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About rafyvitto

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    United States

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  1. Opening Event; Run Dwarf Run!! Something is happening in aden , a curse from shilen is affecting some dwarfs and they just want to run?! naked?! This event will consist of making a lvl 1 dwarf with 0 armor just a no grade blunt!( gm's will make sure you have no armor equiped) , you will have to run from dwarfen village to scuttgard, be carefull it wont be that easy! Only one character per Account/IP Prices are as follows: 1st Place: +8 Olaf Shirt 2nd Place: +7 Olafs Shirt 3rd Place +6 Olafs Shirt Everyone who participated and dint win 1st,2nd or 3rd will get: Plain Olafs Shirt 8 Olafs enchant Scrolls Rules: No pvp is allowed, no buffs/pots are allowed, no mounts are allowed, if a mob kills you out of the rase, no reward will be given if you did not participate. Late Night Event: PVP Arena Carnage; The lords of Aden have announce a battle arena to the death!! Maximum Level for the arena is lvl 76: Only one character per Account/IP The gear that you've managed to obtain by this time, will be the one you use, you will use buff provided by our staff, no scheme or alt+B buffs will be allowed, it will consist of the following rules: Teams will be divided in 4vs4( this might change depending on number of participants), our staff will choose the teams. Rounds will be based on eliminations, which means if you teams looses one round your whole team is out of the event. For a total of 5 rounds, the team that wins on the 5th and final round will be rewarded with the following: For all 4 memebers: Choose between 5 difrent Halloween mask with 4h time limit, one per team member, they all give the following skill: Blessing of Halloween: For 1 hour, increases Max HP by 40%, Max MP by 40%, and Casting Spd. by 20%. Decreases MP consumption for skill use by 5%. Increases Resistance to Dark by 20. Reuse delay is 2 hours. Everyone that participates but does not win, gets to choose a hat form our vote shop.
  2. Here is a systemmsg-e.dat that will work for ya, be adviced it has some things changed for my server. https://www.mediafire.com/file/riz8sjtzth9d21l/systemmsg-e.dat/file
  3. Hello everyone, hope everything is alright with ya'll =] Just passing by to promote my server, i am it to be a down to earth chill server, a place to go and have some fun with your buddys, it has the following rates and features: Rates: Exp: x10 Drop: x8 Adena: x8 Spoil: x8 SP: x10 Spoil: x8 Quest: x7 Features: Safe Enchant +4 Max Enchant +15 Improved Ranking and Olympiad system. Drop Search and "Go to" Database. Party Finder. Premium Accounts for Accounts & Clans. Daily Automatic Events. Achievement System. GM Shop up to A-Grade. Buffer with buffs up to 2 hours. Global GK in ALT+B . ALT+B Community Board. PC Bang Points System. Hourly Quiz Event, Price for correct answer 1 GCM. Goblet Coin Shop Server will be in beta stage till feb 28. Website:
  4. Server shutdown 2 days ago, admin now wants to open a l2j server...
  5. Well you can ether join a buggy l2j server(they all are) or a l2off server with 2k plus people(l2tales) thats has retarded OP donations OR you can join l2euro with non OP donations, and 100% stable 24/7 online server.
  6. Join us you will see the difrence, soo stable and bug free!!
  7. Its now 15x, its the most stable l2off server, its retail like, no mana potions so balanced pvp, non over powering donations, oly;s are feeded but oh well, alt+b community buffs one our, if you want cat,dwarf,warcry,CC you need to make buffers, so you see its baalnced overall server, ive been there 9 months and still loving it!
  8. Nvm guys i managed to fix my issue.
  9. Hey guys im having an issue with my buffs icons...there all with the same icon of the last buff i give my self...
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