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Everything posted by Floid

  1. Thank you too.
  2. Hello, im again selling adena on dex 25x server. Price is 0.80USD for 1KK Paypal only. For more info pm me here on forum/add me on skype: ClassicSale (with dragon picture - requiere PM here on forum so you can be sure it is me) or use my real skype. Also see my other topics.
  3. Hello my fellow botters, i have 1 used adrenaline key for sale for 3,5$ SOLD LBOTEN key (EU one) to 28.8.2016 - license type B. (Unlimited l2 clients) for free servers with smart-guart protection. Reason: i'm going to play No Man's Sky so i will don't need this key anymore. :D (you can join me!!!) Paypal only. For more info pm me here on forum/add me on skype: ClassicSale (with dragon picture - requiere PM here on forum so you can be sure it is me) or use my real skype. Also see my other topics.
  4. * new items for sale added
  5. Hello again, im selling adena on dex server. 1KKK = 1,8usd - best price so far (may apply discounts on bigger amounts) also wts: noble leather vesper set +0/4lvl atrb and octo claw +300 earth Using only PayPal. Add me on my real skype or classicsale or pm me here on maxcheaters. Also see my signature... trusted seller (can send transactions etc.)
  6. Trusted seller. Thanks again.
  7. Shouldnt be... they reopened it few weeks ago. paid adr is working there.. enjoy
  8. Or try sanboxie... but VB is sure thing.
  9. Nobody wants earn some money? O_o
  10. I would buy script for plains of lizardman quest (adrenaline) (crystal one). For more info add me on skype or send me pm here. skype: classicsale Please do not even try to write me if you are someone like KRN / ivanus... i will not wait for 1 script whole month.
  11. for more info add me on skype: classicsale
  12. Floid


    I still laugh at their 25x exp rate.... man it is like 5x or smth xDD it is faster to exp on l2saga 10x than on dex 25x
  13. Floid


    So do they still use lame guard as bot protection? Saw many bots in game... adrenaline is stronk there. :D
  14. Use google to download it from other site lol... this bot is old one.
  15. hah insane... like i wrote in topic... if someone find better price ill go under that price so :ooo
  16. I am selling adena as well. 31KK stock atm... will sell for lower price then this guy ... sry :D http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/203821-l2classicclub-x3-charitemsadena/
  17. Hello guys, I have one character at classic club which i would like to sell. Swordsinger - 61 lvl i would like to sell his items as well: Avadon Heavy set - 13KK or euro SOLD Adamantite Jewel set - 1,2-2,0KK or euro SOLD Crystal Dagger - 9KK or euro SOLD Eminence Bow - 19KK or euro SOLD Brigandine helmet - 1KK or euro SOLD Adena - 0,75$ for 1KK (lower than rpghit - tell me if you find lower price than mine and i sell it lower) SOLD Adena - 0,48$ for 1KK best price so far OUT of STOCK today For more info pm me here on forum/add me on skype: ClassicSale (with dragon picture - requiere PM here on forum so you can be sure it is me) or use my real skype. Paypal only.
  18. huhuahauha google is your best friend man ;)
  19. Hello lads. Does anybody know what exactly blocks sending simulated keystrokes to the active L2 window? Server l2woa - using autoit... few tries w/o succes.
  20. Ohaio space commanders! Do you want to start playing Eve Online or are you just curious and want try it for free [:?:] Use my buddy invite below and get 30 day trial account. + help at the start (explain mechanics, what to do and more) + I will give you 95% of the price of the PLEX in ISK ( current market value - aprox 900 millions) after your account upgrade. + 5 millions as a start help + ISK making guide so you won't pay real money for subscription + answer on any question about game Click here for buddy program invite link. Please make sure you send an ingame EMAIL to my character, 'Floid Moonwalker' and inform me that you used my buddy list invite to make a new account. Also, when you upgrade, message me again with the time and date when you created and upgraded your account so i can make sure you get the amount of isk that you are due. Or you can contact me on my email josefkral13@gmail.com . If you have any other idea, offer or question... just mail me and we can make a deal. :) Fly free! Have fun!
  21. It is because you are from spain... same for brasilian. Monkey Error :D
  22. Lol it's Joda language. :D :D :D
  23. :D :D :D "protect got update" sure... maybe in another universe
  24. Hm did someone got "smart guard error code 60" message on l2 redemption? seems like some antibot feature
  25. i though you want to bot on l2redemption
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