buffs,dances all this but when they press on it it close the window and nothing after! COME ON PLS ANSWER ME (edit)
  24. I make my own buffer i check ass gm now i open server and the buffer dont work for normal players only for gms why? can someone help me pls Fast :/ i am wihout buffer pls help me!
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