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Everything posted by Soulstorm

  1. Mmm...i think the last post is kinda like spam :V... Gringo...hablas español, verdad? dice que eres de argentina, bueno si aun no has resuelto ese problema y estas montando tu server con navicat y MySQL solo entra en el navicat y en la database de tu server, ahi entra a account y en la tabla de acces level ponle 100, asi creo que tu cuenta tendra acceso como gm, ademas tambien en la tabla de Character ponle acces level de 100 a todos los chars que quieras que tengan privilegios de administrador. Saludos y espero eso te ayude And if u don't speak english...well, if u are usin navicat and MySQL to setup ur server just go to the database of your server in navicat, then to Account table and change the access level of your account to 100, also change the access level of all your characters to 100 in the characters table. Hope that helps ;D
  2. THANKS! THANKS THANKS!!! ;D now i made it!, with lots of help of course :), now i think ive said im quite new to L2w(this is my first time runing it) but i think i can figure or learn the rest by my own (how to configure combat, etc). Also...may i suggest that maybe it would be quite useful to add the GameGuard error to the faq? i mean, for windows vista users of course, and the procedure to make l2w compatible with windows xp is just the same in vista just right click on the walker.exe, then properties, compatibility and then just check the box for the windows XP (service pack 2) compatibility. Again, many thanks :D
  3. mmm im having the gameguard error...i'll try it again ;P, just 1 question, do i have to had both of the system folders in the same L2 client? For example: My lineage 2 folder is C:\Program Files\Lineage II My bakeice system folder is C:\Program Files\Lineage II\system\ My L2Walker system folder is C:\Program Files\Lineage II\wsystem\ Or do i have to had different L2 folders? For example: My bakeice lineage folder is C:\Program Files\Lineage II My L2walker lineage folder is C:\Program Files\ L2W how can i make walker.exe compatible with windows XP? (yeah i run vista) sorry for my newbieness but ive got no idea of how to do that :S Thanks in advance ;D ... Can someone really please help me T_T? ive tried the guide 7 times now, and i get no results really T_T everytime i try i receive the same error message Im running vista but i have no idea what do you mean when you ppl say "Make walker compatible with Windows XP", please help me, im kinda desperate now T_T
  4. Nice share, now i can really have the weapon of my dreams XD
  5. Thanks for the share ;D
  6. Doesn't work for me :S, when i try to do it i move to the "non-store" zone and press start but i recive a message saying something like "you can't open a private store here"
  7. heheh nice trick XD, thanks for sharing
  8. :O nice info, i have 2 crystals (i've got them from the fllor XD) but i didn't know how to lvl them XD
  9. Nice picture XD
  10. Wow nice colors but i think it's better to have just red and blue...i like blue :P
  11. Nice info. BTW I think that when you are hit by a mob the macro will also stop...
  12. Thanks for the guide...btw how does /findprivatestore works? ive tried it and nothing happened...or at least i didn't noticed any changes in private stores :S
  13. I play a C4 server under Windows vista and i've never experienced any problem...anyways thanks for the info.
  14. +1 for glady ;D they're just so cool
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