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Posts posted by Sybar

  1. The dramatic drop in lineage 2 popularity and population in NA/EU regions has concerned me whether I should start another project


    What are your thoughts and opinions on this matter?


    I guess it all depends on how serious you would like to approach the subject. What are you capabilities, budget, aims and fecking how thick your skin is - and it usually has to be quite thick to deal with the spoiled community.


    Would you aim for a high population or rather smaller community? Your question just seams rather vague.


    Besides, if you're after the money then you'll probably have hard time; if for the fun and pleasure of running a server then it's totally your choice.


    There's still quite a lot of small projects going strong because they like having their own piece of L2. The online counter is not always an indication of how good the server is or how well it's doing.

  2. I freaking like how much time and effort L2Equanimity puts into his replies and overall community management. This speaks a lot about the quality of the server itself. High rate is not down my alley anymore but I also like the fact that this server is always mentioned somewhere.


    Sadly most players won't be able to wrap their heads around the fact that a private L2 server could be running for years without wipe. I wonder why would they expect wipes if that's not an industry standard for any mmo, why private servers would have to embrace wipe culture?


    Stay the course and keep up that good work your doing!



  3. Just by accident I found this thread on MXC




    I think it's obvious why it was closed. It actually fits quite nicely to this discussion.


    This whole L2 private server thing just falls under the free market rules. It regulates itself and allows people to chose what service they want to invest their time and money in. There will always be crap and unfair competition. Imposing artificial restrictions is just pointless and unhealthy.


    My biggest problem is that bad servers aimed at quick $ are spoiling chances for solid (even very small) servers to shine through. Nowadays almost every server announcement gets auto-flame responses right of the bat for some crappy reasons.


    I blame bad, money grabbing admins, but no more than entitled and spoiled players that act tough from the safety of their bedroom. It's easier to point out the bad than focus on positives after all. We live in "the glass is half empty" world looks like it.

  4. Its not (only) about "2 weeks full items", just about you, the players. Why the heck you change servers every few days if you know that the same will happen on next server. Make your gear and pew pew - thats all you want do, as fast as possible. So no, its not server fault, just your.

    I agree.


    Unfortunately most players have lemming mentality and will mindlessly follow the trends. It's like some people just must cry, complain and rage quit just to do it again and again...


    I've got nothing against donations. It's personal choice to buy or not to buy. No one is forcing anyone to spend money. If a server is p2w then those who don't like it shouldn't move on.


    In my spare time I'm working on a low rate x1 H5 and know that most people will think I'm crazy. For me it's about having fun, crating something and building community (even a small one). I know a few servers built with the same thing in mind. 


    Unfortunately, and this is the most annoying thing, a bulk of bigger and bad servers often ruins prospects for the underdogs by setting messed up standards. This only causes players look at all server through the prism of the messed up experience they had.


    And it's not only true for Lineage 2, almost all private servers of any game have that problem... which again, boils down to players mentality.

  5. I'm far for being an expert and have no where near as much experience as some guys here but my overall impression of the L2 scene of private servers is oversaturated with servers. Some of them are good, other decent or bad and some are just put up for quick £ 


    This and the fact that most players don't really know what server they want to play on is causing low attention span and jumping from server to server.


    I was always into smaller, vibrant, kinda under-the-radar servers where admins would just do their thing, stay the course and keep going even with very low population if that population was made of cool players.


    After all, the only purpose of starting L2 server would be to do whatever you want with it. There's no right way to operate a server; maybe except money grabbing ones which should die! ;)

  6. Hi,


    I would like to modify Relax Skill ID226 to regenerate MP as well as HP. I did the XML part but need to modify handler for that skill


    It turns off when HP is full but I need the same for MP. So stop the effect when MP and HP is full


    Furthermore, I would like that skill to work out-of-combat only. I can't find a condition for XML side so I guess it must be done inside the handler itself.


    This is for L2J High Five. Thanks

     * Copyright (C) 2004-2013 L2J DataPack
     * This file is part of L2J DataPack.
     * L2J DataPack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     * (at your option) any later version.
     * L2J DataPack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     * General Public License for more details.
     * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    package handlers.effecthandlers;
    import l2r.gameserver.enums.CtrlIntention;
    import l2r.gameserver.model.effects.EffectFlag;
    import l2r.gameserver.model.effects.EffectTemplate;
    import l2r.gameserver.model.effects.L2Effect;
    import l2r.gameserver.model.effects.L2EffectType;
    import l2r.gameserver.model.stats.Env;
    import l2r.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId;
    public class Relax extends L2Effect
    	public Relax(Env env, EffectTemplate template)
    		super(env, template);
    	public L2EffectType getEffectType()
    		return L2EffectType.RELAXING;
    	public boolean onStart()
    		if (getEffected().isPlayer())
    		return super.onStart();
    	public boolean onActionTime()
    		if (getEffected().isDead())
    			return false;
    		if (getEffected().isPlayer())
    			if (!getEffected().getActingPlayer().isSitting())
    				return false;
    		if ((getEffected().getCurrentHp() + 1) > getEffected().getMaxRecoverableHp())
    			if (getSkill().isToggle())
    				return false;
    		double manaDam = calc();
    		if (manaDam > getEffected().getCurrentMp())
    			if (getSkill().isToggle())
    				return false;
    		return true;
    	public int getEffectFlags()
    		return EffectFlag.RELAXING.getMask();
  7. You are wrong Syber, u see I do my own codes.

    And schemes its a unique feature of my sellbuff...

    I just copy the style from one ru pack I buy time ago. (wolf pack if you don't believe me.)


    And I can sell it to you for 40eur, you already see I already h ave free buff for clan,ally,ip too.


    If you doesn't have interest ok mate, but never say that again. The style tis form l2jru packs, the core inside its by me.


    PS: You can download shared ones, from Liona or Synerge, or buy a l2jru and adapt it. And in the three cases, any of them have all your requests.

    The bottom line is that two guys claim to have coded exactly the same thing. From my point of view either you're lying, or the other guy is is. In the matter of fact both of you could be full of poo.


    Simply because none of you can prove to be the original coder I'm not buying from either of you. And still, €40 for sell buff? Sorry, but that's ridiculous.


    Thanks for the effort but I'll pass.

  8. I must admit, and you can consider it advice, your bullet points are super generic and not very informative. As DEV|Supreme pointed out, you must make your presentation a lot more valid. Post some links to screenshots, put in details of what's working and what's not, do you offer support, how ofteen do you update the project/files, can you name just one server running your files? etc...


    Good luck

  9. Yup, that's what I do. Without your interface.u patch the game would stuck on the loading screen. With the patch I can go through the initial character selection but then the game crashes when entering the world. An effect is that error I posted.


    I'm downloading a different L2: H5 client; perhaps mine is bugged or something. 


    Cheers :)

  10. Thanks :)


    Unfortunately my client crashes after selecting a char.

    General protection fault!
    History: UObject::ProcessEvent <- (PremiumItemBtnWnd Transient.PremiumItemBtnWnd, Function Interface.PremiumItemBtnWnd.OnLoad) <- NCFrameWnd::OnXMLLoad <- XMLDataManager::DispatchLOADMSGInWindowMap <- XMLDataManager::CreateWindowsOnCondition <- XMLUIManager::CreateWindowByName <- NCWnd::OnLoad <- XMLDataManager::DispatchLOADMSGInWindowMap <- XMLDataManager::CreateWindowsOnCondition <- XMLUIManager::CreateWindowsInState <- UIGameState::ShowUI <- UIGameState::OnEnter <- UIGamingState::OnEnter <- UIGameStateManager::SetState <- NConsoleWnd::AcceptGameStart <- L2Seamless <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
  11. btw i think your updater has a problem, it doesnt even show me the update or play button.

    I can use it without any issues on 2 different computers and none of the other players has reported a similar problem. Try downloading it again just in case the file got corrupted.


    I'll upload a second updater this afternoon just so players have an alternative. Cheers :)

  12. without advertising low rate servers are empty 

    I agree that advertising campaign would be nice but I don't have budget to do that on a large scale. I'm sure that Dwarven community itself will attract new players. A few beta testers got really into the server and want to bring their friends. Plus I encourage people to advertise and earn rewards in the process. 


    This is a small but vibrant and solid project, those who like it will stay and play. I won't even pretend that I want to compete against 'the big dogs' or inflate population with fake online.


    Besides, It may be x1 but it's High Five and players also get loads of various bonuses to XP and SP from many sources. 

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