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Everything posted by gyuszka

  1. useing it about 3years :D but with +dex -con
  2. this is not a bug it is a werrry werrrrry old scam
  3. it is to old to work
  4. hmmm... to make a subclass same with main o.O
  5. wow it will be wery nice but need 2 dwarf for it :) one the crafter and one who wil walk crafter wh wh crafter :)
  6. hmmm interesting....
  7. ok nice one working fine
  8. nice but i think it is fixed in allmost all servers
  9. used a lot in il best thing for destros raid/farm IT is a MUST for a destro/titan
  10. thhis will be werry usefull but..... :/
  11. after config i'm geting criticals when i start l2 :/
  12. why do not download it from rapidshare?
  13. hope that i will see it.....
  14. lul how manny dmg will hit 9 G wolf on rb....
  15. rly old exploit dont work any more it was from the beginning of c4
  16. it work rly nice tested on 3 top server in one work just +1 acc in the other 2 i'm killing solo raids :D
  17. it work but need to go away till summon disapear from party (IL/HB)
  18. no way that will work
  19. this is a rly old scam used in c4 it is scam not exploit
  20. lul nice script hope that will work fine on my server
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