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About Xusse

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    United States

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  1. Bought the LXB, fast delivery trustworthy seller. 5starts
  2. Hello all, Server: L2 dex classic x4 Adena stock: 70kk 1kk=1e Items: FP helmet + main +6 Jewels top C set+4 and set +0 Ghoul staff FP set +3 + shield BD, WC, SE, EE, WL, 60+ pm here for more details. Paypal/Venmo/Cashapp
  3. thanks for that, I was planning on playing but u are right, no forums no support. l2europa is opening in 25 min, i will give it a try
  4. alt+b needs to be in english... the donations are all in russian cant figure it out....
  5. ah shinta here lol
  6. forum anywhere? or details about server, clans, etc?
  7. it is not my server but they openned a x3 11 months ago and is still open. I feel like it can have a good future with x5
  8. https://l2ashenvale.com.ar/site/#/ Info Classic 1.5 with updates AntiBot: SGuard anti DDoS. International Proxys Información Rates: XP: x5 SP: x5 Adena: x3 Drop: x2 Party: Classic Bonus Spoil: x2 Raid Boss: x2 Epic Boss: x1 Quest Adena x3 Quest Exp x3 Quest SP x3 Quest Chance x1 Quest Reward x1 Auto PickUP: Off NPC Buffer: Off Auto Learn Skill: Off Buff Time: Retail Trader Offline: free .offline Sistema de recompensa por voto. TvT, DM y Capture The Flag. Bonus 5% XP y SP when buffer in party Buff Store Donations: Premium XP/SP 30% Dual box only by donation No Premium first 10 days
  9. Archers pp and wc 45+ ws 35, spoiler 25 2 akat bows 4 brig set +3 2 gastra bows 3kk+adena pm here
  10. another 100% java server...
  11. Premium status: 50% less XP when you die (it will be -5% insted of -10%) I though 1.5 was 4% when die? this means is not 1.5? Come on now
  12. Ok, that is the answer i was looking for and I am sure that will help the community to look forward to a date instead of saying something and not doing it. Good luck and I am looking forward to the open Beta. P.S: any way to get into the closed beta? Thanks
  13. So, where is the answer? Can you answer one question, are you actually going to release the server en February? it is ok if you say no, it will take 2 more month or 3, warpage took like 8 months after he said he was gonna open it. I just want to know so can plan on playing other staff.
  14. Can you answer one question, are you actually going to release the server en February?
  15. I think rates are fine but the dualboxing is like nobody plays support anymore... sad but it is the true...
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